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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Nancy I am so sorry. May you find peace. We will miss David. Donna G
  2. Shelly I am so sorry. You asked what are the odds of 2 parents. Ask Connie B. She has lost her mother, father, sister and she herself has lost her left lung. In some there is some genetic link I think. Donna G
  3. Great news David! Now just lick this bronchitis thing quick, so you can have lots of fun playing with Faith. Donna G
  4. Donna G

    hello all

    Welcome back Israel. So sorrry your grandmother also is facing this disease. Hopefully you will over come your habit so you won't pass this down to future generations. Kids copy you and ignore what you say when your actions are the opposite. So if Mom and Dad say "Don't smoke" if they continue to smoke , the kids take that as it is really OK to smoke. How is your grandmother doing? What kind of treatments has she had? Keep us posted. Good luck with your education dreams, we need doctors. Donna G
  5. Hi Becky, I read that Katie wanted to see you while she was out there on business. We enjoy your brother too. Donna G
  6. Fell over this site. Seams that ALCASE is a member. It is international org advocating lung cancer patients rights. http://www.lungcancercoalition.org/
  7. Donna G


    Francine, wow! So sorry to hear you were so under the weather! Glad you are back. Donna G
  8. Prayers going up for Matthew. Donna G
  9. It is a good thing that you are getting a port. They should even be able to use it for blood tests. I took Cisplatin and now have little scars over the back of my hand and forarm, just from where they pulled out the needle. One week delay won't make that much difference. Hope all goes smooth . Keep us posted. Donna G
  10. Have you been to ? http://www.chemocare.com/ Lots of info there. Donna G
  11. Donna G


    So Cute Thanks Donna G
  12. Correct! I had thought that if you added up all that are shot and killed in our own cities each day whether it would be more than over there, in other words are we killing each more of each other . I had not thought of comparing it with our disease. Donna G
  13. I have a friend with PKD . He is on a very strick diet, no potasium, very low protein, no salt, etc etc. He will need a transplant , for now following the diet and so far he has gotten away without dialysis. His kids have tested to see if they could be donors , but also found they carry the gene. Keep us posted. Donna G
  14. RFA is a viable alternative for those that are inoperable otherwise. Another treatment that only a few are trained to do is lobectomy by VATS . Surgery is done through a scope so the recovery time is shorter and a lot less pain. Many thoracic surgeons use it for biopsys but few are trained to remove lobes or the entire lung this way . We have a doctor here at the U of Minnesota, I saw a movie of him removing a lung. Good luck on your quest to be informed. Welcome Donna G
  15. Where do you live? A lot of us have the heat running full blast. It really dries out the air and sometimes the humidity drops to less than 20 % . Perhaps boiling water, running the shower or investing in a room humidifier could help. Donna G
  16. John as usual you come up with deep but interesting news and theories. Thanks for sharing them with us. Donna G
  17. Is Books short for Barnes and Noble? We love it there. Glad you found us. Keep us posted now. Donna G
  18. Thanks for the up date. Sounds like she was a little trooper. Glad this is behind her now. Donna G
  19. Welcome TBone. Like your name! Donna G
  20. Thanks for taking the time! That was great. Donna G
  21. Welcome and Happy Anniversary, you are already past being a one month survivor. Please forgive me but I just love any excuse to celebrate! This time next year we can celebrate the first year anniversary. Please continue to keep us posted . Donna G
  22. Sandy looking forward to reading your post under good news, prayers and warm wishes. Donna G
  23. Welcome , I hope you decide to register. Most of us know how hard the addiction to nicotine is to break. It can be done! I am over 6 yrs nicotine free and boy it feels good. No more burned clothes, carpets, no more stinky smell, no more money down the drain, no more embarrassment if some one found out ( for many yrs many people I knew did not know I smoked) etc. It is not easy for a little "liar" up in your head keeps telling you that you need to smoke. Believe me it is not true. I tried Zyban and truly after a couple of weeks I forgot to smoke, before I got to my "quit" date. Even the patch is better for your lungs at least , it may help you with the habbit, but you still need to wean off the nicotine. You are young, if I added up your numbers correctly so it will be well worth it. Also some places have a 12 step program for nicotine addiction if you think a support group would help. Just to add I also had a tumor found in my Right upper lobe, it touched to edge so I had chemo and radiation before they did surgery and chemo after. My lymph nodes were clean, and so far it has not shown its ugly head again, thank goodness. I pray you find a way. Good Luck Donna G
  24. Your biggest challenge today , as I see it , is "hearing" what the doctor has to say to you. Take notes or bring a small tape recorder. This visit tends to be so emotionally charged that it is difficult to remember all that is said and remember it accurately. Good luck. Donna G
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