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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. Just wanted to welcome you! This is such a good place to come and be encouraged in the fight!
  2. I hate that news. Beth, I haven't gotten to know you very well yet... but I always appreciate your posts and humor. FIGHTING with you, and praying that your visit with the doc will ease your mind soon! (((hugs))) to you.
  3. ((((Calintay)))) She is still your best friend. But right now her head is probably buzzing with so many things... fear, sadness, loss, grief over what she can no longer do... And on top of that... she LOVES you, and is probably afraid about how long she'll be with you. Maybe she is distancing thinking somewhat subconsciously that if things come to the worst that will make it easier for her/you? That same person is there... And I encourage you to keep trying to see that person. I hadn't heard from you through email in a while... Shoulda gotten on that and sent you a note, I'm sorry. I'm here if you need to chat. Val
  4. Treebywater


    Was just thinking about when I mentioned mom's LC to my primary care doc... and he seemed to indicate that Lung cancer isn't tied to genetics... That doesn't sound quite right. From what you all know, can genetics play a part? Just wondering.
  5. I wondered about pancreatitis too... Could it be your appendix? Oh, you just sound like you are in so much pain... :( Please take care of yourself and get in to find out what is going on! Let us know what you find out, when you are able.
  6. I wanted to say something here... When Mom was diagnosed, I knew of no one who had been through lung cancer themselves or with a loved one (thank God I found this place). I'm still pretty new to the area I'm in, and still tyring to get plugged in to people which added to the feeling of isolation. It turned out that a lady in my Bible Study group lost her husband to Lung Cancer. I knew that she had lost her husband, but I didn't know to what. She immediately reached out to me, and I was SO GRATEFUL. Finally, someone knew what I was going through and understood all the different terms that scared me so much. A few weeks ago my husband and I starting hanging out with a couple he met through his squadron. I found out soon after I met Jamie (the wife) that her mother had had lung cancer, and that she was in a position very similar to mine--her husband was on the verge of deploying when she found out her mom was sick, and she had to leave knowing she wouldn't be able to walk through the situation with her husband by her side because of the deployment. Jamie is my closest friend here now... and really the only person who comes remotely close to 'Getting' the different facets of what I'm feeling right now with BOTH the military stuff, and the LC stuff. I say all this to tell you, and whoever else might find themselves in this situation, that you didn't necessarily take away this person's hope. I think about how fast Jamie lost her Mom... and I wish that I could hear from both of these ladies that their loved ones made it, but the sheer fact that they UNDERSTAND actually fueled my hope rather than taking it away. I know I am not the person with LC... But if it wasn't for both of these ladies I'd be a lot lonelier, a lot scareder, and not nearly as encouraged as I am because I know both of them.
  7. Again I have no words... Will keep you close in mind and heart.
  8. I'm so glad that you will be able to celebrate this achievement of your wife's. I know it must be bittersweet for you, but what a beautiful gesture. Thank you for sharing it.
  9. Thoughts and prayers going up for you!!! Do keep us posted!
  10. Karen-- Just wanted to say don't feel silly for whining. You're not whining. For me with my 3 months of crud, it's more the AND factor. I'm overwhelmed by feeling sick, not just because I'm feeling sick, but because there are so many other things right now that I need to be focusing on. I NEED to use my emotional and phsyical energy on Mom, getting ready for baby, figuring out things here before I head back to IL, etc. etc. And when you throw in feeling lousy... well... I just get ticked off at the feeling lousy and overwhelmed by all I want to be doing and can't because I'm sick. Sorry... didn't mean to make this about me, just wanted to comiserate with you. You're entitled to a little 'whine' time, I think. (Though I still don't think you're whining). Hang in there. I hope you're feeling better in no time!
  11. I don't know if I've said so yet, but it is SO WONDERFUL to hear of your good news. You get to be my hero for the week. :)
  12. What a wonderful, special picture!
  13. ((((hugs)))), prayers, and all my best thoughts to you. I'm sorry you didn't get into the trial.
  14. ((((hugs)))) to you. I know being the primary caregiver for Dave and a mommy too, you have so much more on your plate than I do, but I wanted you to know I can relate a little... I've been pretty much sick for 3 months. If the doctor tells me 'it's a pregnancy thing. I'm sorry I can't do more. Take sudafed," one more time, I'm gonna go buzunga.... It really wears you down when you just keep getting sick and can't shake it off, especially when there are other more pressing things to worry about! Do hang in there.
  15. I just wanted to add my welcome too! Welcome!
  16. How do you start researching alternative and complementary therapies?? I've been wanting to, but want to limit the snake oil products. Can you all suggest a good place for me to start? This forum is a good resource... Any others?
  17. My Dad mentioned that his cousin (whose wife just had a rough scrape with colon cancer), is trying to get him turned onto Mannatech nutritional supplements for mom. Apparently Linda (the lady with colon cancer feels strongly that they are what have helped her fight her battle so successfully. I was wondering if anyone else had heard of this... and if you can give me any info. Mom and Dad (and me too) are understandably skeptical. We don't want to close our ears to something that could be helpful, but we don't want to be chasing after every little gimmick either. BTW--this would be in addition to chemo/radiation rather than in place of.
  18. Yeah! Welcome to a Stage IV butt-kicker!!! I'm glad you're here and hope you find yourself right at home. Your story made ME feel better.
  19. I have no words... I just wanted to know that I 'heard' you and I care about you and your dad.
  20. My first suggestion is STICK AROUND HERE. There are LOTS of stories of hope here from people who are LIVING with Stage 4 LC. My mom was just diagnosed in November and we discovered it was Stage 4 in December. Like you, I'm a long way a way. Not in a different country, but several states away from her here in the states. Life expectancy will vary especially with Stage 4... different people will say different things. Focus on getting information on how to fight and be proactive, on being hopeful for yourself and for her, and on making the most of every day for all of you. What are phone rates like from Italy to Canada? I'm finding phone calls are big... and visits are tops! ((((hugs)))) to you.
  21. Welcome Valery! Looks like we have a lot in common... including a name and our Mom's finding out about their cancer in a similar time frame. Welcome to the boards, though I am sorry to hear your mom is going through this too. I hope you find yourself right at home here, soon! --Another Valerie
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