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Everything posted by daggiesmom

  1. I posted this in the wrong forum. I think it belongs here: After visiting my surgeon today, I was thinking about his comments concerning eating and healing. He really puts heavy emphasis on the importance of my eating about 1000 more calories per day to promote healing of my lung surgery area. He says I must eat alot! Only problem is I don't have the appetite I used to which I thought was a good thing as I was overweight. Now I'm down to a good weight for my height and good BMI and really want to stay there for good. So I guess my question is, how can I maximize the nutritional healing issue without loading on the pounds? Are there any supplements that promote healing? Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Joanie
  2. Well, I managed to see both in one day since they're both in the same building. The timing just worked out great. My 12 cm. incision from my October adventure is healing nicely. The surgeon said it's very clean and closing well. Go back to see him next month. Oncologist visit really just consisted of getting prescription refills, planning for a March CAT scan, said, in effect, NED, go have fun and stay otta trouble (see, he knows me well.) One thing we did laugh about is the fact that i'm getting OLDER! Big smiles about that. I can remember discussing turning 50 with him and that was 3 years ago. So it went well. 2007 is starting out on a positive note. Joanie ((()))
  3. daggiesmom

    I got a job!

    I'm so happy to hear you've gotten the position you wanted. It is SO important to love what you do in life. Having enthusiasm for what you do always shines thru and makes you a number one performer. You will be absolutely great! Joanie ((()))
  4. Please remember that this board is here for you anytime you wish to "let it out." You certainly have an awful lot on your plate - this is too much for one person to handle. As others have said, it would be very good to call in some help. Try thru the social work network where your parents go for medical assistance. Yes, you probably are not yourself- you've been handed a monumental responsibility. I can only imagine how difficult this is for you. Any outside help would at least partially ease your burden. Please let us know how you're doing. Joanie ((()))
  5. So sorry to hear you're having so many problems. I'll pray hard for you. You're a strong fighter, you'll pull thru. I'm in the ring with you. Joanie ((()))
  6. Looking back at 2006 has me very torn. This time last year I was in intensive care, watching the ball drop in Times Square on TV with the nurses. I had just awakened from a medically induced coma of about 16 days. I didn't know where I was or what was going on. But I did know it was new year 2006 and somehow I felt glad that I was still around! Well, I still feel glad to be around and it's 2007!!!! Good Golly, Miss Molly, that is WONDERFUL, no matter how you look at it!!!!! Now I have another year, with many challenges ahead of me. But I'm still here to face those challenges. Thank God. Some days are very hard, that's for sure, but, God is always by my side. God bless us all in 2007. Never Give Up. Keep Trying! Joanie ((()))
  7. Thank you and Happy 2007 to you also. Hope it is filled with happiness and peace. Joanie ((()))
  8. Happy New Year Donna. Today is Dec. 31. Last Dec. 31 I was in a hospital bed just waking up from a 2 1/2 week coma and wondering what the Hell happened????I thank God for everyday since. I know you've had some hard days, but please remember that we are all still with you. I wish you a wonderful and peaceful 2007. All the best to all on the board, too. Joanie ((()))
  9. Happy, Happy 2007 to you. You are my role model! I hope 2007 is nothing but great! Joanie ((()))
  10. This is just wonderful news! SC responds dramatically to chemo, it really gets knocked out big time. I had 4 cycle routine and I think after the second round, they saw a big reduction. Remember, Bill, that was 4 1/2 YEARS AGO! So you keep on fightin' to join the NED club! So happy for this great news. Joanie ((()))
  11. I'm glad to hear you were able to be with your children and the time spent was enjoyable even though your hearts were heavy. You managed to get through and now you have 2007 to look forward to with hope and promise. ((())) Joanie
  12. I want to wish you and Connie a wonderful Christmas and please know we are praying for you. You WILL be swingin' those clubs!!! You are a wonderful source of strength and we need you here, helping us all. Joanie ((()))
  13. Here's a Merry Christmas treat for all our buddies here from two dancin' fools: Joanie & Brian. A very Merry Christmas and Happy 2007 from both of us & Dagwood, too! ((()))
  14. I'm glad to see you're feeling a little better today. No one should have to go thru so much grief. It's just not fair. ((())) Please remember you're in my prayers. Joanie
  15. I'm praying that you and your family (especially all the little, new additions) have a peaceful Christmas. Your Dennis would want that for all of you. Joanie ((()))
  16. Wonderful news Tracy! Now you and your beautiful family can celebrate the holidays with true joy! Just great!!!!! Joanie ((()))
  17. Gerri, Kasey and everyone - scan time can be so nerve racking! I'm not even sure when I'm supposed to have another scan because I had them in the hospital in October, rather than sticking to the June/December schedule. So I have to call the onc. office to find out when I should have another. Last week was a trip to the GP and the surgeon - I feel like all I do is go to the drugstore, go to dr. appointments and wait for my daily nurse visit. It all gets on your nerves, that's for sure. Hoping everyone has good scans - that would be the best Christmas present anyone can have. Joanie ((()))
  18. I don't have answers for you either, Joanie, but wanted you to know I'm praying you get them soon and your problem with these pesky cells is resolved. Joanie ((()))
  19. Thanks for the cool singin' Santa. I've played it so many times that now it's stuck in my head!!!!! Really makes me smile. Merry Christmas! Joanie (()))
  20. God Bless you Darrell ((())). Joanie
  21. That was SO COOOOOOLLLLL!!!! I'm grinnin' ear to ear! Merry Christmas! Joanie ((()))
  22. Hi Cindy, Glad to see you post and glad to hear those great numbers! You're my inspiration. Keep it up. Joanie
  23. daggiesmom


    For sure a cancer diagnosis changes your perspective on life. For quite a while I was very impatient with people and what I saw as "trivial" problems. I did become critical of others for not supporting me as I felt necessary. Some people totally disappeared, others would only talk about "happy" things till I was ready to scream. I wanted someone to really listen when I was down in the dumps and worried I wouldn't make it to the end of the year. There was no one. Those closest to me, I realized, were in denial. And I was facing a good chance of dying. Then when my daughter passed, even more people began disappearing from the radar. This was just too much for them to face. When they were around me they felt, maybe, that this horrible cloud over me could be catching, so they disappeared. At work, I was the oldest person and had been thru so much that I noticed whenever someone had a "life problem" I had to stop myself from chiming in with "I've been there, done that" so as a result, I said nothing. It was very lonely, that's for sure. This board has been my sounding board - and the people on here, including you, Larry, have been so wonderful and helpful to me. I can't imagine how I could have gone on without you folks. I found, Larry, as time goes on, the pain does ease and yes, you're a changed person, but life can still be good. It's very different, but there are still many blessings if we look for them. Joanie ((()))
  24. That's just wonderful!!!! Congratulations - I wish I could move like that bear! Joanie ((()))
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