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Everything posted by jdjenkins

  1. Dear Carleen, This news is just heartbreaking and so very unfair. Your love for each other has been an inspiration to us all. It is so hard to understand why God would take someone as special as Keith from you and your family. Keith fought his cancer with such courage. He endured more than any man should have to, and now he is at peace with the Lord. His pain is gone and he is watching over you from above. I pray that the Lord gives you strength in the days ahead. I wish there was something I could do to ease your pain. God Bless You, Denise
  2. I'm thinking of you two all the time. I'm praying for a peaceful journey for Keith and strength for you Carleen. I wanted to share something with you that has brought me peace in times of great grief. My Dad was very afraid to die. He said he would miss us all so much he did not want to go, he wanted to stay with us all. Well at his visitation my cousins wife (who is very very close to God) had a vision. She said she gets these often. She said Dad was there above us all looking so healthy and much younger. He had his hands out and he said "What was I ever afraid of". Then he said "Just go and love each other". I hope this message brings you a little comfort. Keith will never be gone from you and he will be at great peace. I'm praying for you both. Denise
  3. Dear Carleen, I'm so very sorry that you and Keith have to go through this, it seems so very unfair. My heart is breaking for you both. I pray that God gives you strength in the days ahead. Denise
  4. Way to go Frank! You are an inspiration to us all! Denise
  5. My Dad had a 1mm met treated with cyberknife. His was giving him symptoms due to swelling around the met. You may want to get another opinion on your Mom's mets. Cyberknife was very sucessful for Dad and very little sign effects. Denise
  6. Prayers for your Dad and your family are being sent. Denise
  7. I'm praying for both you and Keith. You both have been through so much lately. Stay strong and know that God has a plan for you both. Denise
  8. So happy to hear Lucie is doing so well. She is one amazing woman. Glad your check-up went well too. Have fun at the bash in July. Denise
  9. Dad had Cyberknife twice for brain mets. The first time it worked great with really no side effects at all. At Dad's three month check-up Doctor could hardly even see the scare tissue. Second time the doctor said it was working, but the results took longer. He did get more tired the second time around, but he also had been through several chemo's and raditation on lung tumor. Definately would recommend it, as it was the most sucessful treatment my Dad received. Wish we could have used it on his lung tumor. Denise
  10. jdjenkins

    Dads Gone

    So very sorry for the loss of your Dad. May God bring you comfort and strength in the days ahead. Denise
  11. So very happy for your family! This is great news! You should be very proud of yourself for being such a wonderful advocate for your Mom. Denise
  12. Thank you for this post. It gives me hope that someday I too will figure out life without my Dad. Denise
  13. This is how I try to look at it when I start to play that would of should of game over in my mind. He took my Dad very fast in the end. He went from enjoying a wonderful meal and party on New Years Eve to dying 5 days later. Was my Dad not a fighter? I know my Dad wanted to live so much. The Lord did not want him to suffer any longer, he did not want us to sit by his bedside for weeks or months watching him slip away. So in the end the Lord answered my prayers, just not in the way I wanted him to answer them. Denise
  14. So very sorry for the loss of your father. I understand the heartache in losing a special father. Denise
  15. Dear Beth, What a loving thing for Bill to do for you. Your message brought me to tears. Tears for you, for my Mom, for myself, and everyone else on this board who has lost someone so dear to them. The saddness never seems to go away. Each new season bring new heartache in the realization that they won't be here with us. Denise
  16. Cindy, I understand what you are going through. It is a very hard and sad journey, but you are strong and will make it through. God Bless, Denise
  17. Hi Beth, It is good to hear from you. I have been thinking of you and wondering how you were doing. It sounds like you are moving through the grief. You are such a strong woman! Glad to hear you are back to work and enjoying your new assignment. Glad you have decided to stay put in your house for now. Mom has been making changes to her house lately too. It was good to hear you are doing the same. It helps me to realize this is part of the grieving process. She just needs to learn she is close to 70 and can't do it all herself. She is scheduled for hip surgery on August 7th. I want her to have this surgery so she can be pain free and enjoy her life. I'm also a little scared to be back in the hospital setting. Lots of bad memories. I pray for no complications. Hope you are enjoying the nice Spring weather and have a great Mother's Day! Denise
  18. I totally understand Holly. My Dad has been gone 4 months also. I think it is starting to sink in that he is gone forever. I miss his smile, his voice, his calmness, his touch, his smell, and his love. The saddness will hit me out of nowhere. I have two great kids and a wonderful husband, but somehow when I think about the years ahead I feel sad. I don't think I will ever be as happy or as joyful. Dad will always be missing. You are dreading Mother's Day and I'm dreading Father's Day. I want to make it special for my husband, but I can't imagine it without Dad. I was with my Dad for 42 Father's Days. In March we celebrated his 70th birthday in Florida. We release balloons with messages written on them. We were at his favorite beach. The kids loved it and so did I. My Mom's balloon lead the way to heaven which was so fitting. I too I'm busy taking care of everyone it seems. I spend alot of time with Mom. She needs a total hip replacement surgery this summer. Sounds like we have a lot in common. Try to find some joy on Mother's Day Holly. You deserve it, and your Mom would want you to be happy on your special day. Denise
  19. So sorry for the loss of your beloved husband. My the Lord give you strength in the days ahead. Denise
  20. I think you will need a bigger boat. I was so happy to read this post. I too thought I was crazy, but after what we all went through with a loved one its no wonder we worry. I have to get my husband to read this thread. He thinks I'm nuts about cancer. His Dad died of cancer 9 years ago, but he never worries. Must be a woman thing. Denise
  21. I remember all to well how difficult this time is for everyone. I pray for strength for you and peace for Mike. Denise
  22. I'm so very saddened and shocked to hear this news. Charlie was such a fighter. Prayers for you and the children. God Bless, Denise
  23. jdjenkins


    I'm very sorry for the loss of your loving Mother. Denise
  24. Dear Lori, I pray that the Doctor is able to make your Mom comfortable and find some answers for you and your family. If "this is it" please take comfort in knowing that your Mom could not have asked for a more loving and supportive daughter. I pray for strength and peace for you. Denise
  25. This is the poem we had printed on my Dad's memorial cards. It really said it all for my family. Denise
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