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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Lisa, I am saddened by the news. My heart is with you. Don
  2. Hi, Sandra! Welcome. Glad you're aboard, Don
  3. Don Wood

    Mom went Home

    So very sorry for your loss. My heartfelt sympathies. Don
  4. Good to hear from you, Rich. Sorry about the blahs. Don
  5. Don Wood


    Hi, Nick, and welcome! Glad you decided to post. Keep us up on your testing and such. Don
  6. Don Wood

    Mom is gone

    Amy, my heartfelt condolensces at the loss of your mom. She gave a six-year fight and that is hope for us all. May you have peace with time. Don
  7. Heather, my heartfelt sympathies at the loss of your mom. May you find peace and healing with time. Don
  8. Welcome back, Sandy! So glad you had a good time in Florida. Prayers comin'. Don
  9. As I understand it, grade is a measure of the cancer aggressiveness and stage is a measure of how far the cancer has spread from the source. They are independent measures. Grade, depending on the type of cancer, is usually on a scale of 1-4 or 1-5, with the higher numbers being the most aggressive. Stage is usually on a scale of 1-4, with 1-2 contains in the source, and 3-4 outside the source. You need to clarify all this with the oncologist. Don
  10. Welcome, Marge! Congratulations on your good results. Keep us posted, and let us know how we may support you. Don
  11. Don Wood

    Still Clean

    Clean is good! Congratulations. Don
  12. Glad you are getting Alimta. Lucie's onc said that would probably be the next on the list for her, if needed. Best to you both. Don
  13. TAnn, do try and relax, and have a great Christmas! Don
  14. Sharon, I am so sorry, and you do have my prayers. Your dad has survived 4 years with this disease, and that is a milestone. Blessings. Don
  15. Don Wood


    I personally use "remission" as defined in Bo's post for complete remission. It, for me, is equivalent to NED. No disease evident, but always a chance for recurrence down the line. Don
  16. My mom was Irish. I have always liked that wish. I truly feel Lucie and I are in the palm of God's hand, and it is very comforting. Don
  17. Don Wood

    My Angel

    Alriiiiiiiiiiiiight, Elaine! So glad you have a doc you feel connected to. About time! Don
  18. Your dad has already survived almost 2 1/2 years, so he has beaten the odds. There are treatments available and more on the way. Hang onto the hope. Don
  19. Kate, you certainly have my support. I can't advise you on what to do, just pray that you will be guided to do the right thing for yourself. Don
  20. Cheryl, this is a serious sign. Get Jack to a cardiologist right away. As one who has had heart history, I know that one of the signs of a heart or circulation problem is swelling in the ankles. You are in my prayers. Don
  21. Welcome, David. I'm in a similar position, with a wife who was diagnosed with NSCLC, Stage IV, except she had many bone mets from the lung cancer. She is now in her 27th month since diagnosis, so hang in there and hang onto your hope. There are many survivors on this website. Your wife's memory problems can be due to the major stress that comes with knowing you have cancer. Cancer is a family disease -- all suffer -- and all get weird from time to time. All part of this journey on a road we didn't want to be on. But, we are on it, and the main thing is how we handle the journey. We are here for you and your wife, so take full advantage of the family here. Best to you both. Don
  22. Congratulations on one year survivorship. May you have many, many more. Don
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