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Everything posted by daggiesmom

  1. First I need to apologize for not keeping up on the board as much as before. I've been Really Busy around here. The visiting nurse comes everyday to change the bandage, coumidin level is checked by the lab people once a week, and hubby arranged to have our apartment painted and new carpeting installed as a surprise for me while I was in the hospital, so the painter comes here every afternoon/evening! Don't get me wrong, I feel I'm really lucky to have all this activity rather than being back in the hospital, but I kid with hubby that we should have a revolving door, not a front door. And I definitely need someone to answer my phone, too! Anyway, I went to the surgeon yesterday and he said my wound is healing very well, he was very pleased with my progress. That is my best news. He says I heal quickly. I've been reading the postings and will try to keep up as best as I can. Love to all. Joanie ((()))
  2. So glad to hear you're home so soon and doing well. Prayers continue for you and your family. Joanie ((()))
  3. daggiesmom


    SO happy to hear of your Ohio adventure. And Hayley and her dh, well, they are just the best! There are wonderful people on this board, that's for sure. I hope you love Ohio. Joanie ((()))
  4. daggiesmom


    That was so beautiful. Praying for you. Joanie ((()))
  5. I'm hoping it's the Lottery and she's at the office claiming her prize and that's why she's not on the computer yet! Lots of paperwork! Maybe she'll recover the pub stools and booths! And get a new shipment of Bailey's to have on hand! Hurry up Cindi, this is driving me NUTS. Joanie ((()))
  6. This will really drive me nuts!!!!! I hope you won the Lotto!!!!! Can't wait to hear Joanie ((()))
  7. Congratulations on three years of success! Many more ahead, I'm sure! Andrea, thanks so much for all your help. Joanie ((()))
  8. Hiya everyone, it's me coming to you from my HOME COMPUTER! I hope I can remember how to type! Brian took me home today - thank heavens for him. And thank you all for all your prayers and support - obviously I really needed a few good words and, as usual, I knew I could count on all of you. It'll take me a while to do reading and try to catch up on everything, but I'll try. Well just wanted to say hi and now I'll hit the couch and watch CSI for awhile (even though I've probably seen every episode by now!) Joanie ((()))
  9. Joanie had 2 surgical procedures this week. On Wednesday, they installed a pigtail catheter & attempted to suck out what they could of the infected liquid. She then had surgery yesterday. The bacterial infection -- WHICH THE DOCTORS ADMIT SHE CAUGHT IN THE HOSPITAL DURING ONE OF HER PREVIOUS HOSPITALIZATIONS -- ate away much of the omentum flap that the surgeon had used to close the fistula in August. I don't fully understand the medical side of it but they cleaned out the infection & dead tissue, packed the incision and are "leaving it open to heal from the inside out." Considering everything she has gone throught & is still enduring, she is doing & feeling relatively OK. It will be about a week before she gets out of the hospital. After that, she will need +/- 6 months of daily home nursing care to change the dressings, etc. I'll continue to update as I can. Both Joanie & I truly appreciate your prayers and good thoughts. Please keep 'em coming. Brian
  10. Joanie's surgeon stopped in and told her they will not be proceeding as I had outlined -- at least, not at this time. She has a serious drug resistant bacteria in the fistula that needs to be eliminated. (Yes, there is an infectious disease doc involved.) They will be going in surgically in the next day or two in an attempt to clean it out. They are talking about packing the area w/gauze & leaving it open to heal. They didn't discuss how they plan to proceed after that. This is very discouraging news & indicates a much longer than anticipated hospital stay. I don't know what else to say. Brian
  11. Hello again, folks. This is Brian with yet another request for your prayers and good thoughts. As Joanie may have mentioned, she has been fighting infection(s) almost since the day that she left the hospital in early September. Her cough was just about completely gone by early last week but she developed a low grade fever at around the same time. (She had a doctor's appointment for this past Friday.) Roll forward to Wednesday night. Fever but no cough until about 9-10 PM when she had a bad coughing spell & expelled a lot of sputum. This was accompanied by shortness of breath -- a new development -- that passed within a few minutes. We went to bed a bit before midnight and, just as we were falling asleep, Joanie started coughing up a very large amount of sputum streaked with blood. Once she stopped long enough to pull on clothes, we called her doc & took off for the ER. (EMS will only transport to the nearest hospital.) The doctors' preliminary diagnosis was pneumonia and they attributed the bleeding to very high Coumadin levels. (The bleeding stopped on its own by early Thursday morning & has not recurred.) After a CT scan and bronchoscopy, it appears that 2 things are going on: another fistula has developed in the vicinity of her previous surgeries and there is pneumonia in the upper lobe of her right lung. The infection is being treated medically and the plan is to go in tomorrow and eliminate the fistula using 1 or possibly 2 "minimally invasive" procedures -- a stent to repair the hole and possibly a pigtail stent to create a vacuum, causing the fistula to collapse in on itself. (Sorry, but that's the best I can describe it.) The doctors are optimistic that this approach should take care of the problem. They were also very optimistic in both December and August. We are praying that they are right this time. Please keep the prayers and positive thoughts coming. I'll update as possible. Thanks again for your support. Rgds, Brian (Daggiesdad)
  12. Yesterday I saw a tv show that showed in graphic detail what a woman goes thru to get breast implants.I couldn't believe what these women were putting themselves thru. They had no illness, just wanted to look "prettier" - how ironic in one of the scenes the girl who wanted to go from double A to large C had a Marlboro pack hanging out of her pocketbook in the doctor's office. I wanted to scream at the tv, don't bother worrying what they look like, worry about what's going on UNDERNEATH them and thank your lucky stars for everything you've got so far. I guess this all boils down to my belief that people's obsession with breast cancer is directly related to the obsession with breast beauty in our society. No one cares about the shape of their lungs until they're struggeling to breath. Hopefully this attitude will change. And yes, I must admit I think there is too much pink lately. Joanie
  13. So sorry to read this. Prayers for Shirley, her father and family. Joanie ((()))
  14. daggiesmom


