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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Welcome, Bailey. There are many survivors here, including my wife, who is Stage IV and two years from diagnosis. It is worth the fight. And my wife was helped by chemo and radiation even though it was hard on her. Hold on to the hope. Don
  2. I have found that chocolate works every time.
  3. Welcome back, Ginny! Glad you had a good time with your folks. Don
  4. Welcome here! I like your mom already! LC has frightening statistics, especially if metastatic. However, there are survivors, including my wife. She was told 9 months with treatment and here she is 2 years out. So, I'm with your mom. Let's shoot for the record! Don
  5. Thanks, Connie. Well, David, I guess you will now get the rest your body needs. Wishing you a speedy recovery. I don't do ladders anymore -- get others to do that. Ha! Don
  6. As others have said, you don't owe people a constant update or explanation. Several good responses have been suggested. Find one that you can say without apology, and use it. And -- vent here anytime you need to. It is a very frustrating, ongoing problem. Don
  7. I would get the shot, however you can get it. Caregivers are constantly around the patient, and the patient also relies on us caregivers to stay healthy. I am sure you can find a way to get the shot. Good luck. Don
  8. Chantal, tell your FYL, your husband and your boys That people do survive lung cancer. There are many on here, including my wife. She wad diagnosed with NSCLC, Stage IV, with multiple bone mets. That was two years ago! Her first chemo and radiation worked, and kept her relatively clear for almost a year. The cancer showed up again, and she is now undergoing more chemo, which seems to be working. You all can spend a lot of time angry and grieving over what might have been or you can put that energy into hope and helping your FIL get the best treatments available to stave off the disease. He needs positive energy, not negative, to fight this disease. Make the best of each day, each week, each month, because none of us, including the doctors, know how long we have. Help you FIL have a rich and enjoyable life, whatever the length. I wish you the best. Don
  9. Congratulations, Little Mo! My wife is two years out as well. Don
  10. Welcome, Beverly, and good luck on your treatments. Don
  11. Well said, Dean. Thanks.
  12. Well, I guess i'm a typical male. I too thought she was talking about her age.
  13. Thank you all for your nice comments. I am glad I found this place two years ago. You all have been so supportive of Lucie and myself. We'll keep on truckin'. Don
  14. Welcome, Paula. Glad things are on a better track now to getting you treated properly. Don
  15. Don Wood

    CT Results

    NED!!! Halleluiah!! So good to hear, Joe. On the pics, why not keep the pic of you two where it is and put your update house pics below your commentary. I am sure Rick can help you do that. Celebrate! Don
  16. I got my flu shot a few weeks ago when I had my annual physical, and Lucie got hers today. We get them every year now that we are, ahem, advanced in age.
  17. Hi, Hopeful! The best advice is to remember your name here -- hopeful. It is a rough road, but you have all of us traveling with you. Take advantage of our knowledge and our support. My wife was diagnosed with NSCLC, Stage IV, with bone mets, exactly two years ago. She is still fighting it, but she is living a good life. The chemo can get better or worse, depending on the individual. It is very important that your husband get plenty of liquids while he is under treatment because he will tend to dehydrate. It is important that he receive good nourishment every day to fight this disease, so I am glad you have been giving him nutrient liquids. We found that small snacks every two hours instead of three big meals was best -- also cut down on the nausea, with the stomach having contents all the time. Best to you and hubby. Don
  18. Another on the female end: I'm fine -- I'm very not okay, miserable, in fact.
  19. Hi, Kate! Thanks for sharing the update. I, too, wondered if antidepression medication wasn't in order. Sounds like things are moving forward now, and that is good. Don
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