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Everything posted by daggiesmom

  1. daggiesmom

    Great News

    I am just so happy for your sister's good results. In reading her profile I realized her treatment and mine are VERY similar. My tumor was also about golf ball size, I had the same chemo and radiation as she. Please tell her that was 4 3/4 YEARS ago!!!! Now go CELEBRATE!!!!!!!!!! All the best, Joanie ((()))
  2. A few years ago I had to deal with this issue. In my case, the people who gave the worst responses were people in my own "family"(in-laws). One, who is a doctor brought up smoking right away, and honestly didn't seem to be aware that non-smokers can also get this disease. It hurt. He blamed me, I know it. Another one said "people have to take responsibility for their actions" while in a rather heated discussion about tobacco companies. This occured at a family party, so, for the sake of the honoree, I stopped the conversation, but believe me, I wanted to hit this guy in the head. He does not wish me well. Thank goodness my contact with him is minimal. Along the road I'm on I have had alot of bad experiences with people's attitudes. It seems I've lost alot of "friends" so in that respect it has been hard. But it has forced me to rethink what is a friend. Thank God for this board. Joanie ((()))
  3. Hi all, Went for the blood work and saw the surgeon yesterday. Surgeon says I'm prone to these fevers due to the wound I have. I have to ride them out. My immune system apparently isn't the greatest (no surprise there) and I do have to be careful around sources of bacteria. I think I need my own personal bubble Seriously though, I'll get the blood results soon and know for sure if there's anything nasty in there. The surgeon assured me that my October trouble will NOT return as the wound is healing well. The bacteria won't have a place to hide. That is good. He also recommended I continue to eat steak, high protein food, lots of it!!! Just as an aside, these fevers really get to me. Up until this all began in 2002, I really was not a sickly person at all. Now I feel like I've turned into a sickly old lady (fevers, can't sleep without a pill, my hair is falling out again, exactly three months after the operations, same as last time. Some days I feel alot older than 53. I know you guys know how I feel. I have too much going on right now, none of which I asked for or ever expected. I really never thought I'd miss working, but I sure do. Anyway........ Joanie ((()))
  4. Barry Manilow's dog was Bagel Hitler's dog was Blondie
  5. Thanks to all for your responses regarding the fevers that keep coming back. I had another one this morning. I have PCP appointment tomorrow and also an appointment with the surgeon who did the work in October. I feel better having their opinions and maybe we'll get to the bottom of this. I really am sick and tired of this. Thanks for all your great suggestions and support. I'll let you know the outcome. Joanie ((()))
  6. ((())) and prayers coming your way. Joanie
  7. Yeah, Kasey, this was a problem in the past.I'm supposed to get a CAT scan at the end of February. That is the regular schedule. If this fever causes me more problems this weekend I'm gonna call the doctor. I would think a blood test would indicate bacterial growth. Otherwise, I feel fine. Just need to stop worrying so much! Joanie ((()))
  8. I did mention this on the 5th when I saw the oncologist. He gave me a prescription for Zithromax, but I would only take that if it was above 101.He seemed to think that everyone runs a fever from time to time. Maybe I'm just a worry wart, ya know Joanie
  9. I have a problem with fever. I've heard that normal is not necessarily 98.6 for everyone. Usually, my temp is around 97 or so. I don't know if that is because of hypothyroid that I got as a result of radiation hitting my thyroid. However, I was experiencing recurrent fevers last summer, just before my bleeding issue began. Every other week or so I would get a low grade fever (under 101) that would last about two days. I feel crumby when these fevers hit. I've had three instances of this low grade fever since December, the lastest being today. I take tylenol and within a day or so it disappears. I've mentioned this to the doctors, but they don't seem to be too concerned. However, it makes me pretty miserable. Does anyone here have a similar problem? If so, what were you told to do? Do I just have to live with this? In the grand scheme of things it is minor, but I kind of worry if I'm harboring another bacteria. Should I ask the surgeon for a CAT scan? Thanks guys. Joanie ((()))
  10. Keeping your Mom and you and your family in my prayers. Joanie ((()))
  11. You and Brian kept me going when I was battling this disease. You kept my spirits up and gave me strength not to give up. You made me smile, which I really needed! NO WAY ARE YOU GOING ANYWHERE, YOU HEAR ME!!!!! There, I feel better. Spunky Joanie ((()))
  12. Prayers for your Mom and all of you. Joanie ((()))
  13. I am so, so sorry to hear of all the troubles piled on you. You are such a loving soul, and it just seems so wrong that you have to suffer so much. Believe me, you are in my thoughts and prayers today and always. I wish you peace, friend. Joanie ((()))
  14. Sonia, glad you found us as this is a good place to come for information and friendship. I remember when I was very young, my mother would collect in our apartment building for the American Cancer Society. I remember asking her why and her answer was that her mother had died of cancer. She did seem to be a bit ashamed about it and I never knew why. I do think it is a cultural/generational thing, though. When discussing cancer, even people's tone of voice would go to practically a whisper as if it was the person's fault, or maybe by talking about it, somehow, it would spread. Thinking back about it really makes me realize how much that type of attitude contributes to not finding a cure (you know, keep it hidden somewhere.) I hope you find some comfort here and hope Dad has good days ahead. Joanie ((()))
  15. Hi, glad to see you posting your Dad's history. I think it's always a good idea to get a second opinion and MSK certainly is a great place. Hope your Dad is feeling good today. I remember feeling somewhat relieved once I started treatment since I was "attacking the beast." Many of us feel that way. Hugs to you all. Joanie ((()))
  16. Please go to the SCLC forum to read about many of us who have hope. I am a 4 1/2 year suvivor of SCLC limited type. When you get more information as to the type of small cell and the game plan, please post as history below your profile. Second opinions are always possible, also. Joanie ((()))
  17. So glad you found us. Please let your Dad know there are many SCLC survivors here on the board. I went thru chemo and radiation in April-June 2002. They knocked out the tumor and I've been NED ever since! That's 4 1/2 years of no return of disease, Deenee! Tell your Dad about that That should make him laugh! I'm sure you'll be hearing from alot of us. There IS HOPE. DON'T GIVE UP! Joanie ((()))
  18. daggiesmom


    That's great that they finally sprung her! It is such a great feeling to be "released." Joanie ((()))
  19. Oh so very good to hear this great news Congratulations Kasey!!! Joanie
  20. Yes, you are blessed Terrie to look back at 4 years. Everyday is a blessing. Joanie ((()))
  21. Wonderful news! Congratulations! Joanie ((()))
  22. Hooray for a perfect PET Scan!!!!!!! I'll have a Bailey's (clink, clink to Muriel!!!) Joanie
  23. Hi Gina, Glad to see you're doing well and enjoying life! That's wonderful. I'm not familiar with Kaiser but you may get some others here who can help. Again, glad you're doing well. Joanie ((()))
  24. daggiesmom

    Pub's Open!

    Could I please have a Bailey's on the rocks? I'm celebrating not having to take coumadin anymore as of today! Joanie
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