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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. No input for you... but I am sending you ((((hugs))))
  2. I am so glad to read that there isn't involvement in those areas... And a wedding! Yay! Keep looking forward to that cruise!
  3. I'm definitely praying for you both. This stuff just sucks, doesn't it? It just hurts in so many ways and all of the 'ifs' are enough to drive you crazy. Know that Carolyn and I are pulling for you guys and cheering you on. ((((Pat and Brian)))))
  4. exactly--the fact that you continue to put one foot in front of the other and walk in all of those roles is phenomenal... You are doing a GREAT JOB by just waking up and showing up every day! (((hugs))) Val
  5. prayers and hugs for you... I hope this helps you both recharge a bit and eases some strain on the both of you as well.
  6. For those of you who have a port, I have a question. Mom is having a horrible burning sensation under her arm. She says it happens about 50 times a day, lasting for a minute or two and the pain is just unbearable--like someone has a torch right at her armpit. We're wondering if something is going wrong with her port... Could that be it? Any similar experiences? btw--I'm finally back in the midwest and with her again. She loves her grandbaby. Val
  7. Many prayers coming your way... and also many ((((hugs)))) Know that we're pulling for you!
  8. I may be a different sort of voice here... I'm going to say that it *Might* not be depression. I say this because you described something very similar to where my Mom is. She is 57, and also was very active. She has days where it's all she can do to make it out of bed. I heard you say what I have been wondering all along... "I thought people had better days than this. Is this not normal?" Definitely be very up-front with the onc. about all of the things he is feeling, explore the possibility that depression could be contributing... but also realize that might not be 'the answer' and though I can't offer any suggestions, I will at least say--Me too for what you are seeing, and even perhaps what you are feeling. I am so joyful for those here who are still able to be active and up and involved in life. My mom is not physically able to... and it scares me that her 'normal' looks so different than the 'normal' I have heard about and hoped for for her. Praying for you and your husband. (((hugs))) to you.
  9. Darn it... I hate when I get an attitude adjustment that I need. Thank you for laying it all out there, and helping me to get my priorities straight. You're right. The beast we are fighting is Cancer... ALL cancer.
  10. Beth, that's so awesome!!! Gosh you give me goosebumps! Um... can I have the cheapest, sweetest, bubbliest Champagne you can find at the bar? I don't like it unless it's sweet and cheap (gosh... what does that say about me?)
  11. ((((hugs)))) I'm so sorry you got such lousy news.
  12. I'm glad you posted too, Dean. You have such a unique perspective.
  13. You have every right to be angry... I'm so sorry your Mama isn't doing well. I will be praying for her and for you. ((((hugs))))
  14. I really liked that story.
  15. The short time I've 'known' you hear has been such a blessing. Thank you for your sweet spirit. Please, do what you need to do to heal and be healthy. We'll miss you! Val
  16. This is just wonderful news!
  17. I like Don's idea too, and wanted to echo about maybe doing more than just 'cancer stuff.' It sounds like from what you've mentioned of your visit--she is perhaps wanting you and your husband to be a 'non-cancer' place to fall. Though I know you want to be informed about her care, and I can only imagine how frusterating it is to feel that you're in the dark, I'm sure that when out-of-town family are back with her she just wants to enjoy you instead of 'talking cancer shop.' So any way that you could BE that sort of gift to her, I know she would appreciate. (((((hugs)))) to you.
  18. Prayers on the way! I'm glad he is not feeling too badly and that this will give him a little break. I'll certainly be praying that there is no progression and after some rest and relaxation treatments can continue and you can stay in Stableland, or even go chasing after Mr. NED for as long as possible.
  19. Randi asked me to let you all know that her mother passed away this morning at a quarter to 11. I'm sure they would all covet your thoughts and prayers.
  20. ((((hugs)))) will be praying for both of you.
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