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Everything posted by michelepal

  1. Judy, I'm so sorry about your news I will keep you in my prayers.. Good luck with your new treatment! Michele Dad DX 04-01/05 NSCLC Passed away 11/18/05 only 66 years old
  2. Rob, I just want to wish you all the best on you surgery and I will keep you in my prayers for a quick recovery. Stay positive thats half the battle.. Michele Dad DX NSCLC 04-01-05 Passed away 11-18-05 only 66 years old
  3. Warren, I just want to wish you the best of Luck at The Cancer Treatment Center. I will pray for you and your Family every night that they will be able to give you what you need to fight this beast called Cancer. I HATE CANCER!!! Dad Dx 04-01-05 NSCLC Passed away 11-15-05 only 66 years old I don't think I'll ever recover from lossing my Dad. So FIGHT and beat this monster! ((()))Michele
  4. Lori, I'm really glad to here that your Mom had a good day and you and your boys were able to spend time with her. Take care of yourself! Michele
  5. I'm so very sorry for your loss! I lost my Dad to NSCLC on 11-18-05 and as it's only been 3mts I could tell you that in time you will feel better.I still think of my Dad all the time but I don't burst into tears everytime I think of him. Time heals but not for a long time. Take care of yourself and your beautiful Daughter thats what your Mom would want. You will be in my prayers Michele Dad DX 4-01-05 NSCLC Passed away 11-18-05 Only 66 years old
  6. Debbie, There are no words that will express how sorry I am for you and your entire family. I will keep you in my prayers. Michele Father DX 4-1-05 NSCLS Passed away 11-18-05 Only 66 years old
  7. Welcome Sherly! Michele Dad Dx NSCLC 04-01-05 Passed away 11-18-05 Only 66 years old
  8. sue, I'm so sorry that you and Mike have to deal with this I know how painful it is to get news like this. I will say a extra prayer for you and Mike tonight! Stay Strong and never give up hope! Michele Father DX 04-01-05 NSCLC Passed away 11-18-05 only 66 years old
  9. Well you sure came to the right place for support! I know how hard this must be for you, I wasn't the main caregiver for my Dad who had NSCLC but my Mom was and I know it's alot of work. You need to stay strong and positive for your Husband but don't forget to take care of yourself too.. And don't forget if you ever need to vent there will be someone here for you all the time.. Michele Dad DX NSCLC (adenocarcinoma) on 4-1-05 Passed away 11-18-05 at age 66
  10. Dear Heather, I just read your post and I wanted to tell you how sorry I am about your mom and you will be in my prayers. My Dad was Dx with NSCLC on 4-1-05 and was told he was in remission in July 05 we were told nothing but scar tissue and my Father passed away on 11-18-05 too..I'm not sure if I believe if he was ever in remission! Take care of you self! Dad DX 04-01-05 NSCLC Passed away 11-18-05 Only 66 years old Michele
  11. Welcome Darlene, Well, you are in the right place for support. I will keep you and your Husband in my prayers.. Michele Father DX 04-01-05 NSCLC Passed Away 11-18-05 only 66 years old
  12. Joyce, I my Heart goes out to you and your family at such a difficult time. I only recently joined this group of wonderful people after losing my Father to NSCLC on 11-18-05 he was only 66 years old way to young just like your husband. We have to keep telling ourselves that there not in pain any more and try to find comfort in that. Stay Strong Michele Father Dx 4-01-05 NSCLC Passed Away 11-18-05
  13. Good for you! You go and have a GREAT Vacation and leave all your worries in NY.. You deserve it!!!! Michele
  14. Hello everyone, Today is Saturday 2/18/05 exactly 3mts since my Father passed away and to make matters worse tommorrow is my Mothers Birthday so I thought it would be a good idea to spend the day with her. O my God! First when I got there she tells me she saw a mouse (what a big ordeal) I told her not to get excited we would get some mouse traps,she was so upset over this I couldn't believe it. Then I wanted to take her to lunch but she didn't want to go. I was able to talk her in to Dunkin Donuts for a cup of coffee then the Cemetery. My Heart is broken! I can't stand the thought of never seeing my Father again and seeing my Mother in so much pain is just awful and there's NOTHING I could do. My Mother likes to be home she said she finds comfort there, I find when I'm over her house I'm smelling his clothes and his hats he wore after the Chemo and anything else that might have his scent on it. I'm sorry for rambling on! I could bearly see the computer screen through the tears flowing down my face. PLEASE HELP!! It does get better right? Life can't go on like this. I'm 41 years old and I want my Daddy!! Thanks Michele
  15. I'm so sorry for your loss! Michele :cry Dad Dx 04-01-05 NCSLC Passed away 11-18-05 Only 66 years old
  16. Krista, Welcome! I'm sorry you have to be here but it a great place in so many ways. I can't help you with the Tarceva questions but I'm sure at least one of these wonderful people will be able to help you out. Good Luck your in my Prayers! Michele Dad DX 04-01-05 Passed away 11-18-05 Only 66 years old
  17. Dave, I'm so very sorry for your loss. Thank God you were able to be with her when she passed. My Father Passed away on 11-18-05 @ 66 years old and we were lucky enough to be by his side. I think it does help with the greiving process to know that you were with them until the end. Take care of yourself and your Dad he is going to need alot of support. Michele Dad DX 04-01-05 Passed away 11-18-05
  18. Erin, I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am that you have to go through this. My Dad was Dx with NSCLC on April 1, 2005 at 66 years old and we lost him on Nov 18,2005 so I know how heart broken you are. I was very close to my Dad, I spoke to him at least 3 times a day and saw him at least 4 time a week. I miss him so much I can't even deal with the pain.But, I have 2 sons that my Father thought the world of and my job now is to raise them to be the man my Father was.I no my Father would be devasted if he thought for a minute that they were not getting the attention they need. I'm sure your Mother would want you to Raise your Children and be the best Mom you could be to them.. Time will help just give yourself a chance. I still cry everyday but not as often and the hole in my heart will always be there. REMEMBER: You get over a cold not the loss of a loved one. You just learn to live with it. Michele
  19. Jodi, I'm so sorry that your Mom was diagnosed with Lung Cancer, It's very scary to hear those words but NEVER EVER give up hope. You found a great place and we will support you anytime you need it.Keep your Mom positive and encourage her to fight. I will keep your family in my Prayers! Michele Dad DX 04-01-05 with NSCLC Passed away 11-18-05 Only 66 years old
  20. Thank You for all your support! Finding this website was a God sent. All of you have been so supportive and caring it makes me feel so good to hear back from people who could relate to how I'm feeling. Carleen your post was perfect,It was as if you knew my Family and it really helped alot. Thanks so much! Michele I will keep you all in my prayers!
  21. Jeff, I'm really sorry to hear that your Mother-in-Law has NSCLC, My Dad also had NSCLC he was DX on 04/01/05 at 66 years old Unfortunately lost his battle on 11/18/05. But my advise to you and your family is to stay positve because there are alot of people who survive this monster.Your family will be in my prayers. Keep us posted! Michele
  22. Lisa, Welcome, Sorry you have to be here but you will find all he support you need. My prayers are you you and you Family. Michele Dad Dx NSCLC 4-1-05 Passed Away 11-18-05 Only 66 years old
  23. Michele, I will keep your Aunt in my prayers.Stay positive! Michele Dad Dx with NSCLC on 4-1-05 Passed away 11-18-05 66 Years old!
  24. Pam, I am so sorry for your loss, It is so painful to lose someone you love. My prayers are with you and your Family Michele Dad dx NSCLC on 04-01-05 Passed away 11-18-05 At 66 years old
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