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Everything posted by jdjenkins

  1. Dear Ann, I would really appreciate you sending me a copy of the tape. There is no rush though, I know how crazy this time of year is for everyone. I would like to reimburse you for any costs, so just let me know how much. My address is; Thanks
  2. I missed the show, but a friend of mine said it was really good. She thought it would be good for my Dad to watch. Did anyone tape the show, or know how I can get a copy of the show. I was out last night buying a present for my Mom from my Dad. I got her a circle of life pendent. It was a very emotional night for me, harder than I thought it would be. All of these last time events are really emotional. Denise
  3. Lori, I think calling hospice for help would be a good idea. They could give support to everyone. They have been there to listen to my Mom when she is at the end of her rope. I'm not sure if they will be able to help you if your Mom is receiving treatments. I know this is so difficult for you, we want to fix it but we can't. My Mom said yesterday that she doesn't even know who my Dad is anymore. He is so self absorbed, and she is so burnt out on caring for him. I pray that your family finds some peace during this holiday season. Denise
  4. I agree go ahead with Christmas. Last year at Christmas my Dad was on chemo. My niece was getting married in Texas and we were worried about Dad flying with all the germs. The doctor actually gave him a shot to increase his resistance. We all went and he didn't get sick. Just use common sense. I went with my Dad to chemo treatments and we passed time playing board games, watching tv, and reading. Also have him bring some favorite snacks if it will be a long day. They have snacks there but it was nice to have some favorites. Sometimes we even had visitors come by for a little while. Dad had some 6-7 hour days in the chemo room. Tell him to ask for a warm blanket they are so nice and relaxing. The nurses were just great to him. Treated him like a king! Best of luck to you and your Dad. Denise
  5. I'm so sorry that this all has to be happening to you right now. Just take one minute at a time, and remember "If the Lord brings you to it, he will bring you through it." Give that new baby girl a hug and a kiss from all of us here. We will be praying for you and your Mom. Denise
  6. Boy, I feel really bad about responding so positively to Melinda's post. But when I read her post it described all of the things I wanted for my Dad to feel. My Dad has not experienced any joy since he was dx. I don't believe cancer is a gift, but if you have cancer a positive mental attitude can go a long way. As a caregiver I struggle daily to understand what it must be like for my Dad to live with cancer. I try to imagine how I would react if I was the patient. Of course I like to think I would be strong, positive, and live life to the fullest, as best I could. Easy to say, hard to do. Truth is I have no idea how I would react, because unless it happens to me I will never truely understand. I love my Dad so much, and it breaks my heart to see him suffer so emotionally and physically. No cancer is definately not a gift,but I hope I can learn some valueable lessons about life through this journey with my Dad. I think that is what Melinda was trying to say also. She was trying to share her lessons learned with us. Denise
  7. I love this message! When my Dad was first dx. with cancer this was my dream for him. I did everything I could to get him to live life. He has received so many gifts this past year. Unfortunately, he has not been able to overcome his depression and free his mind. All my efforts were not in vain, I have learned so much about how to really enjoy life. I hope to always remember these lessons learned. Denise
  8. What a wonderful tribute to your Daddy! I'm sure he is very proud of you. Denise
  9. Prayers for Beth and her family. Denise
  10. Thanks for all the advice on colds. I did get a Z pack from the doctor today and started on it. I will give it another day and then I will mask up and visit Dad. Jeff and Danielle (my daughter) went to see them tonight. They both said Dad looks great. Danielle said "Grandpa even answered the door and stood there for a few minutes." That made me feel better right away! We started him on steriods last week and I think they are helping. He told me today that he will be here for Christmas. All four kids and 10 grandchildren will be home for Christmas. Denise
  11. I have gotten a really bad cold. Started coming down with it last Wednesday and it has gotten worse every day since. I was in bed all day yesterday. The worse part is I can not spend time with Dad. I'm worried he will catch the cold. My parents depend on me so much for support it is killing me not to be able to help them. With the recent events on this web site I know how fast the end can come, and it is so hard to lose this time with my Dad. Do you think those masks actually work to keep germs out? I was thinking of wearing one of those when I'm over visiting. I'm going to call doctor and try and get a Z pack incase it is a sinus infections. My mom said last night that they miss me so much. It breaks my heart not to be able to help both of them. Denise
  12. Jen, I'm so very sorry for your loss. My prayers are with your family. Denise
  13. Dear Beth, I'm so very sad for you and your family. I pray that the Lord gives you all strength. Stay strong for your boys, and take comfort in the thought that Bill is at peace with his father now.
