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Everything posted by pammie

  1. Christine, very very sorry to hear about your dad. No time to get ready to say good bye. You and all the family will be in my prayers. pammie
  2. Tina, will contiue to keep you in my prayers and thoughts. Sure appreciate what all the others have said. It helps all of us. this support group is such a blessing. pammie
  3. Very sorry to hear your mom is gone Trish. What a delightful life she lived. The memories for all of you will be priceless. praying for the family. pammie
  4. Rotten news Don and Lucie. Continuing to lift you both up to God for healing and recovery. Thank you for being there for the rest of us. pammie
  5. pammie

    MRI results

    Thank you all so much for your prayers and thoughts. Especially will be praying for your husband Carleen. Noticed he has been in the ER. All you people are so encouraging. Thank you. pammie
  6. Thank you so much Don and Lucie for the update. Sure appreciate all you two do. pammie
  7. Suzi, you and your mom are both in our prayers. pammie
  8. pammie

    MRI results

    Found out i have another small tumor in my brain. Neurosurgeon out of town until Tues. so have to wait for his input. Lots of swelling around the old tumor is causing vision problems for me. The onc wants me to do WBR since these tumors have come up within the last six months despite the temodar. The docs don't think there will be long term cognitive problems since i am not over 65. I have reservations about WBR. Please keep us in your prayers.thank you. God bless. pammie
  9. Penny (Jen's sister) Noticed your note. Have thought often about Jen's five kids and all of you as you seem a very supportive tight knit family. Very sweet of you to keep in contact with the forum. I always looked for Jen's posts and miss them. She wanted answers. Don't we all. Praying for all to be able to get through this difficult time. Please keep in touch. Prayers continfu for all the family. pammie
  10. A very sensitive sore scalp was one of my big bothers after chemo. I had long hair which may have contributed to the discomfort when the hair came out. My scalp hurt more than any other chemo side effect. None of the nurses could make a suggestion and one onc i asked ignored me all together. I guess they don't know what to suggest for help so are silent. Yes, it is a problem and I feel for your mom. My husband shaved my head and that helped tremendously instead of letting it come out slowly. I wish i had know sooner into chemo to have it cut off. my best wishes and prayers for your mom. pammie
  11. Wonderful news for mom and you and family. So thankful for that encourgement. Will be praying for a quick recovery over the UTI. pammie
  12. Been praying for you Linda since you knew it was so close. No more pain. What a blessing. May God put His comforting arms around you and the daughters. pammie
  13. Thank you Larry for the time you have put into all the forum stuff. We deeply appreciate you and all your family for sharing a very difficult part of your life with the rest of us. God bless you and fill your life with blessings. pammie
  14. pammie


    Thanks for letting us know about Charlie, Tina. Sounds like he had an extended and loving family. What a blessing for all of you. our prayers for all. pammie
  15. pammie

    Our Uncle Doug

    Sure will miss Doug's notes and sense of humor. May God give comfort to his family. pammie
  16. pammie


    Lots of prayers going your way Shanna, for you and the family. pammie
  17. Treasure his words Linda. They will be a precious precious part of your memory of Mike. Praying for Mike, you and family. pammie
  18. So very thankful for your good news. Just wonderful. The docs are all human beings and have their own set of problems but we can't let them control us or our behavior. If he feels threatened by questions maybe a different doc would be better for you So thankful to God for your good news. pammie
  19. Charlie, what a wonderful thing to be able to celebrate life. Keep up the good work. People like you give us lots of hope and encouragement. praying for many more years for you. pammie
  20. pammie


    Great news Ralph. Thanks for posting and thanks for giving all of us hope that we can be NED like you. praying with thankfulness today for you. pammie
  21. A time of struggle for all. Will be keeping your dad and the whole family in our prayers. pammie
  22. I am taking Temodar. one week on and the next week off cycle for six months. Seems to have done its work with no new tumors so far. Fatigue and some intestinal cramps bother me when i take it but not as debilitating as the IV chemos. Some Zofran keeps me from getting nauseated. Seems like a pretty good drug at this point. praying it will be very effective for you Judy. pammie
  23. Glad you have only one to zap. Much better than having the whole brain rads. will be praying for good results for you. pammie
  24. pammie

    Ok here

    Mark, how very nice of you to tell us how you are coping and staying in touch. So thankful you found a help group. Continuing in prayer for you. pammie
  25. Agree that a second opinion should be sought out. We did that and are very glad we did or would be wondering if we did the right thing or followed the correct advice. If a doc or program feels threatened by a second opinion then something is wrong somewhere. I had mets to the heart when first diagnosed but they said i wasn't a candidate for surgery or radiation. By the grace of God I am doing very well.Will be praying for you. pammie
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