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Remembering Dave

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Everything posted by Remembering Dave

  1. I want one, can I have one mommy?
  2. Andrea, no advice but please know that my prayers are with you and both of your parents. David C
  3. I am so sorry he is not doing well at this time. My prayers and thoughts are with you. I pray he can get more treatments soon. Remember we are all here for you. David C
  4. Mo..........big hugs and many positive thoughts comming your way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Larissa, welcome aboard. Sorry to hear about your mother but as has been said you are in a good place here. The best news is that she was diagnosed with Limited SCLC. SCLC responds well to chemo and radiation . I was diagnosed with Limited SCLC and am now in remission!!! DO NOT READ THE STATISTICS!!!! Statistics do not apply to any of us, they are outdated and positively unable to be of any use to anyone since we are all different. There are a lot of caring and knowledgable people here so please come back often and let us know how things are for you and your mother. We are here for you as well as her. Get her onboard if she has a computer. David C
  6. dani hobbs, I had PCI and am glad I did. I had 15 rounds, one round per day. It was a piece of cake as far as the actual treatments. I did experience a little brain swelling the first day which gave me one heck of a headache but the Radiation Onc. prescribed some medicine that stopped the headaches. I will not lie to you, the fatigue I experienced was pretty bad, worse than with the chemo but like I said, I think it was definitely worth it. Other than the fatigue I have not noticed any other side effects. Sometimes I forget things like what did I come into this room for or my wife will ask me to bring something upstairs and I just completely forget in 5 minutes (No really I do forget, ha,ha) Heck I had those types of lapses prior to Chemo and PCI, I really think I just notice them more now since it is supposed to be a side effect. I am an Underwriter by day which is very detailed oriented and requires intense concentration and I have not noticed any effect on my job. It is great that your sis is doing so well that she can have PCI. My prayers are with her and you. David C
  7. Laura, it's so hard to hear you lost your Mom. I just turned 45 and I am a new mom, so I just can't imagine this happening to someone so young. I am very sorry for what she went through her last days, and the pain you and your family experienced, but take comfort that you have been a #1 daughter and were by her side. And I bet that you do alot to win the battle that took your mother. God Bless you and good luck with your career. Your mother will smile from heaven and be very proud of you. Karen C.
  8. Becky - about the tumors in your left left - I'm with you and voting for Plan C. Why not? Also the stuff going on in your right lung - it seems to me that the oncologists are mainly happy if you're alive or at least not on your death bed. they don't seem to care too much about any discomfort, and when Dave questions how he can make himself FEEL better the doctor seems to think that's not all that important - after all, he's alive. I'd keep on pushing and questioning. You deserve to feel better and to breathe better. Keep us posted - and yes, I think you are doing GREAT! Because you are a fighter! God Bless, Karen C.
  9. Hurry up and wait!!!! It can be very frustrating, I know especially when you already had the tests and are expecting definite news. Well, could be this or could be that or it could be nothing at all. Don't let it get you down, concentrate on the nothing and live life to the fullest. My prayers are with you. David C
  10. I am so very sorry to hear this sad news. My prayers are with you during your time of greif. David C
  11. Good news on the PET Scan. I am probably not a good one to ask about appetite since I gained so much during my treatments. I seemed to be constantly eating so maybe she could try several really small meals during the day. David C
  12. OK folks!!!!!! I have the Blond Wig (Happy B-day, Mr. President) and some blue pumps. The outfit is comming together nicely. Stay Tuned. David C
  13. Mo, prayintg for a free month for you. Funny about the x-rays--when I went to see my Onc. yesterday he was flippin through my chart he said "Man you sure have had a lot of x-rays!!" David C
  14. Becky, Becky, Becky, Becky...................... Mo, can't help ya. I have not experienced this. David C
  15. Awesome news!!!!!!!!! Oh the joy!!!!!!!!! I am still feeling the effects of my PCI but like you said, on the upswing. Go out and celebrate! David C
  16. Rosemary, the Onc forgot?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I think I would forget this Onc and go get another one. That was unacceptable. My thoughts and prayers are with you. David C
  17. Beautiful Fay. I have said many times-fight, fight, fight. David C
  18. Ann, I hate to admit it but when I was a wee little lad in Texas my parents put me in my sisters leggings a few times in the winter time because I did not have any long underwear. I was traumatized for life because of it as you can tell. My sister BeckyCW can vouch for that story. I should have the wig in a few days and even have a line on some high heels although not sure if they are going to fit or not. Come on folks times a ticking to get you tax deductable donations in. The more money collected, the more photo's you will see!!! David C
  19. The Instigator has struck!!!!!! For those not up to date on the antics of the Instigator, I have been challenged to dress up like a woman and as a reward the Instigator has agreed to make a charitable donation, I think it was $250.00, to LCSC. Katie PM'd me and said that the donation has arrived at LCSC Central Offices and is awaiting my end of the bargain for the donation to be made legal. It may take me a week or 2 to get my ensemble together and have the photo shoot arranged and completed but hang in there I will get it done. My Agent is quite upset because I am working for basically peanuts so if there are any more takers for donations just send them on to Katie, she will inform my Agent and hopefully my modeling career will not be affected. David C
  20. Karen and I are going to Charleston West Virginia for a 50th wedding anniversary for one of Karens favorite Aunt and Uncle. Mary and Bud have been a big support to me through all thier prayers and emails throughout my fight. One of thier daughters, who was like a sister to Karen, died of breast cancer a few years back. She was in her 30's and left 3 children from 2 years old to 4 years old behind. They also had a son who Karen and I had gotten pretty close to commit suicide a little over a year ago. They have had a rough time these past few years but they are devout Catholics and they have found much strength through God. They have 3 more sons and a daughter who will be there this weekend in addition to numerous other relatives. Please pray for a safe trip for us, the weather is supposed to be iffy here but OK in WVA. I hope everyone has a good weekend. Oh, Faith went in this morning to get the pin in her thumb removed and the stitches out. Like always, she was a true blue trooper about it all. David C
  21. Sounds like good news to me......except for the weather!!! Congratulations. David C
  22. ZZaaaaaeee e err ggghok, any weird typing is fa22f2aiTH2 trying to help . . w. we're waitintg to get a wig from a friend of a friend. once we get the wig we'll have a photo session! ok, back to Faith', she's dying to type. dadadd66uuuueeq bbnnmm,
  23. Hi, this is Karen - in case you're new or don't remember, I'm Dave C's wife (SCLC) and last summer I was diagnosed with and had a little surgery to remove a Stage II melanoma. I had my six month checking-me-out with my oncology surgeon and he proclaimed me lump free for another six months! So with Dave still in remission (knock on wood) things are looking up for us, for 2004. God Bless everyone, Karen C.
  24. Dear Norme, I just sent you a PM, then saw this post. Please know we are thinking of you constantly and care about you both so much. God Bless, Karen C.
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