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Remembering Dave

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Everything posted by Remembering Dave

  1. Geez, Ginny, like you needed THAT? And why does anyone need their uretha dilated? OK, don't answer that . . . I am so sorry, but I hope you're OK and normal now. glad to hear everything is so normal with Earl right now, that's great news. poor guy, had to go overnight without the love of his life by his side. Take care, Karen
  2. Joni, all that is such an affirmation of the man we got to know through you. Very beautiful comments, and Robert was such a good looking man to boot. Again, my heart breaks for you. God Bless, Karen C.
  3. Sharon, my thoughts exactly. At first I wasn't sure her mom necessarily had cancer, but the pains sound like metastasis and the sleeping is suspicious. I hope Amelie can get through this, she sounds like a wonderful, caring young woman. Karen C.
  4. Amelie, now that is not sounding so good to me. I can't understand why she won't go to the doctor if she is really feeling so badly now. I will pray for her, and for you, especially for you, to have the strength to get through situation one way or the other. Please keep us posted. God Bless, Karen C.
  5. David A, you redneck you, that sounds like one terrific day with your boys! And best of all, I bet your wife got a day off to do some girl things, huh? I say buy the drugs if you can work it into your budget, it sounds worth it to me. Let's see - four weeks in a month, divided into $185, that's, hmmm, $46.25 a week - isn't having days like that worth $46.25 a week? Plus, file the appeal or special request or whatever with your insurance company, they may end up paying for it. When I was undergoing infertility treatments I learned that all kinds of things could be gotten that were off the regular meds list if you asked real real nice (and real real persistently!). I'm glad you had a day to remember! Karen C.
  6. Susan, prayers for your special parents. God Bless, Karen C.
  7. Thanks everybody for the good ideas. We did go out and stock up on a lot of fruits and vegies and Karen made up a nice thing in the fridge full of it all. We recently got a treadmill which I have been using off and on but vow to be more on now. The day of my bonchitis (re) diagnosis I went home and got out my .22 caliber pistol and shot off more than a few rounds at the logs in the river, of course that was pre-steroid so not sure if thats a good idea now, maybe better keep that under lock and key, ha,ha. I did get out today and mow about 1 1/2 acres. We have gotten so much rain here that it is hard to keep up with, even if I wasn't going through this. I have more than enough to keep me busy. I will try my best not to let the steroids get to me, I think the percocets may be offsetting the steroids a bit so that is a good thing. David C
  8. Add in a wife suffering from some BAD PMS, and you've got a pretty bad combination here, LOL! poor Faith, good thing she has a great sense of humor! karen p.s. I want to tell everyone that, in reading our posts, they seem to be full of typos involving the lack of the letter "r", it's because Faith banged on the keyboard and did something to the "r" button.
  9. Berisa, glad to hear you're OK and the typhoon is an excuse to play! I must tell you that I have every intention of returning to China one day and we will definitely visit you in Hong Kong! God Bless you my friend, Karen
  10. I was started on steroids during the PCI due to PCI causes the brain to swell and I was having pretty bad headaches which went away after I started the steroids. I would maybe ask the Doc about getting him back on steroids and see if that helps. Many prayers for a quick recovery. David C
  11. Well since the brain mets came my onc put me on steroids and they are taking effect. I found myself getting short and snapping at Karen and Faith. I cannot stand myself on steroids, I am very very irratable and ravenous. I just have to force myself to eat fruits and vegetables instead of "bad" stuff. Please keep me and my Family in your prayers. David C
  12. Francine, is so good you got a sugeon to do this so fast for you. I will be sending prayers you way fo God to give you the strength and the wisdom to make the decisions you need to make. Shame on your other doctors for taking their time. David C
  13. So beautiful, Thank you for sharing. David C
  14. they are so beautiful that tears came to my eyes! I love them! Karen
  15. I went and shaved my head this morning which means that I am in control . I will not let this control me. The side effects may not be nice but thats just a mild inconvenience. Like I have said many times before, side effects from treatments means, to me, that the chemo is doing it's job. David C
  16. Rick, you did know that Dave is a Texas boy, didn't you? He was born in Spearman (panhandle) - so maybe Texas names are the way to go - and, they most probably will be executed! Fry 'em with RFA most likely, from the way the doc was talking! Karen C.
  17. Ok, this is Karen, and this is sort of an addendum post to Dave's bad MRI post, but for pete's sake, Dave had PCI last September, and he STILL got brain mets? What up with THAT???? We will know more about where they are, etc., on Wednesday when we see the oncologist in person, I think some cancer cells just showed up after the PCI. And maybe, just maybe, there would have been more of them or worse ones or ones that came sooner if he hadn't had the PCI? Anyone know of a similiar happening? Karen
  18. OK, if we must name them, how about Saddam and Osama? Karen
  19. I agree, suggest a doctor visit and asking for an x-ray. Although I will add this: I had a terrible cough, coughed all the time, it was awful, I mean during Dave's treatment, befoe that, it went on for months if not years. finally figured it out - my allergies had gotten so bad that I had that drainage thing going on all the time. I saw the allergy doc and got started on allergy shots this spring - no more coughing! Karen
  20. Hey, gang - why name the tumors, when we're just going to turn around and KILL them!!!!???? Nice idea, though. How about we start figuring out what to write on the tumors' tombstone? Karen
  21. OK Folks. As you probably know I started chemo this past Wed. and had an MRI immediately following the Chemo session. We just got the results from the MRI and they are not too good. I have two mets in the brain. I just got off the phone with my Onc. (9:00 on Friday night). He said that they are approx. 1/2 inch in diameter but not sure where they are since he has not seen the complete report. We will continue the chemo as scheduled, and the Onc. is going to talk to the Radiologist about stereotacticradiosurgery or Gamma Knife to get the brain tumors. Whole brain radiation is still an option. We are pretty floored needeless to say. The Onc said it was just like we are starting from square one. I have an appt Wed. morning with the Onc. and he said that by then he will have had time to talk to the Radiologist and get a Radiation plan started. Please keep us all in your prayers. David C
  22. You girls go! Good for you! And yes, this board is incredible. When my mom got diagnosed with colon cancer I looked for a similiar board for that and nothing came close! Karen C.
  23. Wonderful! How date for the MN airport is still on, and looks like you'll be able to push Dave in his wheelchair through the airport for me, LOL Karen C.
  24. The next happy dance Faith does is all for you! Yipee! The Chapmans
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