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Everything posted by fillise

  1. I know exactly what you are going through. My Mom has to let me know from time to time that she is tired of me always telling her what to do (what to eat, what to drink, what questions to ask the onc., etc.). I think the great thing is that you and your Mom had a discussion about it so that you both could understande each other's perspective. There is an Italian pasa called "pastina." It's very tiny stars and a couple of spoonfuls in a cup of broth can be very gentle on a stomach. I was raised on this stuff--for the stomach flu it was often the only or first thing we could keep down. My Mom has used it for several of her friends who have undergone chemo over the years and they reported it was often the only things their stomachs would tolerate. You might give it a try. It is made by Ronzoni and is in the pasta isle (sometimes it can be found with the babyfood because it is also used as a first food for babies). Susan
  2. I'm so glad you found this board. Please feel free to ask us any questions or just come to vent. We all have or are stuggling with the same issues you are dealing with and we will stand with you on this journey. Susan
  3. May 5th--Derby Day! 8 lbs 8oz. Thank you for sharing the excitement of bringing a precious new life into the world. Susan --ps--where were those beautiful photos taken. It looks like a tulip farm I visited once in Puyallup WA!
  4. Ginny--It's easy to see how much you loved Earl. That's such a beautiful testament to him and to the fact that his spirit is still strong with you. Hell be with you at dinner. He will be strong in your heart. Susan
  5. Sometimes it doesn't matter what you want the kids to call you--they name you themselves. My Mom did NOT want to be called Grandmother because her Mother insisted on being called that and my Mom thought it was too formal. She decided that she wanted to be called Grammy. As soon as my first niece began to talk she has called my Mother "Grandmother" and nothing else. Now my Mom thinks it's the most beautiful word in the English langauge because it is the name that both her grandaughters call her. Your children might have given your Mother a different name, or they might give your SM a different name. I don't think it needs to be forced by one party on all the others. Maybe you can come up with something together that works for all. Good Luck! Susan
  6. Is there a legal clinic where you can ask questions? I think you need someone familiar with your state laws and situations to really give you the best answers. There are some websites that help you do Advanced Directives. I'll look around and see if I can find a link for you. Susan
  7. Prayers for a successful surgery and a swift recovery. Susan
  8. ((((Hugs)))) Tell Susan we will hug her too if you gets on the board. Susan
  9. Thanks for the update Tanner. I'll be thinking about you, Karen and your girls. Susan
  10. ((((Hugs)))) and Prayers. I know you are reeling right now, but hang in there. The radiation has a good chance of being successful, so let's pray for the best. Susan
  11. Leslie and Adrian--So sorry that you got this news on top of everything else. Like the first wave, you will find that once the shock wears off and you begin to learn more about the treatments that you will feel more empowered to help your Dad. As you can see there are several folks here who have successfully fought the brain mets. I'm betting your Dad can too. ((((Hugs)))) Susan
  12. Good for you! May the decision you made today help you avoid the need to be on this board in the future. Susan
  13. Welcome. I am also the daughter of a Mom diagonsed with LC in January. You've come to a great place. The people here have been kind, supportive , and do not heistitate to share their experiences and information with you. Susan
  14. fillise

    My sister

    Great news!
  15. Sherry, I'm so sorry. Let's hope for the best, but if it is cancer she's got s great role model on how to fight it. I'm not sure that's really the type of role model you wanted to be, but it is what it is. ((((Hugs)))) Susan
  16. Adrian--Strength and hope are NOT denial! You will confront your fears as you are ready, but working and hoping for the best outcome is not denial. Susan
  17. Prayer sent! Let us know how your mom does tomorrow. Susan
  18. Prayer said for good test results. Hang in there Tanner. It as hard on you as it is on your wife, in different ways of course. I hope she will get good test results and her life back soon! Susan
  19. Beautiful News--Congratulations!
  20. Welcome Steve! I'm sorry sorry about your wife's dx, but so glad you have found your way to his board. Please let us know what we can do to help. Susan
  21. Snoopy--Welcome. You've found a loving, helpful and hopefull group. Don't give up hope yet. If you can get some chemo going you might see tremendous progress. I know that it is awfully hard--on you and your daughter as well as on him. We'll be here for you, Susan
  22. fillise

    4 years

  23. fillise


    ??????? OK this is just cruel! Nevermind--I discovered the good news. CONGRATULATIONS AARON!
  24. Beth, I pray that you will know the right thing to do for your Mom and for you. In the meantime, I am sending you ((((Hugs)))). Susan
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