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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Donna G

    good scan

    Eileen , so NED is staying at your house. Congratulations. Donna G
  2. Donna G

    Pain Pump?

    Are you talking about in the hospital? I believe that would be a PCA ( personal controlled analgesia) They put Morphine or Dilaudid in it. It runs into your vein. It can run a small amount all the time,or only if you push a button or a combo of bothe. If you are talking about being at home you can get narcotics through a patch and it is absorbed slowly continuosly through the skin, like a nicotine patch dispenses nicotine. Usually the patches last 3 days. Hope that is some help Donna G
  3. Sad news Andrea, I pray that you and your Mom can enjoy today, one day at a time. Donna G
  4. May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields and, until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of His Hand. Your friend and 100% Irish___Donna G
  5. One convienient thing about being a guy is being able to use the "bottle". If his wife is there - by emptying the bottle -she could save him many steps. It's a possibility. Donna G
  6. Sounds like she needs those steroids right now. When or if they do plan to take her off they will have to ween her down slowly. Many people with lung diseases as COPD take steroids over long periods of time. Donna G
  7. Be interesested when you hear what your EF is. Is this putting enough presure to lower your EF? Keep us posted when you get the final analysis. Donna G
  8. Mary Ann I thought perhaps you were related to Rick when I saw your latest picture! Thanks for clearing that up. Donna G
  9. I am so sorry Deanna. Your Moms suffering is over but I know it is hard for you and the family right now. May you find comfort and peace. Donna G
  10. Low blood counts? Any fever? Aches and pains? Any chance you have an infection? Please keep us updated. Prayers going up. Donna G
  11. Sorry to hear that the surgery had to be cancelled. I also had a Pancoast Tumor, diagnosed in Dec. 97. I had Cisplatin and VP 16 and daily radiation for a couple of months before they would do surgery. When they did surgery I asked about the tumor and they said it was only scar tissue that was left. Even at that they went ahead and gave me more chemo after surgery. I hope this is true with your fiancees Mom, that it is all scar tissue. Soon she should find out what they are going to do about that spine. Please let us know. By the way I know where Winthrop is, I was born and raised in Boston, I graduated from Boston City Hospital School of Nursing (that no longer exists) She will be in my prayers. Donna G
  12. The hyperlink photo has 2 identical dolphins in it. It was used in a case study on stress level at St. Mary's Hospital. Look at both dolphins jumping out of the water. The dolphins are identical. A closely monitored, scientific study of a group revealed that in spite of the fact that the dolphins are identical, a person under stress would find differences in the two dolphins. If there are many differences found between both dolphins, it means that the person is experiencing a great amount of stress. Look at the photograph and if you find more than one or two differences you may want to take a vacation. http://benpop.cgweb.us/images/stress_indicator.jpg
  13. Shirley I am so sad to read your post. This would be your brother who had such a hard time , having been through lung cancer, with the fact Randy also had lung cancer? I met him at Randy's funeral. Boy you sure don't want to wish a heart attack on someone 49, but I sure hope that is all there is to it. Prayers going up for Dave. Donna G
  14. Hi Hollyjean, welcome. Did you find the spot to register? I also am a lung cancer survivor and another RN, not retired yet though. Glad you have joined us. Donna G
  15. Jenny I am so sad to hear how things are going for your Mom. It is wonderful that she can have you with her. You are in my prayers. Donna G
  16. I have read that many older people are not really offered the option of any treatment. They are told that it is not worth taking chemo, and since such a high percentage of people are not diagnosed early that surgery is a viable option this also ads to the stats. I have also read with chemo now there really are less problems than years gone by , which would be what these older people would be thinking about. Donna G
  17. You would think after all the court that the tobacco companys went through exposing that they add at least 500 carcinogenic chemicals to tobacco that at least they would be banned from doing that, but no all they have to do it just say "may be harmful to your health". Donna G
  18. I like it too. Sandy you say created it , great job. Are you sure Snowflake had no input? All kidding aside wonderful job. Donna G
  19. So sad to hear of all your problems. If you have not been able to eat in a week sounds like the feeding tube is a good , at least temporary, fix. This will keep you with good nutrition to heal from what ever needs to be done to rectify the problem. Prayers going up that a good solution will be found soon and plans put in place. Donna G
  20. Welcome Charlene, I know that Connie B has a warm heart but certainly it has nothing to do with the weather here in Minnesota today! IT IS COLD , unlike the gorgeous day you describe in Houston. Hope you keep us posted on how things are going for you. Again, Welcome. Donna G
  21. Sorry we all have Lung Cancer. The lungs are one of the most frequent site for metastatic cancer but in skin cancer , it is still skin cancer , where ever it spreads to. Best to look under skin cancer for the treatments, chemos etc will be those used for skin cancer. Perhaps Melanoma. Good Luck. Donna G
  22. Welcome Jerry. Keep us posted how you are doing. Donna G
  23. Welcome norell. I also have survived lung cancer. We that have survived, I believe, can reach back and help those coming up behind us. I agree with you on your comments. I also had a huge church praying for me. We do quite a bit of prayers on this message board also. Please come and share with us your success. Again . Welcome Donna G
  24. Donna G

    Met to stomach?

    The most common sites for any cancer to spread to are Liver, Lung, Brain, Bone.
  25. Prayers going up. So sad to read this about Bill. Donna G
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