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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. What a wonderful and meaningful and helpful thing for her to do. Great! Carol
  2. I too welcome you MissDi, but also am sorry that you have to be here. The good thing is that you said your cancer was stable. Hopefully your lymph nodes will be cleared, mine were and yours can be too. Carol
  3. What a wonderful relief. I am so happy for all of you. Carol
  4. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. Carol
  5. Please do take the MRI, hopefully it will relieve you of the fear. My prayers and thoughts are with you. Carol
  6. I had a nodule that had been in my left lung that had always showed up on my CT and PET scans. I had a PET scan just before my surgery and the little sucker decided to light up even though it had never lit up before. I WAS SCARED SO SCARED! Thank God for Connie B. She told me that it did not have to be bad news, and it was not. My surgeon insisted on me having it biopsied before he would do the surgery. It turned out to be scar tissue. I pray that that is all it is with you also. Carol
  7. Truly a wonderful story. Congratulations !!! Carol
  8. carolhg

    Mike Evans

    My prayers to Mikes family. What a wonderful man to continue to fight cancer in death with the will of his earthly remains. Carol
  9. That is really great news. It will be interesting to see what will develp from it. Thank you Fay for explaining the smart cookie and armadillo. I did not know what it meant. It sure makes a lot of sense. Carol
  10. I very much like what you had to say. I think it will have a great impact on family and friends. Good job!!! Carol
  11. Unreal, that is all that I can say. The broken rib on top of everything else is no playday. As seriously as cancer takes you and all of us, you, we have no choice but to respond to cancer very, very seriously. Hang in there!!! Carol
  12. Heather You were always supportive of me when I was so scared. Your own story continues to inspire me. I pray that all is well with you. Carol
  13. Pat, I am praying and trusting right along with you. I hope that this new drug is the one that turns thins around for the both of you. Prayers, Carol
  14. Thank you very much for your reply Hebbie. I am on a new track to eat, live, breathe and think healthy. Carol
  15. carolhg

    brain met

    I agree with you so very much. There is strength in prayer and I want you to know that I am praying for you. Carol
  16. carolhg

    Journey's End

    Joyce & Alex & Scott, I am sorry to hear of your loss. My prayers for all of you. God Bless you. Carol
  17. carolhg

    Safely home

    I am glad to hear that you are back home. My prayers for the both of you. Carol
  18. Your mom will get better. I had 6 weeks of radiation and weekly chemo before my surgery. It helps to drink lots of water to stay hydrated. Carol
  19. I understand your fear. I have 'been there, done that'. Onn July 1st I had the same surgery that you are about to have. They had me up and walking down the hallway the next day in the hospital. I am back at work now and I am not in pain. You will be okay, try not to worry, I know that is easier said than done. Truly you will be just fine and later you will be able to give support to someone else who like you is very afraid. Take care. Carol
  20. carolhg

    CBS Interview

    Fantastic news Hebbie. You will do a great job. Carol
  21. I certainly will pray that your parents remain safe. Carol
  22. Hi myrnalu, I just want you to know that I had the same surgery that you are about to have. The good news is that you are able to have surgery. I had my surgery on July 1st. I had some soreness and pain which was taken care of with pain pills. Now I cannot remember when I stopped taking the pain pills. I am back at work and feeling pretty good. Please do not stress yourself out with worry. Everything will be fine. Carol
  23. Got my Jack Lalane juider at Walmart for $78.00. Carol
  24. If you are NED does the sugar thing still apply. I mean if there is no evidence of disease does that not mean there are no cancer cells. So why avoid sugar because of fear of feeding cancer cells? Does NED mean the cancer cells are dormant and just waiting for something (like sugar) to kick them into action? Carol
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