  14. Dear Beth, I'm so sorry for your loss. I pray that the Lord gives you strength to get through this difficult time. It is so unfair that this cancer takes such good people. Bill had a lot of life left to live. Take comfort in that fact that he is at peace with his father now. God bless you and your children. Denise
  15. This is great news. I'm very happy for your family. I hope you get some much needed rest tonight. Denise
  16. Thanks for sharing your story. It brings me comfort to hear what a wonderful place my Dad will be going to soon. Denise
  17. So sorry to hear this news. Praying that it will be a bleed and your Mom will be home soon. Take care of yourself, you are a wonderful daughter. Denise
  18. Beth, No words can describe the great saddness I feel for your family. I will be praying for you all. Denise
  19. Just wanted to get everyone's opinion on starting my Dad on steriods. I had read that sometimes doctors will use these in advance stage cancers for increased energy. My Dad is so tired and sleeps so much. I asked the doctor to start him on steriods and he wants to start 20mg per day on predesone. Now I'm worried about all the side effects I have read about in Lori's post. Do you think it is worth trying them or should we just let him be? Thanks for your help. Denise
  20. Erica, I'm so very sorry for your loss. Your Mother was so young. Know that see is now your angel in heaven. Denise
  21. I thought I would share my recent message from God with you all. A friend of mine gave me a gift cert. for a massage for my birthday this year. Last week I went to receive the massage. I have had several massages before but never by a man. I must admit I was a little nervous when a nice young man came to get me. But I thought to myself how stupid just get over it. He asked what brought me in for a massage, and I told him that I was stressed out and had alot of muscle aches. I told him my Dad had been sick with cancer for the last year and it really was hard on me. Well he proceeded to give me a wonderfully relaxing massage. I never said another word to him, but silently prayed to God to send me a sign that he was still with me. Well, when he had finished the massage he bent down and warmly told me he knew how hard it was to have a parent with cancer. His Mom had been sick with cancer a few years back. He offered me a complementary 1 1/2 hour massage any time I wanted. Well with that I started to cry. It was such a sweet thing for him to do for me. I told him that the Lord sends good people into your life when you need them. He said I like to think that too. As I was leaving he gave me a big hug and told me he would see me soon. I really believe the Lord sent that as a message to me that he was with me and would help me through this journey. He was my angel for the day!!!! I hope you all get a visit from your angels too. Denise
  22. Val, What a wonderful visit from your Mom. I totally believe it was a message from the Lord that your Mom is with you and is so happy. I had a dream about my Dad that I believe was a message from God. My Dad had passed away and I was going to see him. As I approach the room that his body was in I broke down crying and could not go any further. My Mom continued into the room, but I was crying very hard and frozen. Then I glanced at the room again and out comes my Dad. He looked like he was in his 30's, how I remember him as a little girl. So healthy and strong. My brother was with him and had his arm around him. They both had great big smiles on their faces. My brother said to me Denise look Dad is ok everything is going to be alright. Then I woke up. It was a very comforting dream. Hold onto your dream! Denise
  23. Jen, it sounds like you and I are on the same road. My Dad went into hospice a couple of months ago. We too are trying to get all the business of dying completed quickly, so we can just enjoy every day together without thinking of dying. It is not an easy thing to do. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season with your Mom. Denise
  24. I don't think any hospice would pay for treatments that were curitive. Brian's treatments were aggressive and most likely not covered. Hospice will pay for treatments approved by the doctor to make the patient more comfortable. Like radiation or chemo to shrink tumors that are causing pain to patient. I so admirer Brian's positive attitude. I hope he never stops fighting. Sounds like you have a plan now so hopefully you will have some peace over the holidays. I will continue to pray for you and Brian. Denise
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