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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Thinking of you and sending hugs your way. I know what a hard time this is for you. So very sorry.
  2. Kelly...I'm so glad this worked and things are better! Thanks for letting us know!
  3. Kim, this must be so hear for you to deal with. I know that it is very hard for people to give up their driving. In a way, I think they must see it as losing their last real independence. Unfortunately, I think you will have to be the "bad guy" on this issue. If your mother was involved in an accident and harmed either herself or someone else, you would have a hard time forgiving yourself. I really liked the approach thet Deb used with Alan, by saying sn accident could cause them to lose everything if his medical records were examined. Maybe you could try that approach. Or maybe you could just tell her that although you and the children love her company, you can't go out with the unless she allows you to drive. I think this is going to be tough for you but I know you can do it! I'm sending lots of good vibes in your direction!
  4. I feel the same way! When I am asked to buy a pink ribbon or a pink candle or a pink tee shirt or about a million other pink items, I merely answer that I donate my money to lung cancer causes. I then start rambling off statistics about lung cancer and the person ends up looking at me really not knowing what to say. The other day, I asked a lady if her store would be raising money for lung cancer in November? I'm a woman and I realize that we can all be affected by many different types of cancer. I also understand that if I get breast cancer, I will stand a very good chance of surviving because of all the research that has been done. I also know that this research is funded by all of these donations. I just wish someone would give lung cancer the same support and consideration!
  5. I'm not much of a coffee drinker but I do love hot tea and hot chocolate. In the winter I love to drink Snowman Soup. It's yummy! You fill a standard coffee cup with hot water. Add one package of instant hot chocolate mix. Drop in two or three Hersheys kisses. Add marshmallows. Then you stir all of this with a candy cane. The peppermint melts in the hot chocolate. This is so good!
  6. What is your favorite hot beverage to drink out of a cup?
  7. Ann

    Mike Evans

    So very sorry.
  8. Jana, I think that although people care, they don't get the full impact of death and loss until they are personally faced with it. Like Ginny said, many people feel they will open up wounds and hurt us if they talk about our loved ones. People have no idea that we need them to talk. Talking and remembering helps to keep them alive...if only in our hearts and minds. I experienced the same thing and I know how you feel. It's almost like a "here today...gone tomorrow" mentality. One great thing for me about this board, is that I am able to keep Dennis' memory alive by helping others that are now facing what I have already been through. Perhaps you will find the same comfort. Yes...do as Ginny asked and please post a picture of this beautiful baby!!!
  9. Ann

    A sad day

    Oh Peggy...I know how broken hearted you are today. It still hurts so very much when I get rid of anything of anything that belonged to Dennis and he's been gone almost three years now. My youngest son just took his dads boat to his house two weeks ago. I stood in my yard and absolutely bawled. All of the wonderful times that Dennis and I had spent on that boat together seemed to flash before my eyes as Chris was pulling it away. Like the motorcycle, the boat is staying in the family but it's still painful to see these things leave. ((((((((Peggy)))))
  10. Don't get me started on this one! I used to hate that question. We would get asked everytime someone heard that Dennis had lung cancer. Someone on our board said that they merely answer the question "Do you smoke" with "Only when I'm on fire." That has to be the best one yet!!!
  11. Kim....I was so excited to see your name beside the post! I couldn't wait to hear from you! Please post more often and let us know how you are doing. I think of you so often. Thanks so much for posting this article.
  12. I would have to say that my first really big crush was for Paul McCartney! Those eyes used to really get to me! But...I have to say that I can remember thinking that Dean Martin was really sexy...even before I knew what sext really was...lol!
  13. Who was the first television star or musician that you had the hots for?
  14. So very sorry to hear that your grandmother is ill. I agree with others that a second opinion may certainly be in order. Maybe your grandmother has more information that she has shared with her family and has chosen to not seek treatment. If this is the case, you could certainly encourage her to seek a second opinion.
  15. Karen...thanks for posting and allowing us to share this three year mark with you. Like others, I believe Dave was there with you to celebrate three years of having such a beautiful daughter. It is so very good to hear from you and Faith.
  16. Ann

    Prayers needed!

    Prayers have been said. Hope the test results ease worries! Please keep us posted.
  17. Ann


    Troy, I just wanted to day that I am thinking of you and your mom and saying prayers that the doctors will give you some great news regarding her treatment.
  18. Ann

    Mom Update

    Holly, I am so happy to hear that you found a great nurse to help you out and the best part was that you didn't have to really look! I know this will be a big help for your dad. I'm also glad to hear that both mom and baby are doing great!
  19. Lori, I'll just throw in my two cents worth here and also advise to please have her checked out by her doctor or the ER. I'm sure they will be able to control her pain once they determine if she has any injuries from the fall. I'm sending hugs, prayers and good thoughts your way!
  20. I just wanted to check in and see how your mom is and how she fared during the storm? Hope you both are well.
  21. Ann

    Rascall Flatts

    Tears fill my eyes every time I hear this song. I saw a special on television about this song and the young lady that wrote it. She has since passed away but became a real inspiration for Rascall Flatts. All profits from the sales of this song were being donated by the group.
  22. Yes Berisa, this is a wonderful book. I couldn't put the book down after I started reading it. The video is also available for purchase, if any of you would rather watch than read.
  23. I give lots of help, support and hugs.
  24. Ann

    Safely home

    Pat, thank God you made the trip safely and are back with us. I am so sorry that Brian didn't have the strength he needed to really enjoy this special occasion. I know this must have been very hard for you. I know how upsetting the confusion can be. We so want them to be alright but there are times we're just not on the same page. I am saying prayers!
  25. Ann

    J.C. 2000

    Way to go J.C. It's alwayws so wonderful to read your posts! I think I have probably read all 2000 and loved every one!
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