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    Karen_L got a reaction from Justin1970 in Selpercatinib and Eliquis (blood thinner)   
    The effects of Radon typically manifest over a long period of time. I can go back mentally to the places I've lived and see radon possibilities in all of them, even in the last house we lived in prior to this-- and we built that house. Even that ended up having radon. 
  2. Like
    Karen_L reacted to LilyMir in Immunotherapy side effects   
    I did not get any immuno but had chemo and targeted therapy. I often have joint pain in the morning, especially fingers, that gets better as the day progresses. Hope your doctors can help you get the arthritis under control. I found that my pain and symptom management clinic is very helpful so make sure you have such specialist added to your care team. Best wishes.
  3. Sad
    Karen_L reacted to Jill60 in Immunotherapy side effects   
    I've had 3 immunotherapy treatments. I have osteoarthritis to begin with and the only major side effect is intense arthritis pain the first half of the day. Anyone else? 
  4. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Spot on Spleen, anyone else?   
    I feel relief for you! Glad for the good news. 
  5. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in Starting chemo today for sclc in left lung and nodes   
    Best of luck as you start treatment. No matter what, you can do it. Keep us posted.
  6. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Justin1970 in Selpercatinib and Eliquis (blood thinner)   
    I'm on Eliquis from a PE. Have you considered calling the manufacturer of the drug for an in-depth discussion? They might be able to offer some information. Our cancer  center also has a specialty pharmacist who checks all those pesky interactions. Perhaps yours does too? Or, whichever pharmacy which will be filling the prescription? My insurance carrier had someone call to discuss this in depth. 
    If it were me, I would not take one pill without an answer to those questions, as well as a written-down plan of action if something bad were to occur. What wold that look like, anyway?
    Take a deep breath and do what you need to take care of yourself. You got this!
  7. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Justin1970 in Gamma knife radiation coming up   
    I had gamma knife in March and wrote about it on my blog outside of LUNGevity here and here, but also gave a report on our discussion board here, .
    Our local group had a patio gathering in September. I met a guy there who had had 29 gamma knife procedures!!
  8. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in Selpercatinib and Eliquis (blood thinner)   
    I'm on Eliquis from a PE. Have you considered calling the manufacturer of the drug for an in-depth discussion? They might be able to offer some information. Our cancer  center also has a specialty pharmacist who checks all those pesky interactions. Perhaps yours does too? Or, whichever pharmacy which will be filling the prescription? My insurance carrier had someone call to discuss this in depth. 
    If it were me, I would not take one pill without an answer to those questions, as well as a written-down plan of action if something bad were to occur. What wold that look like, anyway?
    Take a deep breath and do what you need to take care of yourself. You got this!
  9. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Pstar in Gamma knife radiation coming up   
    I had gamma knife in March and wrote about it on my blog outside of LUNGevity here and here, but also gave a report on our discussion board here, .
    Our local group had a patio gathering in September. I met a guy there who had had 29 gamma knife procedures!!
  10. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in New here in Lungevity Forum   
    Sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but this is a good place to be to go through it. 
  11. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Justin1970 in Hope   
    Howdy, R, and welcome. Yes, I've learned that radon is the number 2 cause of lung cancer, after smoking. The silence around radon is alarming. And the fact that the measurements taken in one's basement can fluctuate widely, even from day to day, is also worrying. Our house was fine when we moved in, and then stopped bing fine. We have since mitigated and are breathing a little easier now. I wrote about radon on my blog; I feel like a spend time mentioning radon in conversations whenever it seems natural. 
    I also want to share the caution my pulmonologist offered me in the days I was mentally thrashing about, trying to figure out how I got stupid lung cancer. He told me there was no real way to know and that I would make myself nuts trying to figure it out. I've since decided there are more than a half-dozen contributing factors; once I named them, I slowly let that effort to know go. 
    Glad you're here.
  12. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Pstar in Getting worried for my mom   
    I’m struck by your comment that your mom has said she doesn’t want to continue with chemo. Are there other treatment options?
    How old is your mom? Mine is approaching 90 and has made her wishes about medical treatments very clear, in conversations and in written legal documents (i.e., advance directive). 
    Does your mom have an advance directive or living will in place, in her medical charts and with the person who holds her power of medical attorney?
    The topics in such a document are hard to think about, let alone discuss. And yet, having dealt with protracted illnesses of several family members, I can tell you that when the moment came when I needed this information, I was very glad to have it. 
