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Everything posted by carolhg

  2. I had lymph node involvement as well as a lung tumor. I had 6 weeks of chemo (carbo/taxol) and radiation.When I had surgery to remove my upper right lobe, 20 lymph nodes were removed from my chest not to mention one of my ribs. No cancer was found in any of the lymph nodes. KEEP THE FAITH. Carol
  3. I am so glad that the pain is less. I certainly hope that this chemo cocktail works better for her. god Bless you both. Carol
  4. I hope that you have a speedy recovery. Carol
  5. I am so sorry for the agony that you are experiencing right now. I pray that things get better for you real soon. Carol
  6. I am so happy for your good news Oliver. God Bless you. Carol
  7. You are great Jim, and you are creating a great shadow. Continue to be strong and be proud your shadow. Carol
  8. I certainly will pray that your brother is healed of this awful disease. Carol
  9. My name was supposed to be Carolyn. My mothers best friend had a daughter a year before I was born and stole the name. My mother not to be completely outdone named me Carol. Carolyn and I went from elementary school to high school together,but have since lost contact. I hate for people to call me Carolyn. If I were going to choose a name for my self it would be Pilar. I love the Spanish sound of that name.
  10. What a great ramble to be able to have. Carol
  11. carolhg

    I'm back

    Welcome back Peggy. May God Bless you. Carol
  12. I just want you to know that positive thoughts and prayers are being thought and said for you. Please let me know when the cancer is gone again. Carol
  13. carolhg


    Hi Beth, I want you to know that you are thought of and that positive thoughts are being sent your way and prayers are being said for you. Carol
  14. Hebbie, This is such an encouraging article. It gives hope to so many people. Thank you. Carol
  15. Thank you all so very much for the information that you have given me. I am truly grateful, and I truly do listen to your advice. Carol
  16. I had a rib bone removed during one of the procdures that I had when I had surgery. I had a boroscoptophy, thoracotomy and lobectomy. Two other ribs were "pulled togegether" to protect the space of the missing rib. Does anyone know how long it will be before the discomfort goes away? It feels painful. Thank you for any information. Carol
  17. carolhg


    Thank each and every one of you for your support and kindness. I am enjoying being home. I had one of my ribs removed during surgery, so I am very sore, but like I said I am NOT going to complain. I am so grateful that everything went well for me. Thank you all so very, very much. Carol
  18. carolhg


    Thank each and every one of you so very, very much. I am so grateful to all of you for your understanding, your concern, and your support. I pray that God Blesses each and every one of you. Thank you again. I am so grateful to be here. Carol
  19. carolhg


    I am back home in my own house and it feels wonderful.I have been staying with my in-laws since I got out of the hospital, and they were wonderful. You know what they say: There is no place like home. I feel pretty good. I am really sore in my right rib area. The doctor explained to me that he removed one of my ribs when he did the thoracotomy. I had a boracoptophy (sp), thoracotomy and lobectomy. The good news is that of the 20 lymph nodes removed from my chest and thorasic area none of them were cancerous. The residue that was left from the tumor after radiation was removed with the lobectomy. I am not complaining and I am not going to complain about my discomfort. I have vicodin for the discomfort. I am not having any trouble with movement, breathing or appetite. I have an appointment Tuesday with my oncologist for followup chemo. I plan to go back to work at the end of August to start the new school year. I had surgery on July 1st and I was dismissed from the hospital on July 9th. The entire time that I was in the hospital I was in the ICU unit. I was not there because I was so ill, but because the hospital was so crowded that they just could not find a bed for me. The good part about being in ICU was that I got the best of care and the nurses were just wonderful. Having taught school for 32 years in my town it turned out that some of my former students are now nurses in the ICU unit. I asked them if they remembered years ago when I told them that one day I would be an old woman and they would be the doctors and nurses in the hospital taking care of me. They were so wonderful, they just said but you're not old-great kids! The down side about being in ICU was that I did not have a telephone. The other is that being in ICU for that long, I was there while people died and I could hear the pain and agony of family members as they lost their loved ones. That was really emotional and difficult for me. I too have a whole new respect for medical staff. One moment thay would be talking a joking and the next they would move in precision doing all they could to save a life. Believe me I have taken See's candy to all of the medical staffs that I have been lucky enough to work with on this journey. I thank God for them. You all know how scared I was and I want each of you to know that I am so very grateful to each of you for your encouragement and support. I pray that God Blesses each and every one of you. Please do continue to keep me in your prayers. Carol
  20. Hello everyone, It is so good to be able to write to you and to let you know that my surgery was successful. Remember those lymph nodes that I was so worried about? They were clean. My surgeon did a broscoptophy and a thoroctomy before he did the surgery. I am not at home but with my in-laws. I most likely will not be home until next month at the earliest. I am doing very well, just very, sore and slight problem with indigestion. I am not complaining, because I am so grateful. Thank each and everyone of you very much for your prayers and Please do continue to keep me in your prayers as I will keep you in mine. Carol
  21. I am asking that you all say a prayer for me PLEASE. I will get back to you when I can get back to my computer. God Bless you all. Thank you, Carol
  22. THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! I am very grateful that I will be having surgery next week. I am also a bit anxious and scared. PLEASE CONTINUE TO KEEP ME AND ALL OF US IN YOUR PRAYERS. Carol
  23. Wishing you a speeding recovery and the best of reports. Carol
  24. I had a persistent cough which I never associated with cancer. I coughed up some blood. That made me stop immediately and call for a doctor appointment. Thank God I did, I was staged 3A.
  25. for SURGERY , July 1st, 2005. PLEASE continue to keep me and ALL of us in your prayers. Thank you so very much for your kindness and support. Carol
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