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Everything posted by SandraL

  1. I will pretty much tell anybody anything...even more so since my diagnosis. I should probably keep a few more secrets!
  2. SandraL

    Fluid drain

    Hi Ernie. Best wishes with the procedure. I am sure it will all be fine. Lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way. Take care
  3. Hi Gracie. Glad you are looking out for your sister. During chemo I was told to drink lots, and that was more important than eating. Really important to get through the treatment though...do whatever it takes. Take care
  4. Hi Jackie. Thanks for joining and offering your support. And even more thanks for the badly needed advocacy work.
  5. Hi there Debbie. So sorry you had to join this site. But you have come to the right place with hope and lots of inspirational stories.
  6. Welcome Arnie and thanks for joining in. It is great to read a wonderful survivor story like yours.
  7. Hi Shelley. I don't have much to add other than the good news is that it does end. I had similar and was concerned that my eyesight was affected from chemo. But it turned out not...and the dry eye stuff has gone away. Like we don't already have enough to deal with!!
  8. Hi Cynthia. Sorry you had to find us here. All patients deal with this thing in their own way. I hope she gets on a treatment plan soon. If you want to know more then tell her that. She is obviously just trying to protect her loved ones and that is most admirable. Take care
  9. Hi Johnny. Please know there is always hope. It sounds to me that she is very lucky to have you advocating on your behalf. I hope the appointments go well and your mother can get on a treatment plan as soon as possible. Everyone will feel a lot better after that. Take care
  10. Hey Jackie. I spent some time in the hospital in the fall having exploratory stuff done. Not as invasive as yours and it didn't take me as long as it will you to recover. But here are a few things I remember. Bring your own pillow! Bring ear plugs for a good night sleep. Stay ahead on painkiller meds..once you start feeling the pain...it is too late. Make sure you get a "constipation" protocol from hospital or clinic. That was actually the worst unanticipated side effect after getting out of hospital..jump on that one fast if need be..painkillers are really bad for that. And I understand the "girls" problem completely...can't be avoided with location of surgery. I wore NOTHING for way too long as it was extremely painful. That unfortunately for me meant I couldn't get out of the house alot. I wasn't driving either as a result of painkillers. So was about a month for me before I was really out and about on my own. And I tried to do too much too soon when I went out...and then you just simply pay the price...so need to start with little outings and avoid heavy shopping bags. Hope that helps some. Good luck with your surgery..
  11. Well I am an accountant and added it up wrong the 1st time...I knew intellectual was not right...so I tried again and a 6 it is, I checked that twice...
  12. Hi Colleen. I have 2 children, 11 and 13..so not as young as yours. I think it must be tougher for you, mine are at least old enough to understand. Thinking about our kids is the worst. Know that you are not alone in being paranoid or in "wondering" about our children. Hang in there. A mom also, Sandra
  13. SandraL

    Always Cold

    hey there. It is probably treatment related. I have always been hot blooded...until treatment, hair loss, BP meds, etc. I am still cold. Buy him a heating blanket....I still occasionally use the one that was bought for me.
  14. Prayers for you and your grandpa Brandy. I hope they figure it out soon and you guys can figure out next steps and move on. The waiting is so hard. Take care
  15. Hi Gail. It's perfectly ok to feel real mad. And it's also very important to forgive yourself for the past and move on...because you need all the energy to fight this thing that nobody deserves. I hope you feel better after venting...we all have our days. Take care Sandra
  16. Hi Gail. That's great news and very encouraging progress. Good luck with the next chemo.
  17. add in a a lot of hope and positive attitude, along with exercise (lots of heavy breathing kind of exercise)! There are many inspiring stories here. Sorry you had to join us. Take care Sandra
  18. SandraL

    Update - LarryH

    My condolences Karen. I am praying for your strength in getting through this very tough time.
  19. SandraL

    April Update

    That's a great article John. Keep up the much needed advocacy work.
  20. I am so glad to hear he has a treatment plan and is doing well. Continued best wishes.
  21. SandraL

    Scan results good

    that's super news...keep on being dodgy!!
  22. SandraL

    Cancer Sucks

    I agree. It absolutely sucks! But life is good so I will take the good with the bad and keep on livin'.
  23. Hi Patti. I haven't read through others posts here so will probably echo their thoughts. You know I have 2 young kids as well so completely get where you are coming from. I am a tough gal...and have hardly cried at all over this C thing...but when I have it has been primarily about my kids and how this is so not fair to them. Hardest thing ever in my life to tell them. They have seen first hand other family members who have died...and young. And I was so public initially in doing some advocacy stuff...stats and all, and they heard and read it. And I thought oh no what I am doing to them. But their reaction was always "you go mom". In their hearts though they will always worry and that is not fair. They deal with it totally differently...one more concerned, the other in a bit of denial. My son has even taken to yelling at smokers through car window..."don't smoke, it will kill you" (closed window thank goodness, usually quite a shy kid!) and my heart just breaks that I have done this to them. But they have never given me a hard time about smoking...nor do I think they will. Kids are resilient and yes I think they have learned alot through how I have dealt with it. As has your son, because you are an absolute inspiration. Just keep doing what you are doing...and continue to enjoy every day with your son. thanks for posting on this topic your friend Sandra
  24. Hi Janette. I have been thinking about you and your husband. Glad to see he is on treatment now. I agree with others, I would not worry too much about a cough at this point. Just focus on getting through the treatment. Best wishes Sandra
  25. Hi there. I would give her some advice on the anti-nausea stuff. I wanted to get off of it too...and did muck around with it...well just a little bit, because of side effects. But I had the nurses practically beg me to stick with the prescription. The constipation can be dealt with if you get it very early on and act progressively (take more than bottle says..most clinics will give you a constipation protocol to follow). Once you start hurling...that is a much more difficult situation to treat than the nausea and other side effects and could maybe even affect the treatment plan. That you definitely don't want. And I am sure others have told her...but she shouldn't be working if possible...fighting cancer is her job right now. I hope things get better for her...the best thing she can do right now is get through the treatment, and do whatever it takes to do that.
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