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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Donna G

    My surgery

    Ray, great to hear from you. And great news too. Keep us posted. Donna G
  2. Donna G

    Rodrigo Martinez

    Martha , thank you for sharing with us this site. I am so sorry for your loss. He was too young to be taken from his family. Prayers for you and the family for peace. Donna G
  3. Gregory, where did this article come from? Is this your opinion? Chemo therapy is life saving. Much has been done in recent yrs that has lowered the cost of administering chemo. I remember when chemo was only given by the doctor, in a hospital bed and the patient required a lot of care before and after! Now is is usually given in a matter of hours , as an out patient, and meds such as Zophran usually keep nausea etc under control so you can sleep at home!. The varietty of meds available now compared to 20+ yrs ago is amazing. Many people do take oral chemo if it will help them. Could you post where this article came from? Donna G
  4. Wow, so sorry , this is such a hard time . I hope you can get back to us on how the treatment for the brain mets went. Hope you guys turn the corner and things go well. Donna G
  5. Hi and welcome. Please keep us posted on how your Dad is doing. Donna G
  6. Donna G


    Wow, what a long ribbon. First let me say that I was hyperthyroid at diagnosis, that was the first thing the doctors wanted to treat!. They gave me a high dose to wipe out my thyroid for with the increased metabolism, the tumor was growing even faster. I agree with all of the above add to the reason cancer starts to develop. I don't think it is a simple thing. After going to the lung cancer consortium meetings here in the twin cities, I am learning the cell is unbelievably complex, not as simple as you may have learned in school. It is so totally amazing, it is hard for me to fathom that any being happened by chance as the theories that are going around say. I believe my God does not cause bad things. In his perfection, he allows for good and bad . He does have the power and the will to make good from bad. It is our choice to accept his help. It sounds to me with this group we have a lot of potential to start the ball rolling. Theresa with her Doctorate and her talents in research, Lisa , with your experience with questionaires. Snowflake, having participated in a questioaire. Dr Joe, his knowledge of research , treatment . So many others who have spent time looking up all the different irritants that we are exposed to and breath. ( by the was I grew up in a major city, living in a major city more than 10 yrs is a risk) Exposure to deisel fumes , which are 300 times more poluting than gas engines is a risk. Many of us see genetics as a risk as we have multiple family members afflicted. Many studies are out now that certain vegetables protect us from the cancerous changes. Even some medicines that are antiinflamatory may decrease changes. I believe even an ace inhibiltor med decrease risk. How are some people seemingly cured by Heparin? Perhaps we should put our heads together. Rick may be able to give us another spot on the site to have a questionairre, to answer here or to print off for us to ditribute to our local cancer treatment center. Perhaps MD Anderson would like our help collectiing data, a link or something. Anyone have any other ideas. ? Donna G
  7. Causes of stress fall into two categories: external and internal. External stress can be caused by major life events such as moving, changing jobs, the death of a family member, or a divorce. It can also be caused by everyday pressures such as money worries, deadlines, arguments, family concerns, and not getting enough sleep. Internal stress comes from inside. People are often less aware of internal stress, although it can play an even greater role in the stress of daily life. Internal stressors include: Values and beliefs Faith Goals Self-image Although all these things can be positive, they cause stress when people feel they are not living up to their own expectations in these areas. Symptoms When you feel stressed, your body automatically increases blood pressure, heart rate, metabolism, and blood flow to your muscles. This response helps your body react to high-pressure situations. When you are constantly reacting to stress, it can affect your health, well- being, and relationships. Too much stress can cause symptoms such as insomnia, headaches, backaches, and constipation or diarrhea. Chronic stress can make you more accident prone; lead to alcohol, tobacco, or drug use; and contribute to high blood pressure and heart disease. If tension, mood swings, or other bad feelings are interfering with your daily life, it may be more than stress. Stress that depresses your mood or ruins your ability to experience joy may be the result of an anxiety disorder or depression. See your doctor if you are experiencing these symptoms. Self-Care Research has found that people who effectively manage the stress in their lives have three things in common: They consider life a challenge, not a series of hassles. They have a mission or purpose in life and are committed to fulfilling it. They do not feel victimized by life. They have control over their lives, even with temporary setbacks. Steps to Manage Stress Identify the things in your life that cause stress. Try to avoid them, but if you can’t, have a plan for dealing with them. You may have to learn to say no to things you don’t want to do. Reduce internal stress by setting realistic goals and expectations for yourself. Share some of your responsibilities. A shared burden is lighter to carry—and you may develop a new friendship or learn another way of problem solving. Exercise regularly to relieve muscle tension and stress. Stretches and walking are especially helpful. Find some humor in even the worst situation—even when you have to force yourself. Organize your time and don’t procrastinate. Focus on the individual steps for getting a job done, so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Talk with a friend or family member. Sharing your thoughts and fears will make them less overwhelming and easier to handle. Get a pet to take care of and love. Practice deep breathing. Breathe in slowly from your diaphragm. Hold each breath for a few seconds, then exhale slowly. Learn progressive muscle relaxation to relieve tension. Tense and then relax every muscle in your body. Begin with your head and neck, and work your way down to your toes. Sit quietly and repeat to yourself a “cue” word, such as peace, that will make you feel calm. Listen to relaxation tapes or music. Relax in a warm bath. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and all street drugs. Help other people. The sense of well-being you receive will help you put life’s events in better perspective. Balance the different areas of your life (work, relationships, play, spirituality). Sign up for a team sport or take up a new hobby. Take time to focus on the spiritual part of life, including nature or religion. Get a massage from a good friend, family member, or qualified massage therapist. Learn more about stress and how to cope with it. Contact your local clinic or community education program to find out if they offer classes on stress management or relaxation. Holiday Stress The holiday season can be a particularly stressful time. Busy schedules, family get-togethers, and added financial pressures can increase the stress of everyday life. Follow these tips to deal with stress during the holidays: Have realistic expectations. Don’t expect everything to be perfect. Don’t count on the holidays to make family tensions or disagreements disappear. Know your financial limits and budget your spending. Don’t feel like you have to buy everyone an expensive gift. Don’t try to do too much. You shouldn’t have to rearrange your whole schedule to deal with the holidays. Ask others for help when you need it. It’s okay to say no. Don’t feel that you need to accept every invitation you receive. If you’ve recently experienced a breakup, death in the family, or other tragedy, holidays can be especially stressful. Ask friends and family to be understanding if you don’t feel like participating in the festivities.
  8. Prayers going up for you, your Mom and family for comfort and peace during this most difficult time. Donna G
  9. I had Cisplatin and VP 16 . Mine was a whole lot more than facial flushing. It was instant menopause, Hot flash, Hot flash , Hot flash, rip your close off, wet hair, flash , flash flash. Sorry, don't know what would help you. Donna G
  10. LeoraeK ------- THIS WAS POSTED BY GUEST IN MY STORY Guest ---------- I HOPE YOU REGISTER AND JOIN US DONNA G Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 11:05 am Post subject: My Lung Cancer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have had lung cancer for about 1 year now, but just heard about this support site from a friend in Minnesota. I have non small cell lung cancer which had, when diagnosed, spread to my mediasternim lymph nodes. I had surgery to remove the cancer from my lung and also the lymph nodes. Then begin the long radiation and chemotherapy. After several months, the cancer had spread to my adrenal gland and also two lymph nodes. I started on Cisplatin and Taxotere. The first treatment was a breeze - up and at it in about 3 days. But.... the next was a killer. Two weeks later, I am still anemic, taking Procrit and my platlets are low. I am totally fatigued and nauseated. I have an oncologist in St. Louis and Jefferson City. I am scheduled for a cat scan next week and if the tumor on the adrenal gland has shrunk, I will take only one kind of chemo which should be easier on the body. Thanks for listening. Back
  11. We would have figured it out! Thanks for telling us some more about you and the girls and the "caboose". It takes so much to run a house and raise 4 kids, yes even the oldest is still being raised. YOu must be exausted. If your friends have said "How may I help" call them , ask for dinner, rides for the kids, errands. Most people just don't know what you need. Perhaps they think you just need rest and want to leave you alone to get it. IN school they ought to teach "How to help those who are sick" or How to help those who are in overload" but since they don't , just ask. MOst of our friends would really like to do something. Let us know how you are doing. Donna G
  12. Great news. The worst is over. Keep up the good work. Walking is good for you. Donna G
  13. Hi, welcome. Question, you say you had no ribs broken? Did you have your whole left lung removed through a scope? Only a few doctors have been trained to do this in thoracic surgery, it is a lot less painful, and suppose to heal faster. Those of us with the large smiley, a couple of broken ribs seem to always have some discomfort, especially with the "appliance" Donna G
  14. Welcome Melaniemom. Glad you found us. Sounds like a great plan in place . Keep us posted on how you are progressing. Donna G
  15. Best wishes, please let us know how things are going. Donna G They do have it in Mayo in Fla. http://www.mayoclinic.org/endoscopicultrasound-jax/
  16. Hi Doug, l missed your initial post somehow, welcome. Your path you have traveled is inspiring to all of us. As you know it is a big help when you are diagnosed to meet and talk with someone who has walked the walk, and is a survivor. Again welcome. Donna G
  17. Welcome Laura, Hope we continue to be of support to you. Donna G
  18. Interesting article. I have read about that before. Donna G
  19. Donna G

