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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Good job! I work in a hospital and was able to put up several tables with info, posters, etc for the whole month of November one year. Flyers sound like a great idea, we have bulleton boards everywhere. Donna G
  2. Has anyone seen this web site? http://www.thejenningseffect.com/about/ Looks like they want to help others in his name. Donna G
  3. In December 1997 I recieved the crushing news that I had lung cancer! I had gone to the doctor thinking that the pain I had was due to moving back to Minnesota and the unpacking. I knew as an RN that pain was not an early sign of lung cancer. I cried all the way home. Thus my journey began. My story is posted at lchelp.org a web site set up to support those diagnosed with lung cancer and their families. I am Donna G at the site. When I was a young teenager I thought smoking made me look and feel "grown up". My Mother smoked cigarettes and Dad smoked a pipe. When I entered nursing school after graduating from High School we were not allowed to smoke in uniform. The patients smoked at their bedsides and the doctors smoked at the nurses station. I married a Navy man tall and handsome. The military gave them free smokes at times, sold discounted smokes on base and at "sea" sold sea stores for $1 a carton! In a few years I began to understand people really did get sick and cough etc who smoked. My mother was developing a bad cough. I wanted to quit and I really tried and tried. I could kick them for a few months and my husband would come home and say "We are being moved to San Diego" and the stress of another move would make me take that "just one" and I was hooked again. I began working in an intensive care unit and really did not want to smell like a cigarette while I was teaching my patient who just had a heart attack the reasons he should quit smoking. For years I was able to shower , go the whole day without, then after a stress filled day just really "need" just one on the way home. Being told I had lung cancer finally was enough to get me over the hump. I have never smoked again. It is nearly 8 years. I must say with the help of Wellbutrin and a smokers annonymous support group. I was just reading the book by James Frey, In a Million Pieces. He decribed how he would dream he was using his drugs of addiction and the dream was so real. He said this is commom for addicts. I thought how correct you are! I often dreamt that I had a cigarette and was enjoying it. My mother finally died of COPD. The last years she was in a nursing home and could not smoke their. She told me also how she dreamt of smoking and even til death she said how she just loved to smoke! I pray that we quit depending on Cigarette "sin" taxes to balance our state and federal budgets, that people really learn early in life how to cope without needing -- This is what I posted on their Quit Message Board. They made me stop. (LIMITED how long)
  4. Please tell off the person at the American Cancer Society! Send her a copy of the declaration! Call the news paper would be another idea or ABC news that the American Cancer Society was wrong! They advocate for all other cancers , why not for us!
  5. Thanks I just commented their too. Donna G
  6. Donna G

    Quit to Live

    I posted their I suppose you have to wait to see if it was "accepted" I also gave this web address. I hope that they do a good job and help some people. Donna G
  7. Welcome Miss Di, so glad you found us. I suppose you have been wondering around the board and exploring what is available here. Please read David P.'s story under "My Story" He posted it a while ago. He was a teen when he had a lung removed. Hope you are doing well. Are you doing any exercises to increase your lung capacity? It is possible , especially where you are young. Keep us posted. Donna G
  8. Welcome aboard, Glad you found us. Donna G
  9. Like they say it was probably "non" small cell lung cancer. If they were able to do surgery it was not Stage IV with distant metastasis . Next besides someone at Dr. appointments to take notes he also needs lots of support, and prayers that the treatments kill any loose cells and years down the road he will celebrate his survival. Best Wishes, prayers going up and please keep us posted on how he is doing. Donna G
  10. Donna G

    It's a Girl

    Babies are such joys. I was floated to work on post partem this afternoon and I got to meet the cutest little baby girl who was just born at 1:14 today. I hope you have lots of fun. Donna G
  11. I heard that on TV this am. I had heard before about brocoli. I am not too big a fan of cabbage or sprouts, so I'll stick to the brocoli. Donna G
  12. Sorry you lost 2 lobes of lung but anything is better that lung cancer. Thanks so much for the up date. Hope you are doing well recovering from your surgery. Donna G
  13. Lood what could happen at night! When you're sleeping. http://www.justracin.net/is.swf
  14. Donna G

    blood clot

    Sadly blood clots are fairly commom with lung cancer. Some are diagnosed because of clots first. Heparin is the best drug for its treatment. When off IV heparin - Levenox which you inject like insulin into your belly is best. It is low moleculare weight Heparin. For some reason Coumadin which is used a lot for people who have clotting problems does not work as well when lung cancer is involved. Donna G
  15. Donna G

    Mike Evans

    So sad, he is much too young. Donna G.
  16. Thanks, I even learned more about the history of St. Patrick at that site. Donna G
  17. It is a connection that has been carefully taught. Like Breast Cancer, Mom and apple pie-- Lung Cancer , smoking and cigarettes. Donna G
  18. Welcome. Just want to add that a lot of times treatment especially if it is in the liver and bones just may make your grandmother more comfortable! If it is small cell , that is very sensitive to chemo and she may do well for a long time. Donna G
  19. Donna G

    Journey's End

    Joyce I am also so sorry for your loss. I pray for you and your family for peace. Donna G
  20. Donna G

    Hello God

    Hello God, I called tonight To talk a little while I need a friend who'll listen To my anxiety and trial. You see, I can't quite make it Through a day just on my own... I need your love to guide me, So I'll never feel alone. I want to ask you please to keep, My family safe and sound. Come and fill their lives with confidence For whatever fate they're bound. Give me faith, dear God, to face Each hour throughout the day, And not to worry over things I can't change in any way. I thank you God, for being home And listening to my call, For giving me such good advice When I stumble and fall. Your number, God, is the only one That answers every time. I never get a busy signal, Never had to pay a dime. So thank you, God, for listening To my troubles and my sorrow. Good night, God, I love You, too, And I'll call again tomorrow!
  21. Welcome. Just want you to know sometimes it is best to start with chemo and /or radiation. I did and I am soon to celebrate 8 yrs of survival and no signs of cancer. by the way you said they had called it squamous cell lung cancer, didn't they do a biopsy, why or what is the surgeon wanting to biopsy? Donna G
  22. Donna G

    CBS Interview

    Tomorrows Tuesday! Stay cool, you'll do a great job. Wish we could see it here in Minnesota. Donna G
  23. Welcome Kim, glad you found us. Donna G
  24. I am trying to figure out when they are going to air these shows. Could this be when? 2x10: "The Cancer Man Can" November --, 2005 From a casting call: Shoot Dates: October 10, 2005 (in Manhattan Beach). Breakdown-- Robert Hopper: Mid-late 40's. Slightly gaunt from his battles with Stage 4 lung cancer, Robert was a participant in a double-blind research study of a new cancer drug. He is suing Daniel Post, a wealthy businessman and cancer patient, who used his influence to insure that he received the actual drug while Robert received the placebo. Guest Star. 2x12: "Legal Deficits" December 13, 2005 Denny represents Brad when he faces the consequences of his actions in the previous episode. Alan reconnects with an old friend when visiting a client in prison.
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