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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Hi, Elizabeth, and welcome. Yeah, try not to worry about what might happen. It will be enough to cope with what does happen in this life. I am always leery of anyone who can "cure" cancer -- that's just me. I don't think anyone can ever give you a guarantee. On the other hand, I believe in being optimistic and looking forward with hope. Hang in there. Don
  2. Hi, Larissa, and welcome. You will find info and great support here. We don't believe in statistics, so throw that away. We believe in hope and caring and supporting each other. Keep us posted, express whatever you need to express, and ask those questions. Don
  3. Hi, Tess, and welcome. My wife has similar case to your husband. She was diagnosed 16 months ago, had radiation and chemo. Now on Zometa. All the tumors have been in her bones, nothing in the lungs. The main tumor was on her spine, C7-T1. She has had healing bone pains also, and is taking 30 mg MS Contin twice a day. She is able to function pretty well. I think it is important to focus the patient on some activity they like that will take their mind off the cancer. Lucie sews and reads. I encourage both activities. She is presently planning to take training next month to help others with cancer on a one-to-one basis. Keep us posted. Don
  4. sounds like your dqd is in good hands with a good plan. At some point, you may want to ask about Zometa since he had a spine met. This has worked well for my wife in keeping bone mets at bay. Since your dad has lung cancer in the spine, that would be Stage IV, and there are survivors of that on this board. Good luck. Don
  5. That is a lot for one person to have to deal with. Hang in there, Erin. And unload here anytime you need. Don
  6. Since our 2 Beagles are under 20 lb., I guess we qualify for small dog owners. We like 'em that way! Don
  7. Sounds good. Hang in there, Becky. You're a real trooper! Don
  8. Actually, Mark, if your dates in your bio are correct, you are a 2 1/2 year survivor. Congrats! Don
  9. Don Wood

    Iressa -- generic?

    I would think it would be too new for a generic. Suggest you check with your onc on that. Don
  10. We have two kids in the Houston area (Jim and Frances) and the youngest (Randy) is in Dallas. Lucie had not been to Randy's home since her diagnosis 16 months ago, and she was anxious to go. We are planning a trip to Scotland in May, so she really needs to get out and build up her stamina. She has gone back to water aerobics -- went twice this past week -- so that has been good. She looks good, feels good. So, for Valentine's, we drove up to Dallas (about 4 hours) on Friday. The weather was drizzly in the Houston area, but just overcast in the Dallas area. So the drive was fine. Lucie got to see the new things our son has done for his house and we went out to dinner together. It was a nice evening. Saturday morning, we awoke to snow! It was sooo beautiful! We went out and walked in it for a while. It was so beautiful and peaceful. Lucie got the traditional roses and heart-shaped box of chocolates for Valentine's.=, but the trip was her greatest thrill. She did well. Saturday, we went shopping and then out to dinner again that night. Our son has a hot tub in his back yard so we actually went in the hot tub while it was snowing! Crazy, huh? It was a blast. And Sunday, when it was time to return to Houston, the sun was out, most of the snow was gone, and the roads were dry. So we had a nice drive home. It was truly a gift -- the visit, the snow, the peace. And she did so well, we are encouraged to move forward with plans for May. We have sent a new picture to Rick which hopefully can be used to update us. It shows us in the Dallas snow. How blessed can we be? Don
  11. Hi, and welcome to the board. Keep us posted. Don
  12. I am so sorry, Shelly. My prayers are with you. Don
  13. Don Wood


    Ain't you a sight for sore eyes! I am so pleased for you, Dean. Ride 'em, cowboy! Yeeehah! Don
  14. Rick and Katie, as I said in an E-Mail to you guys, Lucie and I were there to enjoy the snow! We were there to see our younger son. It was beautiful snow, but I'm glad it cleared on Sunday for our drive back to Houston. Love the pictures. Don
  15. Happy anniversary, Bess! After your radiation, you may want to ask about Zometa, which strengthens bones and helps ward off bone mets. Don
  16. Scooteriedoo! I love the picture of Dean in his new playtoy! Glad it finally happened. Don
  17. Norme, we all have lost a good friend. I am so saddened by the news. My prayers are with you. Please let us know how you are doing. Don
  18. What a great Valentine! A big YAHOO for your dad. I also send my daughter flowers for Valentine's each year (my wife, too!). Keep us posted. Don
  19. Don Wood


    Hi, Kathy, and welcome to the board. You might ask your onc about Zometa, since you have bone mets. It has worked well so far for my wife. Keep us posted. Don
  20. So far, so good!!! May it continue on and on. Don
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