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Everything posted by Patkid

  1. ((((Carol))))))) That is why this site is so great. No one is alone or on their own. Hugs Pat
  2. (((((((((friend Beth)))))))))))) We are ALL proud of you, but especially Bill. Love and hugs pat
  3. Patkid

    Holiday Sadness

    I can't think of one single thing to say, except I would hug you till you couldn't breathe and I would kiss those chubby toddler cheeks till they were red and I would applaud at the recital till my hands hurt. I am a grandma so I KNOW THAT IS WHAT YOUR MOM IS DOING and THINKING and WANTING YOU TO KNOW. She loves you, honey, she watches the kids and they can feel her tenderness through your touch and the talking reindeer. Many hugs and much love Pat
  4. Patkid

    Still Muddly

    My dear dear fellow muddler. I love you , Val, Come, read, post, don't post as it feels right to you. I would give anything if I could curl up w/ you and children and watch those movies. I think you are perfect just exactly as you are for what ever reason you are as you are. Perfect just Perfect. Brennan says lay your head on Abba's breast. Feel His love. Hugs P
  5. Oh, how can I ever say how much I love our family here? Lynne: FIRST PUT THOSE PLIERS DOWN. No need for sparks. I finally got mine out. I used a new bulb and it mated w/ the metal material in the socket and I was able to unscrew the old and put in the new. I tried Lily's carrot plan, but it started to look like coleslaw up there. Secondly, Since we are both sitting around w/ HC I have no idea why I don't get off my butt and check into WHY such an arrangement would NOT work. I still have my old building plans from the 70's when I first fell in love w/ the whole dome home idea. Maybe I am an out of place hippie? Oh, wouldn't it be wonderful? There would be a 'guest' area, too, so all assorted friends and sundry relatives could visit and get hugged. All the pets would never have to ever be left alone again while we ran even a short errand and we could walk them in bunches............... I know it seems idealistic, but I honest believe the 3 guidelines of kindness, tolerance and consideration would preclude any need for rules. Dreaming on such a winter's day... la la la la la la (I look a bit like Mama Cass these days, too) Hugs P
  6. OHHH, Char, I am so very very sorry for your loss, but your post is beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. Hugs for all your family. Pat
  7. Also, You can call the 800 number and get an APPT at your local SSA office rather than sit and wait. They were WONDERFUL to us.
  8. Hi, Jim, eager to hear good news after your procedure P
  9. to OUR DEAR WONDERFUL SWEET LOON A TIC I love that word.................I am officially steeling it as my own. Brian had periods much like you describe. His doc checked for Brain mets and progression and when none found at that time prescribed ATIVAN It changed his everyday life for the better by over a million times. Hope your answer is quick and clear and easy. Love and Prayers. L A T Pat
  10. Your post is breaking my heart, Sally. I see you are an artist. Could you just draw/paint a Holiday Scene and post on Fridge? Also could you just order from Amazon vs. shopping? If you can think of anything I can do I will help you. I know all of us will, if we can. Many hugs and prayers Pat
  11. Patkid

    Another "wow"

    I just keep re reading the note you found, Teri. It is remarkable. Only such a talented writed could have worded that message to be appropriate in any eventuality. He could very easily have found it with you this year and yet, he knew if he was not physically with you this Christmas the note would be perfect anyway. It is flawless. and I love that it reiterates that he always had hope and determination. You are well loved, Teri. I am so touched by this story. It warms me. P
  12. Oh, Andy, What a difficult couple of weeks for you and your folks. Glad your dad is able to joke.............that really helps! It sounds to me like the ducks are lining up ~ once they are all in a row the plan will be in place and then it is a bit less stressful to just follow the plan. I will continue to hold your family in prayer. Best. P
  13. Hi, Kathy, Glad you found us, but so sorry you had the occasion to search us out. Lots of support and encouragement here. Hugs P
  14. Oh, honey, what a faithful friend you are. You are rare and special and my heart is breaking for you missing your dear friend. He lives in your spirit and in your honoring his memory. We are proud to join you. Love and hugs Pat
  15. Oh, Debi, I know this is so fresh for you and Barb. I should be offering support rather than complaining, but I gotta tell ya: I needed to get that out. The more I read in this thread I am conviced the dome home / pod thing is necessary., although, I much prefer your genteel term of compound...........rather like the Kennedy's doncha know? Mom's Girl, Please tell those wonderful children that they have an emergency reserve grandma in IL anytime they need her. I have always to Val that, too. I am no substitute for the mom you miss/ but I surely do care and I am pretty good in pinch. I love all of you so much. And I thank each of you for the loving responses. I think some day I really will consider a barter situation or a mutually beneficial living arrangement so I don't have to be alone. I know my kids would welcome me, but, as I said ......... I think that could work if my children were women.... I am holding on to all the lovely images I have thanks to this thread and it is comforting to know that if only for a comforting minute.......I really am not alone. Love Pat
  16. Wow, ya gotta love that man!! What a trouper! Many prayers and positive vibes. pat
  17. (((((Barb))))) I am so sorry we have to feel this way. Your pain is so fresh and my heart aches for you. Please know that I care, I understand and I am here. Love Pat
  18. Patkid

    Another "wow"

    I am very touched and glad for you. Hugs P
  19. Thankful that, as Jackie promised, today is not so bleak as yesterday. I am getting busy and pushing out thoughts of self pity and worry. Love you guys. P
  20. Sounds like he is getting good care. Hugs and prayers for your family. P
  21. I just keep looking at that baby.............Missy he is absolutley a healing force. Love P
  22. I just keep looking at that baby.............Missy he is absolutley a healing force. Love P
  23. Welcome! Will add your dad and family to my prayer concerns. P
  24. SusieQ, Was that at Midway Village? I walk there. It is close to my home. We are almost neighbors!! Plus my corp hdqtrs are in Troy. P
  25. cont'd (I did not want to lose my typing again) Brian's girls are nice, but our closeness wanes as Brian's possessions and $$ are nearly all distributed. (Christine, I guess I deserve the cynical adjective for a bit) I always knew how the girls were.................they were very spoiled and very self centered. Brian had raised them alone since they were ages 2 and 6 mos. He told me that he was always trying to make up to them that they did not have a mom in their lives............and they learned to play that card w/ him. It is what it is. They are not mean, just self absorbed and aloof. It is okay. I love them as they are not as they should be. Anyway. Here I am ~ a gardener ~ with no one to tend......... I hope this pity party ends tonight and that as Jackie reminds me. Tomorrow ......... Love you guys P
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