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Everything posted by ginnyde

  1. Val, many prayers for good news, please keep us posted we are all thinking of you. Hope it is just a 'visitor' tumor and not genetic.
  2. My golfing friend Barb has stage IV NSCLC. She is having a very hard time balancing meds and is having many seizures. At her last visit that gave her a prognosis of 11 months (strange time frame I think). Please remember her in your prayers. Thanks P.S. She is 1 of 4 of my friends that have lc right now. Hate it.
  3. I have many responses for the hormone cream, all of them not publishable here, except that I bet your mouth didn't have a hot flash. I think I answered that my Mother once brushed with tile grout. And, remember when women put a blue rinse on their hair to remove the yellowish tint. Well, my Mother took one of those capsules as a vitamin.
  4. Bitter, bitter cold and windy here today. The top of the snow looks like an ice skating rink. Uncle, I have had enough of winter. I only work 2 days a week so this is my Friday, yeah. Have a tooth that has been bothering me, but like any good chicken, I have been ignoring it. Just called dentist, can't see me until 2/22. Thank God for Advil. Lily, please be careful with furniture moving. Haha on the vitamin D topic. I post a countdown on FB until the first day of my ladies golf league and I mentioned vitamin D today. Have a good day all.
  5. Ok, we have an olympic biker (Bud) and now we have a movie star (Judy KW). Oops I forgot the llama trainer (Bruce). What a group we are. Judy, is your Gail, the Gail from NJ that used to go to our quarterly lunches up here? If so, tell her to get back in touch with us, we miss her. Judy MI, any news yet? You must be on pins and needles. I have no reason to worry when I have a mammo, but I do until I get THE letter. Can't imagine how nervous all you guys are. Snow, I told you on FB how happy I am for you. It sounds like your life is going great, (except for the Buster Keaton movies). At work today, only 25 more minutes. Just looked again, now 24. Go to hospice tonight to volunteer. Found out that Rose was sent back to the nursing section of her life care community. She came to hospice this dear woman and rallied. I am thrilled. Freezing here. UNCLE on winter. Should be getting somewhat warmer this weekend. Don't know how you guys up north can stand it. Okay, now only 20 minutes, so I should dust my desk.
  6. Re: the pants. There are some little old widows (I am only the last word, certainly not little and I refuse to be old) on this site they may prefer our Mascot pantless. Just one woman's opinion, Judy, when do you leave on your cruise. Hope you and Stan have a fantastic time. Judy, may that spasms just be a superbowl fluke. It is only 65 days until my golf league starts. Am I an optimist to be counting down already. Have book club tonight and I didn't like the book at all, called Half a Life by Darin Strauss. And I know some of my friends liked it. Oh well, I will be generous and give it an 80 when I would really like to give it a 35. We should start a book club here. We can read while Bud is biking.
  7. Bud, you have to keep riding the bike to work and everywhere else, I really need the exercise. I just booked my trip to England, Scotland and Wales for July. Eric, I will be in Edinburgh around 7/31. My Scottish friend from Lockerbie is hoping to fly over and meet me there. She takes every excuse to fly home and see here family. Annette, I have had those days that feel like you have been working 100 hours. Get that sinusy thing taken care of and get better. Judy KW, what a great birthday. I understand the closet thing taking awhile. I say that I do projects like doing a jigsaw puzzle, one piece at a time. I like that I am at that point in my life where no one gives me orders and time frames. Judy MI, scary about the car sliding off the road. Glad the police got him back on the road so you didn't have to drive in this junk. Have we decided on our team's colors? Stay warm (or cool in KW).
  8. Sandi, this is wonderful news, let's keep in going.
  9. Bud, help, I need the exercise. Stephanie may it only be easy on you and very effective. Judy MI, hasn't this medicine been working for awhile? Will they let you stay on it indefinitely? Could the spasm cycle be broken? Ice storm here last night. Lost power overnight, back on this morning. Fireplace is leaking, big bucket propped on hearth. Car slid all the way down driveway on my way to work. Ah, the joys of winter. We need to get exercise shirts and biking shorts with the logo on it. Then we need to get a group picture. Only from the neck up though because if we are not really doing the excercises we do not need full body pictures. Although Annette I am doing your desk exercises as I write. Judy KW happy happy birthday. A restaurant on stilts sounds exoctic and fun, enjoy.
