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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Keep trying to get food down, Cheryl, especially liquids. You don't want to get dehydrated. Best to you and Jack. Don
  2. There are studies, and I believe it is true, that stress lowers the immune system and makes us more vulnerable to disease. I don't think it directly causes cancer. Who in our society is not stressed these days? Take care and keep us posted. Don
  3. I'm glad you moved the wedding to ensure your dad being there. Good move. I wish you and your future hubby all the best. Don
  4. Welcome, Pamm. Glad you posted. Have no advice, except hang in there. Don
  5. Bill, my wife had a tumor on her left hip originally. It was causing much pain, and also had caused a fracture in the hip. She was given radiation on the area, in addition to chemo, to relieve the pain and stop further bone fracture. It worked for her. Don
  6. Thanks for the update, Cheryl. I will pass the news on to Lucie. Hang in there. Don
  7. Hi, Stephanie! Good to see your pic and your news. Don
  8. Welcome, Nicky! The amount of chemo depends on what it is. We normally see 6 to 8 treatments, so 4 seems low. There is always hope. Just look around the board here. Don
  9. Chuckle! Chuckle! Cackle! Snort!
  10. Don Wood

    Living Wills

    Yes, your spouse or designated person, if you have a medical power of attorney (something I recommend as well as the living will), can override the living will, if the patient cannot do it themselves. That is essentially what we did and will do in the future. Glad this info was of help to you all. Don
  11. Happy birthday, dear Di, happy birthday to you!
  12. We try to stay in the present and not play "What if", taking each day at a time. We do set goals for ourselves and work towards them -- realistic goals, that maybe stretch us a little. We have a support community in our faith group. We both have friends we can talk to when we need. As caregiver, I try to keep myself healthy so I can help Lucie. We take breaks from cancer by doing some fun things -- dinner out either just the two of us or with special friends; watch movies; go get an ice cream; take a short trip, etc. We both have monthly support groups we go to, to help and to receive help. Lucie likes sewing so she creates quilts and table runners. We get together as family at THEIR places. We meditate and pray routinely. Those are some of the things we do. Don
  13. Hi and welcome! As has been said, they usually don't operate on Stage IV because the cancer has already escaped to other areas of the body.(e.g., bones) Most doctors don't believe in putting someone through major surgery, with all the risks, if the cancer has already escaped. The primary reason for surgery is to "get all the cancer" and you can't get all the cancer if it has left the lung. Usually, chemo and radiation are the choices for Stage IV. Keep us posted on your progress. Don
  14. Don Wood

    Living Wills

    I don't remember if I have every posted this info. When Lucie was in the hospital for pneumonia over a year ago, we learned a real important lesson about living wills. Lucie and I have them. When Lucie went into the hospital for pneumonia, they would not keep her in ICU because of the standing living will which blocked them from doing all they could to save her. Whoops! We meant the living wills for when one of us is terminal, and not for bouts with infection, pneumonia, etc. It wasn't until Lucie signed a waiver of the living will could they do what was necessary to help her recover. Just a word to the wise. Don
  15. Love that NED! Congratulations, Jen. Don
  16. Welcome! I am not sure what your question is, but I think you need a C/T scan or MRI of your shoulder area and lungs. I would see the doctor right away and insist on a scan. Good luck. Don
  17. Thanks for the update, Angie. Good to hear from you. Hope your computer is on-line again soon. Don
  18. Prayers for you both. Don
  19. Big HUG for Randi! Sorry you are having so much flack from your mom. Cancer and its treatment do crazy things to people's bodies and minds. Hang in there. You're doing the right things and you ARE a good daughter. Don
  20. Welcome, MaryAnn! Your husband is indeed fortunate, but cancer at any stage is depressing to the patient. Keep us posted on his progress. Don
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