    I'm praying for you. I'm glad to hear your going to a group, I find that does help to talk it out. ((())) to you. Joanie
  15. Welcome to the board. Glad to read that you're doing well and continue to fight the fight. Please stay and continue to give your support. We sure can use it Joanie
  16. Congratulations on the big 50!!!!! Live it up and enjoy yourself. Joanie ((()))
  17. daggiesmom

    3 years Today...

    Congratulations! Keep up the good fight! Joanie ((()))
  18. daggiesmom

    Remember Ed

    Praying for Ed & Angie that things will turn around for them very soon. Thank you Kasey for telling us about them. Every prayers helps. Joanie ((()))
  19. Hope your son is doing better and that you are getting a break. You're in my prayers. Joanie ((()))
  20. Wow 5 Years!!!!! How wonderful. And a Beagle, too! He sounds so cute. Buddy found a great buddy. Now, off you go to PETCO for a quilt, dog bed and matching pillow! Joanie ((()))
  21. daggiesmom

    I'm Buyin'

    I'm so happy for your GOOD NEWS. Congratulations, and I'll take a Bailey's on the rocks!!!! Joanie
  22. Thanks to everyone for the knowledgeable reply about this. Well, now it's wait to see what the samples will tell, whether or not I'll need one. Joanie
  23. Unfortunately, the infection in my chest is still hanging in there despite my taking loads of antibiotics. The dr. called last night and said he's thinking of putting in a PIC line for antibiotics to knock it out. I've never had a PIC line. He mentioned I might have to do it in-patient? I so don't want to do this. Any information on PIC lines would be appreciated. I'm hangin' in there, but pretty down about the whole thing. Joanie
  24. Your words are SO TRUE. Thank you for sending them our way. And Denny, we'll he's just too beautiful! Please give him a big ((())) from me. He'll be a wonderful pal for you. Joanie
  25. Hi and welcome. I'm a 4 1/2 year survivor of Limited SCLC. Please tell Beverly that there are many, many survivors of this disease and we're here for her. Making meals and freezing them is a great thing to do. The last thing I thought about during chemo was food, but, in fact, it is very, very important that she eats. Also, she should drink as much water and Gatorade to keep hydrated. I always had Ensure in the house for those times when I couldn't manage to eat much. It was a lifesaver. Please keep us posted as to how she's doing (and you, too!) Joanie
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