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Everything posted by Maryanne

  1. Congratulations big mouth...oops..sorry Ry Great accomplishment... WOW, thats a lot of posting!! 3000 and counting Take care, Maryanne
  2. Maryanne


    Thank you for sharing that Melanie, you can tell that was straight from your heart. I know if anything bothers you about crossing over, when the time comes, its the pain that is left behind for your loved ones to endure. It is a very difficult transisiton for all involved. I know your letter will help them with their grieving process. Yes, I also believe you will be in a beautiful place. Your mom & dad will be there to greet you, just like you will be to greet your husband and love ones when their time comes. It will be an incredible, beautiful reunion. You are very intelligent and a very brave young lady. You show so much inner strength and have a great capacity of compassion for others. I pray for your family, to find the strength when the time comes to grieve and then get on with their lives. As that is what you would want them to do. Your spirit and soul will live on through all the wonderful memories you leave behind including that beautiful letter. Bless you, I pray for a miracle... Maryanne
  3. Oh Betty, what do we say our hearts are breaking for you. You have been here for awhile but for me not long enough. You have always answered my postings and have been an inspiration to me also,as you have to so many others. I pray you are comfortable and out of pain. It's amazing that you were even able to post your message to us. That must have been so incredibly difficult. Thank you for that... Your a hero Betty, a very brave lady who may be losing the battle but faught one h-ll of a fight... you will be missed terribly. But miracles do happen, and Iam praying for one for you. G-d speed, peace be with you. Maryanne
  4. Kel... fingers and toes crossed too that its just the hernia. Keep us posted Prayers going out. Maryanne
  5. Jody, So sorry for you and especially your mom. This has to be so hard on you. Just be there all you can for her and let her know how much you love her. That will make her journey so much more peacful. Thinking of you and praying for strength for your difficult days ahead. We are always here to listen and for support. Maryanne
  6. Oh Tess, so sorry about your the loss of your mom. You have been on such a roller coaster ride since finding out about her LC and then only a month later she is gone. But at least she is free of her suffering and feeling completely free. I am sure your sister and husband was there to help her with the transition. I am sorry for all the losses you had to endure. You certainly have your share of misfortune. Too much on your plate. My heart goes out to you. You are a wonderful daughter and your mom was so glad to have your with her, through all this. That was a blessing for her. Always, keep your moms spirt alive by remember all those wonederful memories you had together. We are always here for you for any support you may need. Peace be with you at this difficult time. Maryanne
  7. Well hi all, I was surprised by the post. Cindi girl, that was sneaky, you little devil, you!! Kinda got a late start this morning as to a hangover from Cindis bar last night. Not a marguretta's lover, but after 3, hey who cares!! Seriously, had a great birthday with family. Joel was not feeling his effects of the chemo so he was able to make my day really special. Bought me some wonderful gifts and took me out to a great place for dinner. My son and daughter took me to lunch, so I was queen for a day!! Today he is starting to feel achy in the legs. He seems to have this headache he can't get rid of. Is headaches also a side effect of the chemo. I didn't think that was. I guess his side effects are starting, next the hair Anyway, thank you all for the kind birthday thoughts!! It was so nice of you to think of me. love this weather, but here starts my allegeries Cindi... good luck on your closing. Do you have a place to live? Just thought I would ask, I would hate to see you and your cat out in the street . I think you said something about staying with a nephew, but not sure. Let us know where you will be living, until you can find a place of your own. Take care everybody and have a good healthy week and NED scans for those who had them and the ones who are having them. Mar
  8. Hi Joanie, I noticed in one of the posts that it was mentioned that you are changing jobs. Is that true? If you post that I missed it and Iam curious since all that chit that was going on in your work place. By the way, did you attend the shower? Sorry I might have missed that post also. If you are leaving your job, so you have one waiting in the wings for you? I like to keep updated on my friends here, and I seem to have slipped where you are concerned. Maryanne
  9. Maryanne

    5 for 4/16

    1. Joel had chemo (finally) 2. Birthday today 3. Son taking me to lunch 4. Husband, still no effects from Chemo. able to take me to dinner 5. Beautiful flower arrangement from my daughter, who I think is in from out of town as the florist is local and the littlecard is her handwriting... hmmmmm 6. It's a beautiful day, sunny, birds singing, spring is here!! Maryanne
  10. I am sorry your mom is going through such a distressing time. She is so lucky to have you. Just stay close and give her all the love you can. praying for strength for you. Maryanne
  11. Hi, This is great I love hearing all the good news. Great for Sandy... Today is my Birthday, and I just feel great that Joel is here, had his chemo and so far is feeling good. My son is taking me to lunch and Joel is taking me to dinner. I have a feeling my daughter may come in form North Jersey. My foyer is full of gifts I have not opened yet. I gots lots of cutsie email cards from friends and family. I just feel good today, it is beautiful out, the sun shining the birds singing, what more can I ask for?? Plus, I met so many friends on this board. I am blessed!! I have to get started, and get off this board so I can get dressed, celebrate life with my family. Take care all, Maryanne PS, I just got a georgeous arrangement of spring flowers from my daughter... Priceless
  12. Maryanne


