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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. I want you to know that I'm praying for you guys too!
  2. UGH.... ((((hugs)))) to you. I'm praying that this is a small type chute.
  3. I just wanted ot say Thank You for talking so much about your treatments and side-effects and especially successes. That's the next 'drug of choice' for Mom (ha) and it was so cool to be able to do a search and read what you all had to say. More than that, it was encouraging to hear that several people have seen good results from it. I was able to call Dad and tell him and I think that really helped him too. Y'all are so great.
  4. I know I'm still relatively new around these parts... but I am absolutely amazed, blessed, and knocked over by what you guys have done here. Your outpouring of support for all of us, your work for us to have a place to go... Wow... Way to go 4000!!!!
  5. I haven't been anywhere near your shoes. # 1 I'm a daughter, not a spouse, and # 2 I've been so far away from Mom through most her fight so far (I will finally be out there with her in about 3 weeks!), but I have felt a lot of anger too. I get angry at people who don't seem to care and either don't think to ask how Mom is, or do and then make it sound like she just has a cold or something. I get mad at people who say stupid things about smoking. I get mad at people who make it sound like this is a death sentence. Pretty much, unless you can approach me about this issue with absolute perfection... well and issues about Navy deployments... and having a newborn... and my other 'ands' I feel like I want to bite your head off. I get frustrated because sometimes I feel just stuck out here... unable to help other than calling every day and sometimes it just seems that annoys Mom more than anything (and I can understand that too). The other thing I feel is weird jealousy. I mean crazy, sick, demented jealousy. I'm jealous of people who have breast cancer because they have better chances than Mom. We have a friend here who is dealing with Stage IV Pancreatic cancer... And I'm sick enough to be jealous of him and his wife because his prognosis was five YEARS AND he is tolerating chemo really well and having great days. Mom hasn't had a good day since October. I hate that. It's such an ugly part of me. So I guess I say all this to tell you that it sounds normal to me. I think this disease twists us all into unrecognizable versions of ourselves at some points. I know we all process it differently. For me sometimes it's easier to just be pissed off than sad, though I've felt plenty of both at times. It sounds as if you've got plenty to be angry about... Dealing with all that stuff. And I'm sure you HAVE done beautifully working through it all even though I know at times you probably felt like you were limping your way through or a mess. But if you didn't feel angry about it at some point, I think I'd be more worried about THAT. I would say something that I would think sounds wise like, "Let yourself feel what you need to." But I can't because I can't figure out what healthy emotions look like right now for anything. So I guess I will just say that I hear you and I'm angry too.
  6. ((((Don and Lucie)))) I'm glad you caught the heart stuff early. But I hate that you're dealing with these bumps in the road.
  7. WOOHOO!!!!! Two YEARS!!!
  8. (((((Andrea))))) (((((Andrea's Mom)))))) You'll both be in my prayers. I'm sorry things are so overwhelming right now.
  9. I have a question for you all. Thought I'd try it out here before I headed over to Ask the Experts. Mom has been struggling with her blood counts, especially her platelets. Last week they weren't able to do the chemo because her platelets were in that dread limbo land where they were too low for treatment and too high for transfusion. That was the first time that has happened. Mom has had to have several transfusions for RBC, WBC, and platelets dropping too low. She's doing the Procrit and Neulasta (did I get that right) thing. The doctor wants to discontinue the current treatment (Cisplatin/Gemzar) in favor of something else. We don't know what yet. And being that I'm a nervous wreck about everything lately... I'm worried he is going down this, "Switch treatments" road too soon. Does what is happening sound practical and make sense to you all? What have your experiences been? And darn it, am I the only one who goes into patches of hyper-anxiety that last for weeks. Was going along just fine and then boom--everything Mom or Dad tell me makes me hyperventilate. Thanks as always you wonderful people!
  10. You've got my prayers and good thoughts!!! You'll make it through this too! Wish I could come bring some packing tape, and boxes, and pitch in. (I'm getting good at the quick packing business! )
  11. Hooyah one year!!! And Huzzah to two, TAnn!
  12. I'm so disgusted with the news for saying that... You don't listen to them!!! You are not the 'statistics' that those reporters consulted (and in my opinion misrepresented). You're surviving, and it sounds like you're doing just great!!!
  13. I'm so sorry for this news.... (((hugs))) to you all.
  14. Congratulations!!! Enjoy that Grandbaby!!!
  15. YAYYYYY!!!!!!! That's so wonderful!!!!! You'll be such a good Grandmommy.
  16. Wanted to welcome you too. Your Mom's story sounds a lot like my Mom's story. She found out about the cancer in the same way too. Your Mom is NOT a statistic. She is capable of outliving any of those doctor's predictions like lots of people here have done. ((((hugs)))) to you. I'm so sorry for your Mom's diagnosis, but keep HOPE alive!
  17. (((Lori))) Wish I knew what else to say.
  18. I just saw this... I'm so sorry Angie... My heart just aches for you. My prayers are with you and your family as you walk through this very difficult thing.
  19. I'm so glad you checked in!!! And YAYYYY!!!!! Congratulations on the baby on the way!!! Oh do keep us posted on the pregnancy! I'm sorry your in that place of helpless and hopeless. I will be praying for your mama, and for you that you are able to continue clinging to hope and have some peace. Val
  20. Treebywater


    My new icon is a picture of an angel named Carolyn that happens to be my almost 2 week old daughter. Just in case you wondered.
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