  10. I love reading all the daily posts, it is like a weather report/journal. 27 degrees when I drove to work this a.m., driveway a little icy but roads were fine. Expecting more 'wintery mix' this afternoon, just in time for drive time. Judy KW, I have too much storage room and that creates the same kind of 'where the heck is it' problem. I do hope I am on the EVTB team, about to order shirts and bicycle shorts with that logo. Is there a mascot? So many friends have disconnected their land lines and just use their cells. Have any of you done this? I forget sometimes to charge my cell and would be very nervous since I live alone not having a working phone near my bed. The intruder my not be gorgeous, lol. Bud, I am glad to see you do drive sometimes. Blizzards of any kind are not for bikes. Please let us know if you are jogging around the office or doing jumping jacks so we do not have to exercise today. Back to work.
  11. Good morning everyone, We are having a heat wave, it is 34 degrees here. We got to 16 yesterday which is extremely cold for this area. Lily, I am so sorry about your sister-in-law. I hope she is pain free and peaceful. Bud, I get cold and tired just hearing about your 'commute'. I had my first volunteer at hospice last night. I was really shadowing a well seasoned volunteer to get to know the ropes. Was afraid it would be very difficult, but while not easy, it was very calm. One dear woman (89 yo) who has been there since before Christmas has rallied and they are trying to find a nursing home for her. Sad, sad is a 38 yo with metatastic breast cancer. She has been here 53 days, she is unbelievable in her will to live. I am glad I am doing this. It is only one night a week. In work today. My last week has been so busy, work is like having a rest, not quite, but almost. Eric, my Scottish friend is from Lockerbie, quite a distance from you. She still has family there and goes back about 3 or 4 times a year. Well, I guess I should do some work. Please all stay warm and Annette get better.
  12. Good brrrrr afternoon. I drove to work this morning on very icy roads, slid right down my driveway, it was an adventure. I wanted to tell you that I have just been accepted as a volunteer at an inpatient hospice facility associated with Abington Hospital. Had a tour and filled out a thousand pages last thursday. I was very impressed with the facility, the rooms, the staff, the volunteers. I have been looking for a way to give back. All things considered, I have had a very good life. I thought only 4 letter words were bad, but a 3 letter word can be added to the list - gym. I HATE to exercise. Annette, I hope your trip is easy and you get home safely and warmly.
  13. Cathy, A belated welcome. There are so many good things happening in the lc community in the last while compared to many years ago. Do not let the doctors snow you. Ask, demand and get the answers and drugs that your Dad needs. I am sure he is feeling like a deer in the headlights right now and denial is his way of coping. Work with him, let him call the shots. Be good to yourself too, being a caregiver is tough work. Keep us informed and ask us any question, someone here will have the answer.
  14. Wow, I got in. Have been having a lot of trouble lately. Welcome home Lily, I know what you mean about your own bed and your own coffee pot. We are really creatures of habit. Bitter cold here in the Philadelphia area with a bunch of snow forecasted starting at 2 this afternoon. Like you Annette, I am already dreading the ride home. I only work 10 miles from home but on any given day it can take me an hour to get home. PAdot has just spent a bzillion dollars to put in a new parkway and it added 15 minutes to my commute. Our stimulus $$$ at work. BTW, Annette, you crack me up. I am going to send this and come back and edit, since I lost the last 2 I tried to post.
  15. Wow, big air day. Very cold here in SE PA and very dry. I don' like cold, but I love dry. Worse day of the year, it is the shortest amount of daylight. Albeit, tomorrow is my favorite, 1 minute more of daylight. Annette, you crack me up. It is tough to make those executive decisions. It is against the law to get bad news during the week before Christmas, so we can only get good news this week. That being said, my friend woke up at 4:00 Sunday morning to find her 34 year old son dead in his bed. Don't know the reason yet but no parent should lose a child. The only shopping I still have to do is at the Wine and Spirits shop. PA is a liquor controlled board state, so we have special stores for wine and liquor and yet different stores for beer. It is so very handy. Eric, my good friend is from Lockerbie. I checked your location as to hers and you are not close at all. I love talking with her, her accent is terrific. Nothing is small, it is all wee. She has her doctorate in chemisty, very smart lady. I can spell kemistree. Ann, I only work tues and wed, but it is a command performance for me to show up at the Christmas luncheon here at work. Very inconvenient since I will be late for a family lunch. Keep warm.
