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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. ((((((((((((Ann))))))))))))) God Bless you.
  2. Staying strong and positive is the right attitude. Yes, sometimes it is difficult to maintain. At times like that we are here to support each other. Prayers
  3. Have a wonderful Christmas Hannuka Holiday. God Bless You.
  4. Prayers for you and your dad. Prayers
  5. I am glad to hear that your dad is back home resting. Take care. I will continue to keep you and your dad in my prayers. Prayers
  6. I HATE THIS AWFUL DISEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. It is very important for you to take the time that you need. May God be with you as you begin heal from your loss. Prayers
  8. Thank you Sundrop. I am so very sorry. I will pay that God gives Bill strength for what he has to endure. Prayers
  9. Bill your love for your wife will give you the strength to fight for her as you know she would for you if the situation were reversed. Please know how sorry I am that this awful thing has happened to the two of you. There has got to be a doctor there who will listen and do something.
  10. I am sorry the results of your scan. Hopefully this chemo will get better results. I had carbo/taxol. The pain started the third day after the infusion and lasted about 3-4 days. I learned to take pain medication before the pain actually started and that did help me. Prayers
  11. I am so happy that your treatment went well. I will be having a brain ct scan next month. I pray that all will be okay. I wanted to do like you did and take the test and get it out of the way. My doctor said that if I am worried about it, that I should do just that, take the test and get it out of the way. PRAY AND THRIVE
  12. Thank you for this article. My surgeon had explained this to me early in my treatment. It is great to see positive progress with this horrible disease.
  13. I pray that you get relief from the pain so that you can continue to fight.
  14. Have a wonderful and merry Merry Christmas.
  15. You are very Blessed. Enjoy!
  16. I pray that God will touch and heal your mothers body. I pray that God will heal each of us. PRAYERS
  17. I am so very sorry to read of the passing of your mother. Please know that you and your family are in my prayers. I pray that God gives you strength and peace.
  18. This is a very good magazine. I first found it in my oncologists waiting room. My radiologist provided free copies for his patients. Since then I have taken out a subscription for myself. Carol
  19. I am so glad to hear that you have gotten passed that "doomed" feeling.I think we have all been there at one time. Once you get past that sucker you can fight the fight. You just keep on keeping on! Prayers!
  20. Beth I am so sorry for the loss of your husband and the agony that you obviously have been through. I pray that you will be okay. May God Bless you.
  21. I feel so relieved for you. Thank God! Thank God! Thank God!
  22. carolhg

    Can't Wait...

    You both look great! Ebhoy
  23. I am so sorry for your loss. My sincere condolences to you and your family.
  24. Hey Nine, Been there, done that. I had an upper right lobectomy. I was staged 3A. Surgery was the best thing that I could hope for and I was happy to get it. I have no cancer now and am forever grateful to the people on this website, my health professionals and God. If you are staged 3A or less you most likely will have surgery and continue on with your life in what for me is a much more appreciative manner.
  25. I sincerely hope and pray that your mom will be okay. Please let her know that she is in my prayers, and so are you.
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