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Everything posted by Patkid

  1. Just sending many hugs and offering up many fervent prayers. Love Pat
  2. JC, get some good rest, honey. I am grateful my puppy went potty quickly this morning as wind chill and ice make taking him out an ordeal. P
  3. Hugs, prayers and deep understanding. Love P
  4. greatful to have you all to check in with after a long drive. Love P
  5. I am so sorry to read this. May good memories bring you peace. Pat
  6. grateful for memories of CindiO'h that came back when Jackie mentioned the pub being open. Special prayers for her today and for all my LC family. Pat
  7. Hi, Sweetie, Welcome here. I am so sorry for you to have two such wonderful people affected by LC. NOT FAIR but, then, Fair doesn't seem to be pertinent in this arena. Come here often for any support you many need. Hugs, P
  8. I am sorry! I am grateful that your mom bequethed you wonderful memories. Pat
  9. Grateful for kind words and kind thoughts and warmth and love from far away. Patkid
  10. Hugs, Sally. and best thoughts for good results P
  11. I am so sorry to read this. Blessings. Pat
  12. Patkid

    Mom is home!

    So sorry, Sloanie. Prayers for your family. Love P
  13. Grateful for God in my Life that I can pray whenever I want. Grateful that He is always there, even if I step out of his light into selfishness.............His light is constant and I just have to remember to step back into it. Praise HIM Amen. Pat
  14. I have no advice for ???s but want to send a big hug and many prayers for your family. You are a good son and a blessing to your dad. Hugs Pat
  15. Our dear Max PLEASE POST NO PIX OF THE NUDIST COLONY But enjoy your anniversary and then forge ahead positively w/ the surgical recovery. All best thoughts and many prayers for you and Inez. Pat
  16. Patkid

    Update on my Mom

    Oh, I am so sorry. Prayers and hugs Pat
  17. and we all love you, too, Carleen. Exactly as you are. I am living in much the same way you describe. Thank you for saying it so well. I am glad you have company for some days. I hope you can relax w/ that. I passed up an opportunity to have a new friend, some days I am sorry ..................so trust yourself. Love and Hugs P
  18. Good morning! Grateful to find faithful Jackie has started this thread again. Grateful that my sore throat is getting a bit better Grateful for memories of Brian. I changed a light bulb last night in one of those annoying 'screw on glass bulb ceiling lights' (I hate those) and was feeling sorry for myself as I struggled till I remembered that Brian always did it and he only had one hand and a 'hook' . Made me realize how self absorbed I can be and I smiled as I remembered his awesome 'can do' attitude and his perseverence and his strength and dignity in all things. Pat
  19. Ken, No need to consider it Naive to believe in hopeful statistics. Just consider it positive thinking. You are you and not anyone else. We are with you and you can do this. Hang on and hold good thoughts. Prayers and hugs Pat
  20. I am grateful for throat lozenges. Sore throat and achy, but grateful for today. Hugs P
  21. I am thankful for my little dog's playmate, Holly. I keep her each weekday morning for about 4 hours. She and PJ make me smile and laugh outloud. I am observing how they enjoy everysingle minute of their time together and never sit and mope anticipating the time Holly must go home. I am taking notes and trying to live my days for each moment vs. worrying and stewing over what has been or what yet may be. ((((Jackie)))) P
  22. Having a rough time, but am DECIDING to be grateful and to put my trust/hope/faith in God ~ Am most grateful today for the gift of Faith. Hugs P
  23. Just hugs and admiration, dear. pat
  24. Since I came back to the forum I have been watching daily for a post from you. Hi, honey, and tons of hugs. So good to hear from you!! Love P
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