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Remembering Dave

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Everything posted by Remembering Dave

  1. Yep, I'm the caregiver - my husband's the patient, and I don't let him go to "key" things like the set up session, the first chemo, the first radiation, or ANY appts. where the doctor is present, alone. No one should, whether they are suspectible to panic attacks or not (he is most definitely not, he is the most "in control" cancer patient ever, most likely). Talk to your Dad about this. If he has hassles leaving work he should apply for FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) so he can take off from work when he needs to, to be with your Mom. I have an Aunt who has lost two adult children (my dear cousins, my age) one to breast cancer and one to suicide, and she gets panic attacks just like that every now and then. It's good to not be alone at anything that could be a possible stess or anxiety cause. Hang in there, Karen C.
  2. We all eagerly August 19 and the results of the brain function tests, ha! Have a fun and safe trip to the Michigan bash and say hey to eveyone for me. Oh, I'm doing that right now - Hey Everyone - wish I were coming! It's going to be cloudy and rainey all weekend here in ole' Virginy - I bet it will be down right carribean in Michigan! Karen C.
  3. Geez, Dean, couldn't help but say - how did you become such a 'puter expert? I would say you may have been in the wrong field, but since you are such an awesome people person, sitting behind a computer all day would not be a worthwhile use of your talents! Karen
  4. Cat - have you read any of the book the doctor from the Oasis clinic wrote? I think his father started the clinic and now he runs it. Can't think of his name right now. I read one of his books, very interesting stuff, some of it sounded a bit far fetched to me but I'd say most of what he said made alot of sense. Darn it all, can't think of the book or his name, the book's at home and I"m at work. Karen C.
  5. Alright Cheryl! Sounds like good news. Keep us all posted. David C
  6. Carleen and Keith, my prayers go out to you. I would definitely want a biopsy done before they go in and take any organ out. I sincerely hope Keiths pain gets better. We are all here for you. David C
  7. Big prayers for T-bone!!!!!!! David C
  8. Cat, you go girl! Wow, a U.S. Senator! Bet that was one heckuva good letter! Get the BP checked out. could be something simple and easily fixed and might make you feel better overall. And keep us posted on all accounts! Karen C.
  9. I got an email from Addie and she said she couldn't get in earlier today and I noticed she uses aol. Karen
  10. Geez, they're not supposed to interpret those darn things, but I'm glad that tech did! I to am very jealous about the Michigan bash. wish we could go! maybe I'll get on Priceline right now . . . Karen C
  11. Dear Country Girl, you are a very kind and open minded person to be so forgiving and understanding of these relatives. Personally, I think they are being, ummm, ahem, insensitive? Geez. Anyway, I guess it's time to write everything down - who gets what - after YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND pass away. For pete's sake, after he dies, IF he dies first, you still have a life to live surrounded by your things, right? I think you are handling things very well! Karen C.
  12. Hey, Luannie, My husband Dave had PCI (the preventative brain radiation) which is a much "milder dose" of radiation than WBR and he had all of those same symptoms. His radiation oncologist gave him a tub of 100% Aloe gel, I doubt you can even buy this stuff retail and it's very expensive, that stuff really helped with both his PCI and his chest radiation. Ask them about it. He is only 39 and had the memory loss, etc. Again, talk to the radiation oncologist AND the regular oncologist about the permance of these things. Dave gradually improved over time but he's in chemo again . . . . anyway, I would talk to the docs about these things, could be that older people may be more susceptible to it being permanent than younger folks. But for the short term at least, all of these symptoms sound "reasonable" to me. Please keep us posted and know we'll keep your mom in our prayers. she sounds like a strong woman and a fighter. God Bless, Karen C.
  13. Man, I hope so! Gotta love an optimistic surgeon! Keep us posted! Karen C.
  14. that is great, and I love the comparison to the lowering your chlolestral (sp?) commercial, know what you mean! yes, Dave's oncologist did no scans until all the chest radiation and the 6 rounds of chemo were complete. we never even thought about it at the time, and frankly I'm sorta glad, in hindsight, he didn't do any, for some reason it was more like Christmas to get those scans after all the treatment and hear the big NED! But I'm glad you got this "mid-treatment" boost of encouragement. That rocks! Hip Hip Hip HOORAY as Faith would say (direct quote from one of her adoption story books). God Bless, Karen C.
  15. Margaret, That is great. We are doing the no brain met tango together!! David C
  16. Dave, sounds like an awesome day at the races, You know we have a tack about 35 miles away from us and Karen and I have always taked about going. We have been to NASCAR here in Richmond twice and would go more often if the tickets did not cost so darm much. It is awesome you could create some memories. Sovor them and create as many as possible. YOUR POST HAS BEEN AN INSPIRATION TO ME. Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Shelly, gotcha on the trailer. I agree. I think it's good just to get out in the great outdoors and relax with a cold one - you don't have to rough it! Have a great time, wish I were there - I'm really hankering for a road trip in our trailer this weekend! Karen C.
  18. OK, the radiation oncologist called Dave just a minute ago and he called me - he looked at the films and said the brain mets are just an extension of the bonkitis mets, pushing into his brain. They're not separate, mean, ugly, scary, brain mets, just part of the mean, ugly, scary bonkitis sinus mets. He's still got cancer in his head, but at least we're sticking with the status quo! GOD BLESS US ALL! - do I think prayers worked? I sure do - we put out the prayer call, and God answered by giving us this wonderful new diagnoses! Karen
  19. I'm voting for a memory loss induced injury. keep us posted! sure wish I could go to the Michigan party! Karen C.
  20. Shelly, how awesome, that you and Katie camp together! Any boys going along, or just you girls? do you tent camp or do the RV thing? We used to tent camp until I got old, now we have a travel trailer. haven't been out in it much due to Dave's illness, but it's making a great guest cottage! Have a great time! Karen C.
  21. Dean, I just read this and it's really helping me. It's all stuff we should all know, but how many of us let ourselves realize it? You told me in a PM recently to live for today and I've been trying to keep that in mind as we go through Dave's roller coaster ride of diagnoses. but this post here really puts in all in clear perspective for me. God Bless you and all the contributions you have made to our little world! Karen C.
  22. Give Lucie our best and our love from the Chapmans! Karen C.
  23. Dave saw his ENT doctor this morning for a post-op follow up. Then we decided to go across the street to his radiation oncologist to see what was gonig on with his brain mets plan of attack, since the oncologist's nurse had left a voice mail message yesterday saying he would be seeing the radiation oncologist, so we wanted to know what was going on, the message wasn't very clear. Anyway, the radiation oncologist looked at the MRI written report and doesn't think there are actually brain mets in there. He thinks they may be talking about part of the sinus bonkitis mets, not actual brain tumors. He is going to get the actual MRI films from the hospital and read them today himself and give Dave a call and let him know what he thinks. Talking about riding a roller coaster! What would I do without this board to keep me strapped in? Karen C.
  24. wow, so sorry to hear this. Dave never had any trouble with his first port, now he's on port #2, but I do know he went in to the oncologist's office on a regular basis to get it flushed out with heparin and he's always on blood thinner - coumadin or warfarin, to prevent the clotting. best wishes for a speedy recovery, I hope he gets over this quick. Karen
  25. Gayle, I'm so sorry that you lost your Mom. You can find peace in knowing you did your best for her. I don't know what else to say, this disease is awful. God Bless you and your family, Karen c.
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