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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. Welcome, I am so glad that you got a second opinion for your father. Prayers Carol
  2. Thank you Randy. It is important to remember these wonderful courageous people as we fight the battle and fight for a cure. Thank you. Carol
  3. Your story gives hope to so many people. Thank you. Carol
  4. Praying for the best for your nephew. So glad to see that they know what the problem is and can plan for treatment. I would definitly see a specialist in this area. Prayers Carol
  5. My prayers and condolences for you and your famiy. Carol
  6. Hello Loretta, Welcome! I will be praying for good results from treatment for you, your husband and family. Carol
  7. I HATE THIS DISEASE!!! Continue to keep your mother in prayer. Carol
  8. Yes indeed, continue to make your mother proud. My prayers and condolences to you. Carol
  9. Joanie, I would have it checked out too. Mark it on your caldendar including the time. If there is a pattern developing here you need to make your doctors aware of it. They don't seem to be aware of much that does not come from research or a clinical trial so take your own date and time documentation with you. Stay well! Carol
  10. My prayers and condolences to you and your family. Carol
  11. carolhg

    5 years!

    Congratulations! This "MY HAPPY DAY U"
  12. Tracy, It is all so very, very unfair. It is like always waiting for the other shoe to drop, maybe it will, maybe it won't. I pray that you will have a very long life with your husband and your children. I pray and pray Dear God for a cure for this awful disease. Carol
  13. I certainly am praying for Katie, her mother and family. Carol
  14. carolhg

    Scan today

    Wonderful, wonderful news Jamie! Carol
  15. Thank you so much. Prayers for you also. Carol
  16. carolhg

    Cancer back

    You and your mother are certainly being prayed for. Carol
  17. carolhg


    No, I have been thinking about them and I certainly hope that his treatment is going okay. I continue to keep them in prayer. Carol
  18. carolhg

    BRAIN MRI results

    Mary, that indeed is very good news! Carol
  19. Connie thank you very much for the update. My thoughts and prayers to Katie and her family. Truly truth from the mouthes of babes. Carol
  20. It truly is difficult to not be working during treatment. I went through the same thing because I work with high school students and they always have something. If possible you might try to see if you can do desk work or paper work that will keep you away from so many people but will not interfere with your income. You obviously have the love and support of your wife which is certainly number one. I had the same treatment that you are having followed my surgery and adjuvant chemo. My surgery was in July, 2005 and I have had clean scans since by the Grace of God. My prayers are for you and your wife for you to have successful, treatment, surgery and recovery. Carol
  21. I find the timelines to be very helpful. Carol
  22. I am so very sorry for your loss of your father. Teresa I am sure that he will be smiling down on you from Heaven on your wedding day. ((((((((((((((((((((((Prayers))))))))))))))))))))))) Carol
  23. (((((((((((((Huggs and Prayers Katie)))))))))))))))) Carol
  24. It is the hope that keeps us going. I read that from a post somewhere and it is so very, very true. Thank you, Carol
  25. My thoughts and prayers are certainly with you and for you Don. Take care and know that we care. Carol
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