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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    Nothing to Tell!

    Nothing to tell is great news! Lucie and I went to the onc today. The CT scans of chest and abdomen show nothing new, nothing growing! Stable as she goes! The x-ray of her leg shows nothing new,just the cancer place in the bone. So the continued pain there is most probably due to radiation damage. It IS getting better, though slowly. Time to open the bar, guys! First round is on me. Don
  2. Be sure he eats on a regular basis. Actually, a small snack or meal every two hours may work better than the normal large three meals a day. Also, if he is able, to exercise some, even if it is just to take a short walk. Don
  3. Carole, I am so sorry for your loss. My sincerest sympathies. Don
  4. Nancy, so glad Mike is home. Hope some normalcy will return to you all. Don
  5. Welcome, Cathy! Hang in there with us, and keep us posted on your dad. Don
  6. Welcome! Glad you are here. Sounds like a good prognosis. Glad you are going to take the chemo because there could be cancer cells that cannot be seen. Keep us posted. Don
  7. Welcome! Yep, cancer is a family disease. When one gets it, all the family hurts. Glad you are here. Let us know how we may support you, and keep the updates coming. Don
  8. Dean, glad to see your post and the update. Happy you are enjoying those birds! Take care, good buddy. Don
  9. Don Wood


    Welcome, Troy. Glad you posted. Sorry about your mom. I often say, "Don't borrow trouble -- there is plenty of it that is real." Wait to see what the PET shows first. None of the scans (PET, CT, MRI, x-ray) are perfect or infallible, so sometimes the tumor just isn't seen until it get larger. Unfortunately, missing a tumor is not uncommon. That is why, if there are any symptoms, one should continue to push for various scans. Hang in there, buddy. We are here for you. Don
  10. Whenever there is continuous pain in an area, it should be scanned for possible tumor. Your brother should always tell the onc when this occurs by calling in -- don't wait for the next appointment unless it is in the next few days. Lucie always tells her onc about continuous pain when it occurs -- he does scans and we go from there. This has saved her several times from cancer spread. Prayers you have. Don
  11. Hi, Naomi, and welcome. Sorry about your mom. There are many cases of survival here, including my wife, who was diagnosed Stage IV 2 years and 8 months ago. You seem to be doing what you need to do for your mom, but you also need to take care of you. This means having your own support system, whatever that may be. And, of course, you have this website for support. Hang in there. Let us know specifically what you want to know and what you need for support. Good luck. Don
  12. Rats! Beth, so sorry the saga continues. Hope things turn around for the best real soon. Don
  13. Don Wood


    Prayers your way.
  14. Welcome, Neil. Sorry so much is happening to you and family at once. Hang in there. We are here for you. Don
  15. What a milestone, you two! Lucie is not far behind -- 2 years in 4 months. They are definitely to be celebrated. Still here, guys. Don
  16. So sorry about this turn of events for your dad. Lucie got bilateral pneumonia almost 2 years ago and came through fine. Hang in there. Don
  17. What beautiful pictures! I felt like I made the journey with you two! Thanks for sharing some beautiful moments. I especially enjoyed the pictures of you two, and especially the one where you look like you are dancing and having a good time. Glad you two had a good vacation. Don
  18. Welcome back, Ken! Glad to hear your chemo is completed finally. Don
  19. Don Wood


    Go, Bev! Great news!
  20. I am saddened by the developments. My prayers are with you all. Don
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