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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    Mom is gone

    Melissa, my heartfelt sympathies. Don
  2. Welcome, Susan, and thanks for the update on Rach. Don
  3. Sounds like you are taking care of yourself. Good for you. Don
  4. In other words, Pat, you're human just like the rest of us. As long as we realize we are human, and try to do better, we are okay. Blessings. Don
  5. Peggy, sounds good so far. Hoping the news will be good, good, good. Don
  6. Seems to me a simple sonogram (ultrasound) ought to tell whether the gall bladder has stones or not. I, my daughter and my younger son have all had ours removed and a sonogram was done to detect the stones. Don
  7. Rats! Hope things get better soon. Don
  8. Don Wood


    Sounds exciting. The two main things my daughter and I enjoyed were Wrigley Field (we are baseball fans) and a boat trip down the river and out into the lake. Have a great time! Don
  9. So sorry, TAnn, that you have had a rough week. I hope things turn around positive soon. Don
  10. Congrats to your mom. Enjoy the trip. Don
  11. Don Wood

    "The Oak Tree"

    I call the roots "faith".
  12. Hang in there, Melanie! We're with you.
  13. 1) Lucie is feeling well enough to reach out to more people, and she is using the walker less. 2) We had lunch today with a delightful couple we have been trying to schedule with. 3) My blood pressure is improving. 4) We have had some rain after such a long dry spell. 5) Our granddaughter told us she loved us.
  14. Vent away! You needed that. As for "I'll never have chemo", those kind of declarations are made without experience or knowledge or having to really face the decision. I always said I would never let a surgeon cut me open. When I had my heart attack 7 1/2 years ago and was faced with bypass surgery or death, I opted for the surgery. I have never regretted it. Never say never. Don
  15. He needs to eat. We found that snacks every 2-3 hours works better than three squares. It also keeps down the nausea. We went with Ensure, Breeze, Frosties, Smoothies (you can make your own in the blender), ice cream, etc. The normal chemo side effects usually show up after several days from the IV. Good luck. Don
  16. Mark, glad to hear the good news.
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