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Nick C

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Everything posted by Nick C

  1. Nick C

    I thought I...

    They stay with us... She stays with you...it's her...I believe that for sure.
  2. I was thinking about doing something like this...if you get info on it, please send it to me.
  3. Nick C


    Disgusting. But these people exist...as sad as that is.
  4. I'm sorry Lillee. This is a lot to deal with.
  5. Steven, sorry to have to meet you under these circumstances. Best of luck to you and your mom and I hope her treatments are effective and easy for her. You've found a great place for answers and support.
  6. Nick C

    So FAST!

    It is the place for this...and we understand. I am so sorry for your loss. I think every single one of us would agree it isn't supposed to happen like this. Again, so sorry.
  7. Unfortunately, as parents age...things go wrong more frequently, but we have to remind ourselves that it isn't always dire..that said, even med school has the bottom of the class. A doc who doesn't AT LEAST recommend an xray...pretty standard stuff...seems a bit...off. That said I will dig in on the x-ray vs ct scan thing...a spiral ct may be a little $ out of pocket...but I know I want as much detail as possible if I'm gonna get my internal pic taken.
  8. That doesn't seem possible...a year. Thoughts and prayers are with you Bobby.
  9. wow, I hope that goes all according to plan. Sounds like the docs are on top of it. But still, one more thing...ugh
  10. Nick C

    Thank you

    Shrimp, It's an emotional rollercoaster ride. And no one here "expects" you to be a certain way or hold back. You are always being listened to. Maybe folks don't have acomforting word or have nothing to add, but I assure you, you are being heard. At the same time, for me, this forum has been a great PART of my healing. But there are other parts too. You figure out what works for you and know we'll be here.
  11. Nick C

    Sad birthday for me

    We all remember those first birthdays and holidays...and they do stink...and if nothing is what feels like the thing to do, then do that...it's OK. And don't feel bad thhe day you do want to enjoy your b-day or the holidays. It doesn't diminish his memory and doesn't change the fact that you would rather this day include him. Basically, feel free to enjoy life and have great days whhen you are ready too, in the meantime, I think a bunch of us know that it is hard to even want to and even if we did, it would be close to impossible...it aint easy.
  12. There is no timetable...but it can be a while...but it isn't like "lightning ever hit me" anmd boom I realized it. One day I woke up realizing I had been realizing the truth all along. I'd equate it to learning a language, you know you are learning it, you go to class do your homework...no mystery...but the nnight you dream it, you realize your knowlege of the language is QUITE real. Same with the reality of those we love being gone...wee know it, it's real...and one day it may not be a lightning bolt moment...it just is...that's how it was for me anyway. But somedays I still don't feel like it is real...even 2 years later.
  13. An e-mail from a guy I just met a couple of months ago, he played in our Lung Cancer foundation's golf tourney fundraiser...he just wrote me this: "Re: Randy Cappiello Was just speaking with my friend, Jim Walsh, and he couldn't say enough good things about your mom. He worked w/ her on Title Insurance. His comments about her friendly, effervecient personality and willing to help made me wish I had known her." Always nice to hear someone is bringing her up.
  14. Nick C


    I'm sorry Amy.
  15. Nick C

    New Grandson!

    Wow Teri, how wonderful. I know you wish you could experience Bill experiencing it, but know he is.
  16. Andrea, I have a friend right now who has a similar issue, they found a big tumor in her fathers lung and removed the lung. The tumor looked weird (not LC primary like), so they started fishing, found a spot in the colon, removed it. The biopsy isn't back, but apparently I have heard that often a colon cancer likely spreads to the lung. Interestingly, no lymph involvemment annd they are now going the Chemo/rad route to really attack anything hiding anywhere else. Also I am NOT 100% sure, ,but I believe my paternal grandfather had colon primary that had spread to the lung.
  17. Nick C


    I'm so glad this went well.
  18. What a life...he was a fraternity brother of mine as well (a few years apart) and did SO many good things...not for recognition...an inspiration.
  19. Always such grace. Your anticipation of the meeting is understandable, but when it happens, I am sure you will be in the moment and think of her what you think. My mom had a boyfriend who we are still very close with and do family dinners and holidays with. He was committed to mom, and we are to him. I have often found myself uneasy that one day I know he'll date someone. Part of me hopes he does, he is lonely for sure. But I know it will be...different.
  20. Nick C

    It's been 6 months

    Two comments i CAN REALLY RELATE TO. 1) Early on, I too did not recognize my life. Today, my life is slightly less foreign to me, although still at times, quite foreign. 2) My mom would have been an amazing granndmother too. And nothing gets me po'd like thinking about how we don't get to experience that. The emotions you are feeling are normal... you will be able to identify the life you are lleading *ss yours one day, but your mom is your mom...and there isn't a better person, so of course, there will always be missing of them.
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