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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. Awesome, Awesome, Awesome news!!!!
  2. This is such fantastic news!!! If it hasn't been obvious (and I know it has), I've been really discouraged and worried about Mom... And then I read that you are doing SO well... and on your 6th chemo. Mom's on her second... What have I got to complain about? We just gotta keep trying. So don't feel guilty... You have given me MUCH hope and encouragement! Val
  3. Prayers and good thoughts being sent! Let us know what you find out.
  4. 1) Carolyn is 3 months old today! 2) In one week we'll be back with my Mama 3) Carolyn is rolling over! 4) Carolyn 5) One more week with my wonderful husband
  5. Carleen, I'm not sure if I had the pleasure of meeting you before... I joined in November. I'm glad you posted today though... I'm sorry the load is so hard to bear right now. I'm glad you came here today though, because we can help you bear it a bit. I'm so sorry things are so discouraging. I pray that there is good news and good days just around the corner for you and Keith. Val
  6. It's actually not military related. He is a civilian at civilian facilities... I've heard awful tales about military facilities too... and been the recipient of some already, but I really just think that there are awesome docs and awful docs no matter where you are.
  7. You did all that you could do... You let her know that you were there and a place for her to find support and to help her through the ropes. You can't hold yourself responsible to her lack of response to that. And it was very wise of you to recognize that she ahd a good support system and to allow yourself the opportunity to step back at the same time. What a caring, wonderful, and wise person you are.
  8. Hey guys... Just got off the phone with a friend of mine. He went to the doctor today because he's been having some strange symptoms... He vomits up blood, he's short of breath, he has pain in his chest, etc. His family history is like a lot of ours where if something serious seems to be wrong the "C word" becomes a big concern. So he went to the doctor to figure out what's going on. I'm not sure if it's because he strongly indicated his concern over the "C word" or what... but... Though he had a chest x-ray last week (that looked good), the doctor wouldn't do anything else for him. Despite the fact that he is having all of these weird symptoms, the doc. just told him, "Since you are on anxiety meds, I am assuming that you are just over-reacting to some minor symptoms. Nothing is wrong with you. People under 30 don't get cancer. And you don't have to think it's all herititary Is there anything else?" Now whether or not this is cancer-related... That's a pretty sorry doctor if you ask me. He IS HAVING serious symptoms... and they're not going to do anything to figure out WHY. And on top of that... is he outta his mind on the age and heretity deal?! And people wonder why so many cancers aren't caught until the late stages. I'm just floored. I hope and pray there really is nothing wrong with my friend, but to just blow him off and say that he's over-reacting because he has anxiety issues is so outta line.... I think he better find a new doctor. (And I'm pretty sure he is) [/b]
  9. I know well how it feels to feel that God is far off. But I think that though we FEEL that way, and though we question Him, he is very near (and ok with our feelings and questions). Know too that... (and maybe it is just my own brand of theology) I cannot believe that God gives us things like cancer. I can't believe that he is standing up there going, "Let's see what Sue does when I throw this at her." Or, "It would benefit my omnipotent plan for John to have to fight this again." Part of his nearness is that he is weeping and hurting with us. I don't know why this crap happens or why he doesn't stop it... but I still have to believe he loves us. (I hope I do not sound preachy... I don't mean to. I just really wanted to say, "Me too" and "this is what I think when I'm dealing with that.") I'm sorry your Mom has to go through all of this without pain meds. I can't even imagine. I ache for her and for you in having to see her in such pain. You sound weary. Know that, when you need to take a rest, we'll keep standing and fighting for you. ((((hug)))) --Val
  10. Treebywater


    I'm so glad Joel is doing so well!!!
  11. Another board I go to has a 2x4 club... We all round up our 2x4s when someone needs a butt-kicking... and then the people who stay behind collect bail-money... Sounds like a 2x4 club is in order for your Docs!!! I'm so glad to see you post, and you're remembering my mom in your other post meant so much to be. What a blessing you are! Will be praying for you as well, Elaine!
  12. I hope the upward swing continues... and also that he gets over those shingles. No fun!
  13. Michael, From what I have heard and eyeballed myself there are some pretty good doc's and treatment facilities here in Washington and in the Seattle area (I'm over in Oak Harbor). That means you have LOTS of places to go to get the treatment you need. Way to go for being proactive! Keep us posted! Val
  14. I hate this for all of you. Praying for strength for all of you no matter what the next step may be. You don't sound hopeless or unoptimistic to me at all. You sound like you are dealing with what's in front of you and determined to breathe life and living into every day that you have be it three months or 30 years. You all inspire me. Please keep us posted.
  15. Praying for you! I hope the radiation helps with the pain. Will be looking for updates.
  16. Fay, That's exactly what she's experiencing. She would feel relieved to hear someone else articulate it. I think she does feel the rest of the world is thinking, "It's just a little sweat. Deal." It is really miserable for her and that is why she was so resistant to taking the Vicodin... but there again, the pain wasn't a great trade off. She is taking her Effexor now, too so I'm hoping that will help the sweating (not to mention help her get to a place where she can bolster her spirits a bit) and that altogether she'll start feeling better. --Val
  17. I can't imagine how frustrating and scary it must be for your Mom to not be straight with you. I wanted to reply to your post because while Mom was seeking out answers... We found out she had LC when I was 6 months pregnant. The feelings of the expected baby, and the fear of losing Mom were so overwhelming some days. If you ever need an ear in that vein, please shoot me a PM. I'm one who has been constantly obsessing about how to spend my time. And my only advice is regardless of whether this is cancer... we never know how long any of us have. Spend all the time you can with your Mama, especially if her health is looking iffy. I know that can be complicated with long distances and expected future events like baby coming. You will find a way to balance it all, but do what you need to to be with those you hold dear as much as possible. And to go with that--if you find yourself in a position of feeling torn between two places, or many placese, or many different people... Do the best you can to be with them when you can. Follow your gut. And don't let the guilt-monster at you. When there are many needs in our lives, we just can't be everywhere at once. Take it a day at a time and try to discern where it is best to be as you go... Just do your best. Your loved ones know that you love them. (((hugs))) to you in this scary time.
  18. Just wanted to add my support and say Welcome, We're here for you, and like everyone said... keep taking one day at a time, one foot in front of the other. --Val
  19. I'm really encouraged at the moment because it sounds like Mama is going to try to be more proactive about helping herself feel better. Up til now she had an excuse for not taking several meds that she felt were non-essential. I.E. The anti-depressants, and her Vicodin. The Vicodin makes her sweat and she finds this to not be fun... but I think she finally decided that being in pain is even more not fun. Anyway... It's a real change in attitude for her... A switch to--What can I do to help myself feel better, instead of the passive, Why do I feel lousy all the time? I'm so proud of her... I'm just hoping and praying she sticks to this frame of mind. Wanted to share. --Val
  20. Treebywater

    Bad Day

    ((((hugs))))) to you. Rotten day be gone!!!
  21. Praying for you guys. You need some good news soon!
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