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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. Haven't yet said it-- This is such AWESOME news.... Again you give me such hope by sharing your journey!!!
  2. You are absolutely an inspiration!!! Happy Birthday with many, many more to come!!!
  3. Bless your heart. We're doing good. Learning about each otherand figuring out our routines. Carolyn is absolutely amazing... She's just such a miracle. My folks are delighted and can't wait to see her. Just a littleover a month for that. She's a fussin now, but we're doing great, and I thank you for asking! Thinking of you all. Will check in more when I figure this mommy stuff out a little more.
  4. Oh, I am SOOO glad to read this!! Yay for Empty Headedness!!! Glad I logged in to see this. And... what an ER idot...
  5. I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your Daddy, Lori... My heart grieves with you.
  6. I'm so sorry Angie. As for whining... I want you to know that every time I see that you have posted I make a point to read it because you are so very obviously a LIGHT. Even when your posts are about sad things... you are honest and still that light. I will be praying for you and your family. I so relate to wanting your Dad around for all those milestones of your babies'. ((((Angie))))
  7. It's just not looking good for little girl getting here anytime soon. My doctor's appointment was VERY discouraging today. They have me scheduled for next Wednesday not necessarily for an induction, but to at least start some measures to make my cervix a bit more favorable to getting this kid out ... As of now NOTHING is really happening. And the baby is posterior. Husband leaves in 15 days. Am wishing I had some family that might be able to come out and help... Have been able to stay so positive about all the crap that's hit the fan recently... but this is really getting to me. Can't something just go right?? Sorry guys... I know that this beautiful, hopeful thing is hardly something to complain about. Just am struggling to stay in perspective. If I had my choice... I'd begin labor ON MY OWN this weekend sometime... and her and her Daddy would have some good time together... Please keep praying. So that's the (no) news. Val
  8. Treebywater


    I've asked my husband to get online when he is able after baby to post here. So as soon as I can let you know, I will! No baby... no real strong contractions... Trying to hang in there!
  9. Good luck on Houseness!!! I know that you did a great job doing what needed done even flying solo, and Dave will love all that you've done!
  10. GREAT news!!! I'm so glad for you and your Mom. Will be praying for her recovery!
  11. Treebywater


    No Baby... Just a busy day. I am starting to have my first really 'twingey' twinges though.. . So... HOPEFULLY soon!
  12. Ok Cindi.... and anyone else who called the 3rd... I hope you are right. No baby yet....
  13. Patti--No input to offer, but I'll continue praying for you and your Mom.
  14. We got our first set of post start of treatment Cat Scan results back today and I think it's all fairly encouraging. The main tumor in the lung didn't show any shrinkage... but the doctor said that the CAT scan was more limiting in seeing that because it's only 2 dimensional. Regardless--it didn't show any growth, so I'm going to say YAY for no growth. The lymph nodes that appeared to be involved have become smaller. YAY for smaller lymph nodes. The doctor also said if they were smaller, there's a good chance that other things were getting smaller. No change shown in the tumor in Mom's shoulder bone... but both the doctor and my Dad think improvement has happened there largely because it WAS bulging out before, and now you can't tell it's there. Other bone stuff just looked 'small.' (I'll go for small... sure beats--not small!). Dad felt ok about it. Mom wanted to see more. I think it's good we're seeing some progress, especially since this is only our first scan since treatment started. So... KEEP WORKING stuff! They are changing around the way Mom gets her Cisplatin because it was taking such a large toll on her blood count getting it twice in a row at the 1/2 dosage... So she will be getting the full dose all at once today... Could make the next few days pretty tough on her, so do pray for her in that respect if you would. Now that we have THAT good news, I want to contribute to the good news pile too and have a baby!!! But... alas... nothing is *happening* yet. Come on contractions! Come on Baby!
  15. I can't answer your questions except to say that my Mama was Stage IV, I'm assuming for quite a while, with no symptoms. Just kind of a vague 'feeling icky' until the bone pain became severe for her. I don't think it's all that abnormal. With the treatement it's been different for her... but I'm sure everyone tolerates differently. And maybe you're finally catching a toleration break! But... here's hoping and praying that you never get to the point that you described. I want to hear that you kept plugging along, having great days until you had completely kicked Stage IV's butt!!!!
  16. No baby yet. I'm Val... baby is a girl... and names are a secret! I am loving the baby pool! Just don't make me TOO nervous... My biggest irrational fear pregnancy wise has been that I'd have a 20 lb. baby! Will keep you all posted! Hoping... SOON!!!
  17. Cindi! I am SO praying and thinking about you. I hope they get to the bottom of what's going on, ASAP!
  18. So... my due date is tomorrow, and I would love it if those of you who might read this would send us some baby vibes/prayers for baby's arrival. My husband will have to leave to go play on the boat in about 2.5 weeks. So... we're really trying to get her here to squeeze in some good time for them to be together. Come on Baby! Come meet us!
  19. ((((Lori)))) I wish I could do more than send a hug.
  20. My Mom's Mom passed away on Tuesday... She was living in Idaho, but the services and such will be back in Illinois where Mom and Dad are... Mom also had a rotten at the hopsital too much week struggling with blood counts and transfusions and such. I'm worried about Mom and Dad with all that's going on and now THIS with family descending... They are going to try very hard to keep the burden off of them as much as possible, but I know some of it is inevitable. And we're all very sad about Gramma of course. I will not be able to travel to be at the funeral because the baby is due to be here any day now. I was, thankfully, able to travel to say my goodbyes to her back in Idaho. And... Mom had a CAT scan today that we are waiting the results of... So if you have some extra prayers to spare for any and all of the above, we would be so grateful! --Val
  21. So... well... do you think it's ok if I keep calling every day so long as I keep it like it has been with it being no pressure to talk? Because I feel like I NEED to call every day for one reason or another (and it's not become SO much more frequent with the cancer... I was calling every other day or so before diagnosis). It's just that... on Mom's GOOD days, I want to call because she's more up to talking, and on her BAD days I want to call because I can tell Dad needs a break and a person to vent to... even if he masks his venting by being mad at the crazy neighbors or my Gramma's crazy politics. Is that something I could maybe just tell her? Is that an ok way to approach it? Or should I just back off? I guess you probably can't answer that for me...
  22. I'm praying with you for that miracle! ((((hugs)))) to you. I'm glad you have a plan in place.
  23. I'm glad they're going to get rid of it! Prayers being said for both of you! --Val
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