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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. I hope Red doesn't mind me doing this, but please hold her mother and her and her family in your thoughts. It seems they've received that, "Time is very short," call.
  2. So very many ((((hugs)))) to you.
  3. Yes, Yes!! See another doctor!! Many prayers for you and your Mama. (((hugs)))
  4. Gosh Beth... How frusterating and upsetting... I'm so sorry that you can't get any answers and that the docs are taking on that 'tone.' Many prayers coming for both of you. He is so lucky to have you on his side!!
  5. Again I find that no words are right. I wish in your case and Betty's and others that I'd been around here longer to know you better because I've seen such beautiful people in the time I have been here. Your courage is just... beautiful. I'm so sorry this is the place that you find yourself at, but I pray that your journey from here on out is peaceful, beautiful, and full of moments to treasure up in your heart--and in the hearts of your loved ones.
  6. New life is always a miracle and a thing of hope. I'm so excited about your kitties! There's nothing sweeter in the world than new baby kittens... Specially in that clumsy rolly polly stage. (Well nothing sweeter except new babies )
  7. ((((hugs)))) to you. The constant changes and not knowing just must be so difficult. Keep us posted.
  8. That's just the thing... She doesn't have ANY good days. They're all rough in one way or another. (And usually lots of one ways or anothers). It's not that I'm shocked by or unaccepting of the bad days, it's that I'm sad that the good ones are so few and far between. What scares me is that the 'tough days' just seem to be getting tougher. Thank you all though for the encouragement. I am really hoping this is just reactions from the treatment and as she gets farther out from the treatment day things will improve. Maybe we'll find some good days yet.
  9. Though I know it's vague... "A lot" sounds great to me! I'm so glad it's working, Beth!
  10. Thank you for the update! Prayers for a good recovery.
  11. Mom had a really good day on Monday. Better than she's had in months. She also had her first Alimta treatment that day. Since then, she's just been feeling awful and not doing well at all. Today she didn't get out of bed. Yesterday she was so shaky she couldn't hold her own water glass. From what Dad tells me it sounds like her pain level is higher than it has been too. Everything that I've heard about Alimta has led me to believe that side-effects wise it was relatively mild... But here Mom is knocked flatter than she was with the Cisplatin and Gemzar. To be honest, it's really got me worried. I know everyone handles treatments differently, but I'm scared something else is going on. Dad even told me today that he was afraid to check on Mom a couple times today because he wasn't sure what he would find. So I don't know what to think. Could this be from the treatments? Is it the cancer? I am so afraid things are advancing, and I'm terrified that even though I leave in about a week and a half to go back to be with Mom long-term, that we might not make it in time. I hope that is an irrational fear. I guess I just needed to express mostly.
  12. Mom had her first Alimta treatment yesterday (and her first really good day in months! YEAH!), and today she is having some lung pain. She is wondering if it's because... the Alimta is going to work. Has anyone else experienced this with Alimta or even another treatment?
  13. Prayers on the way! My Mama starts Alimta today too!
  14. I'm so sorry. You're courage is just amazingly beautiful to me. I will be holding you in prayer.
  15. I know I'm late with this, but I'm so glad you're back. That must have been quite an intense experience for all of you to say the least... I'm so glad you came through it and back with us.
  16. So this is probably a strange questions... I just talked to Mom and she was talking about having to take Vicodin. She said the only problem she has with it is that it causes her to sweat excessively... Has anyone else experienced this and is there any antidote? Anybody know WHY it's caused. I mentioned that I had the same experience just with Tylenol. So I'm wondering if it's something with our wacky genes and acetiminiphin. The only thing I could find from a search online had to do with overdoses. Anybody smarter than me know what's going on or have any suggestions for Mom on how to deal with the 'soakedness>?'
  17. Such wise words here (I needed them too). You might not feel like you can do this, but guess what--you ARE doing it. You woke up this morning and are doing what needs doing, and tomorrow you will wake up and do the same thing. I'm going to be relocating to be near my mother too in just about 2 weeks. I have a different situation than you in that things are a little more stable for me financially, but I have a lot of anxiety about that transition too. So... we can be anxious about our changes together. I'm glad you're hear. Add me to the list of pray-ers.
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