    So sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. You are so right she is in a much better place and very contented. She is just worried for everyone she left behind. She would want them to eventually get on with thier life and and just be happy. Of course, ane day way, way down the road, when it is your time, your mom will be there for your transition, and it will be beautiful. My prayers are with you and her family. Iam sure your will always remember the memoriable times you spent. That is something you will treasure always. Always remember her happy and well. That is what she would want. Peace be with you. Maryanne
  13. I posted this in the wrong section. I posted under newcomers (duh). But I did some good responses. Iam just passing it again, need more feedback. Thank you to the people who did respond. Question: this is about the hair thing again. Joel had his chemo today for 5 hours and all went well. His doctor claims that he will lose his hair in about 5 days. Now the doctor says he should shave it now as his counts will be down and it is better to shave it now. What does that mean? My question, don't you buzz it off or do you have to use a razor? Is it dangerous to use a razor? Isn't the doctor being a little over protective. I am concerned that maybe he will not lose all his hair and just have it thinned. So why do that now Unless the doc used a extremely aggressive taxol that he knows this for a fact. Just a little confused. Any comments on this. carbo/taxol was done. Maryanne
  14. Okay, we seem to have Cind's birthday on two sites here. Lucky Cindi Don't forget tonight at her bar.... open 24 hours. Just a great party as so many of us have so much to be thankful for. We need this break. I already decorated this afternoon, so everything is all ready to go. Don't forget to bring your OVER THE HILL GIFTS... and we also can use some goodies.. and pickies... CINDI OLE GAL... MAKE SURE THERE IS A DESIGNATED DRIVER TO GET YOU HOME!!! Anyone who remembers how to make that Orgasma drink, make up a batch. Cindi could use some of those along with the Marguritas. Frank, I got Bud lights for you on draft. There is a disc jockey coming to play all those songs from the old days... And song suggestions? SEE YA LATER!!!! Maryanne MARYANNE
  15. 1. Many of our family members here are getting better 2. Cindi is 50 today and in a much better mood. Things looking up for her. 3. Joel finally started his chemo today. 4. Income tax done, getting a nice refund. 5. starting my diet Don't forget everybody... Party hardy at Cindi's bar tonight!! What happened to the guy who made those delicious orgasams drink? Hope he shows. Oh I have one more 6. Frank is home!! Maryanne
  16. Hi there, Yes, the best present is just spending all the time you can with him and talk about many memories you have of him. That would be the best medicine and present for him. You giving your time to be with him. What more could he ask for? Your a wonderful grandaughter, and he is so lucky to have you as you are to have him. Peace be with you both, Maryanne
  17. Hi Jan, Sorry you had to find us, but as you can see this site if full of support. The people her will become like family to you. If you are getting the Vats, You are very lucky. It is a mostly a painless procedure and does not involve any rib movement of breakage. That is one of the most painful parts of recovery during a removal of a lobe of whole lung. Also your recovery will be much quicker than being cut. If you are having this I think you are in an early stage. If that being the case you are very lucky. Keep us posted on your progress. Maryanne
  18. You are so right Beth, this cancer is getting out of hand. Is the the food we eat, the air we breathe, microwaves??? I just don't understand it. Personally, I feel it is somewhere in our genes. I think genes contributes to all kinds of illnesses. My husband has LC, his father died of LC, his mother had colon cancer and his sister had breast cancer. His brother in law had colon cancer (even though not related to him) My family, no cancer, no heart problems. Father had Parkinson's but died of Pneumonia, age 91. Mom still here age 94. She had 4 sisters, all passed in their 90's. So go figure... I still say genes is a big factor. At least I have good ones (hopefully) Maryanne
  19. Hi Alisa, Come on over to Cindi's bar for a well deserved drink. That is fantastic news!! Seems like there is good news today from many of our friends here. Come celebrate Cindi's 50th... the old fart!! Actually don't tell anyone but I would trade places with her... age wise that is... hee....hee We will expect you there. A toast of continued luck to you!! Cheers, Maryanne
  20. Question: this is about the hair thing again. Joel had his chemo today for 5 hours and all went well. His doctor claims that he will lose his hair in about 5 days. Now the doctor says he should shave it now as his counts will be down and it is better to shave it now. What does that mean? My question, don't you buzz it off or do you have to use a razor? Is it dangerous to use a razor? Isn't the doctor being a little over protective. I am concerned that maybe he will not lose all his hair and just have it thinned. So why do that now Unless the doc used a extremely aggressive taxol that he knows this for a fact. Just a little confused. Any comments on this. carbo/taxol was done. Maryanne
  21. Welcome home Frank!!! It must feel wonderful to be back in your home away from that place. Inviting your to Cindi's 50th birthday today. Her bar is open all night!! Even if you can't make it we will have a chair for you at the bar with your name on it, so nobody can sit there. With or course Bud Lights lined up. We are so glad that you are home and hopefully can attend with all your plugs. We won't even notice Take care, get plenty of rest than get back to your old self ASAP. We missed you here. Maryanne
  22. Wishing your sister good luck with the test. There has actually been a few people on here lately where the test came back negative for LC and was some other kind of infection. Let us know the results. Maryanne
  23. I hope you get some sleep tonight and not be worrying about the results tomorrow. It would not do you any good to be walking around all night. Let us know ASAP what the results are. Sending prayers your way!! Maryanne
  24. Thank You Jena and Karen. You girls are really special and will help make a difference. You have all the support here. Maryanne
  25. Congratulations!! Great news for your mom. Maryanne
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