    I like how the Mayo Clinic explains the advance directive: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/consumer-health/in-depth/living-wills/art-20046303?p=1

    The hardest question to ask ourselves, I think, is whether it is OK with us to have our sick loved one say, “I’m done,” with a particular treatment (or any treatment at all). 

    You and she are in a hard time. I wish you both peace, and the courage to speak honestly with and listen deeply to one another. 
  13. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Great bloodwork   
    Absolutely true of me too. That's why this whole diagnosis and treatment process seems so absurd....
  14. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Mri scan   
    The purpose of a supportive message board is to hear the positive and the awful. You're going through a rough patch right now so bring whatever you are thinking and feeling and drop it here. You are kind and bring sunshine to others here. Let us do the same for you.
    Lily mentioned a patient advocate. Could you or your family members look into this today? Of course, it's morning here on the west coast of the US and probably well past the close of business in the UK, but you get the urgency in my question. 
  15. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in 1st catscan   
    Good for you. Here's hoping all goes well.
  16. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Justin1970 in Starting chemo today for sclc in left lung and nodes   
    Best of luck as you start treatment. No matter what, you can do it. Keep us posted.
  17. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in New here in Lungevity Forum   
    Sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but this is a good place to be to go through it. 
  18. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Jill60 in Great bloodwork   
    Absolutely true of me too. That's why this whole diagnosis and treatment process seems so absurd....
  19. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Justin1970 in New here in Lungevity Forum   
    Sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but this is a good place to be to go through it. 
  20. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Justin1970 in 1st catscan   
    Good for you. Here's hoping all goes well.
  21. Thanks
    Karen_L got a reaction from Izzy in Mri scan   
    The purpose of a supportive message board is to hear the positive and the awful. You're going through a rough patch right now so bring whatever you are thinking and feeling and drop it here. You are kind and bring sunshine to others here. Let us do the same for you.
    Lily mentioned a patient advocate. Could you or your family members look into this today? Of course, it's morning here on the west coast of the US and probably well past the close of business in the UK, but you get the urgency in my question. 
  22. Thanks
    Karen_L got a reaction from Justin1970 in Mri scan   
    The purpose of a supportive message board is to hear the positive and the awful. You're going through a rough patch right now so bring whatever you are thinking and feeling and drop it here. You are kind and bring sunshine to others here. Let us do the same for you.
    Lily mentioned a patient advocate. Could you or your family members look into this today? Of course, it's morning here on the west coast of the US and probably well past the close of business in the UK, but you get the urgency in my question. 
  23. Like
    Karen_L reacted to Good Bro in Well onto clinical trials for my brother   
    My brother, 48 yrs old dx with NSCLC stg 4 in May of 2021.  No mutations and PDL1 is negative.  Been through a lot just like most on this forum.  Was supposed to have his 6th treatment of Gemzar on Friday but more progression in his liver convinced his doc to stop the Gemzar.  This was his 3rd-line of standard treatments and now the doc is recommending him to move onto a clinical trial.  Not sure which one yet but this has been a devastating blow to his spirits.  The doc and a bunch of us family have tried to help raise his spirits by explaining that in clinical trials, he'll be getting tomorrow's treatment today! 
    We were able to host an awesome tailgate at the UofM / MSU game this past weekend and he was able to attend the entire time.  He basically spent the entire day in a chair in front of the big screen TV but it was great that he was there with us and many visitors were able to see and talk with him also.  Also helped that Michigan whooped their butts too!!!    
    Anyway, any positive clinical trial experiences to share with him?
  24. Like
    Karen_L reacted to Cin in Spot on Spleen, anyone else?   
    Thank you Karen. MRI with contrast on Friday, then my surgeon on Monday.
  25. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Starting Tagrisso, and quite scared!   
    I’ve gotten these. There’s no pattern to when they appear and it seems to take a while for them to go. But I have my superglue ready….Plus, any issue related to nails or finger tips immediately improves when I’m diligent about using gloves for dishwashing etc. I think that might also be true if I were bathing kids, weird as that may sound. 
    I second Judy’s comment about reporting side effects, but unless I need help figuring out how to deal with them, I save my report for my regular visits. A standard question my oncologist asks each time is whether I’ve had side effects. 
    @Judy M2, could you give an example of what you mean when you say ointment? 
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