  16. Right there with you Sweetie. Does get easier, doesn't go away. Thinking gentle thoughts for you today.
  17. Hi Cody, I, like Kasey, remember your Mother. In fact, I may have met you. I was at your house to pick up your Mother to go out for lunch at the Kitchen Bar in Abington. It was a fun day. Do you still have all the animals? As others have said, you can search all of your Mother's posts on this site. I know your Mother would be very proud of you choosing this subject. I hope you get an A+.
  18. Good morning everybody. 21 degrees when I was driving to work today. I don't mind the cold when it is either not windy or daylight. It is always colder in the dark. Judy kw, will join the stress brigade so you don't have to worry about your results. Judy mi, I know of what you talk, I always look forward to travel and then I am ecstatic to get home. Here's my 'mad at my doc' story. Had a ct of my left femur. Don't know if I told you but 2 years ago I had a spontaneous fracture of my right femur (could be from being on Fosamax for over 8 years), So when my left femur started to hurt I went hypocondriacal. Ok, femur is fine. Drs. office called to let me know on Friday. I am at a party on Sat. and my dr. is at the same party. He hands me an envelop with my results and only sees, 'Here, read the report'. Didn't read it until Sunday a.m. Oops, mentions something about protruding uterus probably due to fibroids, duh. Ok, now I am paniced, which I can do easily. He never said anything, like give me a call to discuss, or there really is nothing to worry about or get your affairs in order. Coincidentally I had an appointment with my gyn on Monday. Showed her the report. After the exam she said, really doesn't seem to be a problem. Get an ultrasound just for your peace of mind. I have found this drs. beside manner somewhat lacking before. I call him the 'never kill you, never cure you, doc. That's my rant for today.
  19. Brrr cold in Eastern PA today but this is expected, it is almost winter. No snow yet, just some flurries. And that is just fine with me. Bud, usually when you bring home a 'stray' you have to name it. Does your new bike have a name? Eric, I have a good friend who is from Scotland and still goes back quite often. I need to find out what town she is from. I am out to dinner tonight for my Woman's Club Christmas meeting. Very little meeting, a whole lot of joviality, hehe. Ann and Judy, I have a lot of friends that 'winter' in FL so I know about the FL thin blood. In fact, Earl's entire family lives in FL. The first time we went down to visit, it was right after Christmas, we were all dressed in shorts. Along come Earl's sisters in long pants and sweaters. Boy did we get teased as 'tourists'.
  20. OMG, I am starting an air! It is a brr cold friday in SE PA. No fun, no golf, but many, many errands. It must be the holiday season. Ann, TGIF. Bud, I am driving today, not biking, but then again I never bike. Judy KW, you may not complain about 65 degree weather. Judy Mi, I have family in Buffalo and boy do they have lake effect snow. I love this season. It is so busy but so much fun. I have 4 social functions this weekend and this makes me very happy. Good news lady, it is all different groups so I can wear the same outfit to all of them. Have a happy day everyone.
  21. ginnyde

    My DIL's uncle

    Has been fighting LC successfully for quite some time but it looks like it has caught up with him. He is in the hospital and it is not looking good. Prayers appreciated, he's a good guy.
  22. Jassen, it has been many years since my husband had radiation to his brain, but I remembe that it does cause many crazy side effects. Unforturnately, some will be long term but most will disappear once the radiation is over and has run its course. Radiation takes awhile to leave your system. Hang in there. Be patient. Fight like h***.
  23. 2 days in a row. I just posted on FB that it is 11/18 in PA, should be very cold, but I played 18 holes of golf today, life is good. Went to dinner with 3 very good friends, one who is a lc survivor. Just had a chest drain removed a month ago and is still doing chemo every 3 weeks, she is just amazing. Scans in 2 weeks, if all is well she will go on Avastin. Cross things and pray pleaase. 24 miles, that's about 23.9 more than I can do. I am impressed. Judy from MI, may all become good and right in paradise. Easy day tomorrow, and then out to dinner with friends. Good night all.
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