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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    Good News

    Great, Kathi! Have a great Thanksgiving. Don
  2. Don Wood

    Fever ?

    Defintely get to a doctor.whenever the fever is 39-40 deg C. Don
  3. In my opinion, you need to fire your onc and get another one. He is not taking food care of you. Don
  4. Don Wood


    Happy Thanksgiving, Heather! What super news on your mother! Have a great celebration! Don
  5. Wonderful news about your dad, Kathi! You guys need to celebrate. Don
  6. Don Wood

    Lucie's Report

    I hesitated to report here, because the news is not NED, but it is close enough. Lucie had a chest x-ray and a total bone scan last Friday. The chest x-ray came back clear. The bone scan shows no new growth, except for a small spot on her second right posterior rib (by the shoulder blade). Since she is not hurting there, the onc says he does not think it is anything to be concerned about at this time. We will see him in two weeks and possibly have an x-ray of the area or something. She continues with the once-a-month Zometa IV. She is doing well on the morphine cutback (we are down to 30mg a day) and she is not hurting, so that is a very good sign. Thanks for all your prayers and concern. I think this holidays will be so much better than last year. Don
  7. Kristy, sorry about your mom. My wife was diagnosed 13 months ago, and at that time, had five major bone met areas. After radiation and chemo, she is doing fine. So hang in there with your mom. Don
  8. Good to hear from you again, Bettina. Hang in there with us. Don
  9. Don Wood

    Lucie's Scans

    We're still waiting for the report. Don't know what's going on except the onc's phone lines were out for two days. We have called every day. Hopefully, we will hear soon. And we will post. Don
  10. Don Wood

    3 Month checkup

    Great news, Doug! Have a great trip. Don
  11. Hi, Dean. Hang in there with the rest of us. Sounds like you have the fighting spirit that it takes. Good luck. Don
  12. Phyllis, hang in there with us. We're all in this boat together. Looks like you have already been able to thwart the beast. Best to you. Don
  13. Cheryl, my wife is a year out from her diagnosis and doing fine right now, so hang in there. Don
  14. My wife is Stage IV and she is 13 months from diagnosis and doing well. The deal about Stage IV forever is the doctor's notation that once the cancer has escaped into the body, there is no way of telling whether it is lurking somewhere and is too small to see. If is something all cancer surviviors live with -- the possibility of recurrence. Sorry about that. Anyway, keep your hopes up. There are many survivors here. Don
  15. Fay, sorry about the disappointing turn of events. Let's hope the additional chemo will work the wonders you are looking for. Last Christmas, Lucie was in ICU with septic shock, so things could be worse. Best to you. Don
  16. Stephanie, thanks for keeping us updated on your mom. Great news. Don
  17. Laurie, prayers for you and your mon. Don
  18. Wonderful news about your dad, Dana.
  19. Lillie, I am so sorry your mom is not doing well now. My prayers are with you. Don
  20. Don Wood

    Just need to talk

    Kathy, as Connie says, it has only been 5 months -- give yourself time. You will eventually feel better but you will never not miss your dad. I lost both my parents when I was in my early twenties, and each time I have accomplished something, or my kids have accomplished something, I have those pangs of "I wish they were here now". So you don't get over it, you just become used to the life without him. You best gift to your dad is to be the best Kathy you can be, and be a living memorial to him. I know you can do that. You're already a great human being. God's grace. Don
  21. Marlon, prayers coming for you all.
  22. We're okay -- high and dry. Yes, lots of rain but no flood waters or damage in our area. Thanks for your thoughts and support. Don
  23. Shauna, welcome and good luck on your treatments. Don
  24. Actually, some of it makes a lot of sense to me. Tee Hee!
  25. Welcome to the board here, Vadis. There is much support and info here. If you feel the doctor is not taking that much interest in your case, I would definitely go to another doctor, even if it is just to get a second opinion (which is always desireable). Best to you. Don
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