    Estelle Danner

    I see she had not posted since she left for the south last winter, at that time she was so pleased with her progress . So sad. Donna G
  20. You did find us! Welcome. Several of us are nurses here at this site. I think you are the first one that is specialized in Onocology. I have been a nurse for many years but boy I never knew much about lung cancer except that pain was not an early sign. Wouldn't you know it was pain that took me to the doctor and when he told me I had lung cancer I fell apart, I just knew it was over for me. Guess what, nearly 7 yrs later here I am , good friends with NED. Welcome abourd. Donna G
  21. Is the tumor in the center? There are doctors, actually GI doctors who are trained to do endoscopy and biopsy through the esophagus or stomach wall using ultrasound. It is a lot less invasive than having a thorocotomy , only an out patient procedure usually. They can get at the lymph nodes, and adrenal glands also. Donna G Here is the post I made a while back http://lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.p ... ultrasound
  22. Yes, Dr Duane took care of me!!!!!!!!. I sent you a message so check your mail box. Donna G
  23. Tami, do you really need to work 80 hours a week? Do you really need to work at all? Perhaps you need to take a little time to decide what is really important in life. At least some time to yourself. You can not keep a rat race like that.
  24. Have a safe trip . Waiting to hear how the appointment went . Donna G
  25. Glad to hear from you. We miss Ada too. Donna G
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