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Everything posted by pammie

  1. pammie

    Request for prayers

    Praying for her now. She sounds like such a lovely person. pammie
  2. pammie

    My dad is gone..

    So very sorry to hear about your dad, Jorja. Will be keeping you and all the family in our prayers. pammie
  3. Will be keeping your mom in our prayers and you to Rob. pammie
  4. Hard not to over react and think every thing is cancer. That is what i tend to do. When i had bronchitis my PCP gave me medicine that zapped it quickly. Wish i had gone to her before i went through a week of anitibiotics with no results from the onc. So maybe your PCP is the best bet to start off with. The PCP i go to gets me in the same day i call or the next day. I love her. praying for you to be able to not be anxious. pammie
  5. Will be praying for you both. Think i would be firm but nice and say waiting is not an option at this point. We need and want to know what is going on. Thinking of you two. pammie
  6. What a sweet tribute to your mother. thanks for sharing it and and encouraging others with your experiences. Sure appreciate that. God bless you. pammie
  7. pammie

    I'm scared...

    Praying for your dad and the whole family. Know these are tough times. pammie
  8. pammie

    Thomas Parkinson

    Malou,so very sorry to hear about Thomas. Just terrible news. Will be praying for you and your family. May God pour out His comfort and peace upon your hearts. pammie
  9. pammie

    I'm so proud!!

    Geri, the best laugh i have had today was that the bicycle had done 80 miles. I needed that. thanks for the humour. Get on that baby and go girl go! pammie
  10. LOts of prayers going your way Donna. Thanks so much for coming on the forum. Know it is hard for your but we sure appreciate you dong it. God bless you. pammie
  11. pammie

    Here We Go

    Will be sending lots of prayers up to the Father for your mom, you and the family. JUst not an easy situation. pammie
  12. pammie

    I am a grandpa again

    May is a great month for having a baby. Congratulations Grandpa. praying for rapid weight gain for your little jewel. pammie
  13. Just want you two to know lots of prayers going your way for you to enjoy the graduaiton of your grandson and trip to see your family. You two are an inspiration to all of us. deep love, appreciation and lots of prayers. pammie
  14. pammie

    OT but....

    Congratulations Len for being at Caleb's barmitzvah. Get lots of pictures of the generations and heritage you are all making. pammie
  15. So thankful to hear from you Teri. Will be praying for you to find a successful way to deal with any and all pain. you are in my prayers often. God bless. pammie
  16. WAy to go Donna! Thanks for the info. You are deeply appreciated. pammie
  17. Very sorry to hear about your dad. will be keeping all of you and the family in my prayers. pammie
  18. Very sorry to hear about your father. Will be keeping you and the rest of the family in my prayers. pammie
  19. Congratulations! What a joy this will be for you. Very thankful and Dennis will know about it too, just in a dfferent place. praying for a healthy grandbaby. pammie
  20. pammie

    memory issues

    Yes, please go to the docs. They can do testing to see what fundamental problem might be. Stress can cause all of what you have listed. Worry and anxiety robs our minds. Bless your heart Tani. will be praying for you. pammie
  21. pammie

    Porta Cath.

    I have one in my right upper arm. the left arm was all messed up from cellulitis so the surgeon put it in the right. It is great. Gets flushed once a month. Never have had one bit of trouble with it. got it put in the last of June in 2004 when diagnosed with LC. I take 1mg. of warfarin daily for blood thinner. The nurses do a great job of inserting the needle. It doesn't hurt any more than a vein stick and often less. they can draw blood from it for lab work. My experience has been very positive. pammie
  22. Ella Rose sounds like a beautiful child already. How blessed you are. Congratulations and enjoy every second. pammie
  23. Always love hearing of NED. Keep giving us and your family good news. praying for you three. pammie
  24. pammie

    new grandmom

    Don't know if i should put this here or in the Good News place. Our grandbaby is Cooper. He weighed 7 lbs and 13 oz, was 20 1/2 inches long. I sit on the couch and hold him. He curls up in a little ball on my chest and naps away. I am a spoiler already. He may grow up thinking his name is "darlin". WOW! what an experience this is. God is soooo good to us. pammie
  25. I had the tarceva rash in the lines from my nose to mouth and up around the outer eyes. It was very painful. Felt like those areas of my face were on fire or getting burned by acid. Didn't take Tarceva but about two months. i tried cortisone cream. Helped me tolerate the burn but not alleviate it. No suggestions from the doc about how to deal with the discomfort so i quit the Tarceva. Glad you have found some things that have helped some. praying for you to have great results so you can get off of it quickly. pammie
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