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Joe B

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Everything posted by Joe B

  1. Amanda, I am very sorry for your loss. Your Father was so very loved here. I hope your memories and the hope for your father being in a better place provide you some comfort during this very difficult time. God Bless you and keep you . Joe B
  2. Joe B

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Chistmas unto us a savior is born the King of Kings.....
  3. Joe B

    Great News!

    That is Good News . Enjoy the gift you have received this Christmas. Praise God..... A Savior is Born in Bethlehem... Emmanuel - God with us.
  4. Joe B

    Christ Bell

    Amen Randy. Praise God. In the town of Bethlehem a SAVIOR is Born ! Rejoice !!
  5. Hi, I have that subtype of andenocarcinome as well. Brochioavelor Carcinoma or BAC as it is more commonly termed is a highly differentiate form of andneocarcinoma and is also the kind most commonly seen in never smokers. There is a List Serve dedicated to BAC that you can sign up for e-mail exchange with others that are BAC patients.lung-bac@listserv.acor.org They are very dedicated to research around BAC. The progonsis is a bit better than with other forms of lung cancer with some individuals having pretty indolent type of disease. There are others here with BAC as well (it can actually be varying degress of andeno carcinoma/ BAC mixed histologies. Tarceva works best with BAC tumors. BAC may be associated with a virus as opposed to environmental exposure as evidenced by the fact that BAc has been found in sheep and the root cause they believe is viral. Another member here is Lisa O has lived over 6 years and has remained stable on Iressa.
  6. Wooo HOOO !! That is Awesome Donna !
  7. Great News! The Vaccine trial I am on, appears to be working for me as well ! I think the vaccines are showing ALOT of promise. In mine (hyperAcute LUng Cancer Vaccine through the NIH in Bethesda MD ) there is just a series of 8 vaccines each 2 weeks apart, and then just observation. I liked the security of getting the vaccines regularily, but I understand that once the immune system "learns" it never "forgets" My Dr. at the NIH siad that he has patients that continually improve over time, and that the vaccines clearly extend life and in some cases the response continually grows stronger even after years. That's my Prayer. If ther eare any Survivors stage 3 or 4, that havent had more than two different "regimes" of Chemo, please check into the study. They (NIH) pay for all travel and hotel expenses. Joe B
  8. Joe B

    Merry Tossmas

    There is a list of retailers that refuse to acknowledge Christmas. http://www.focuspetitions.com/175/petition.asp You can sign a petition here letting them know you that you choose retailers that acknowledge Christmas. From the focus on the family wbsite "For years, the retail industry has made a steady move to secularize the Christmas season. Many national retailers refuse to even use the word "Christmas" in their promotions. Focus on the Family Action has been monitoring this trend, which is part of a larger movement to purge Christian references from the public square. Many retailers are quite willing to take money from Christians but refuse to even acknowledge the Christian basis for Christmas! With more than 90 percent of Americans believing in and celebrating "Christmas," we believe it is time for the secularization of Christmas to end." MERRY CHRISTMAS !!
  9. Joe B


    Hi Curtis !! How are you? Thank you for posting the link and checking in. God Bless. Joe B
  10. Andrea -- it could be a colon met. Colon cancer commonly metasisizes to the lung. Thats probably the most likely explanation.
  11. Great news !! Praise God ! 1 more year and you are considered "cured"
  12. When I was diagnosed right after surgery on 10/2/2003 was told I was stage 3A and that I had a 30% chance of living 5 years. After a spread to both lungs (10/05) , and a surgically removed metasis to the brain (11/06) I am a Survivor of 5 years. I Thank God for my blessings and good fortune. As the great Theologian Rocky Balboa would say "It's not about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." Fighters fight. I have had so many friends come and go on this site, and I realize that could very well be my fate as well....But today I am thankful and I celebrate. I am certainly blessed and I praise God for that. I hope He keeps me around quite a bit longer. Joe B
  13. I wonder why his press agent and the media never mentioned LUNG cancer. I think it's because of the stigma, and him not wanting people to know (He was a former smoker) , Its a real shame because he could have done alot of good for the cause, but chose not to. I liked Paul Newman, bur I think he errored there.
  14. Great News Maryanne.... I am praying for great results! Joe B
  15. After two months on the protocol the cancer in my lungs have remained completely stable. Also, as a better measure at least as far as I am concerned-- I am feeling great.... and am realy enjoying life with no side effects of treatment. this protocol is designed to teach the immune system to recoginize and fight the cancer. I am working out and feeling as good as i ever have since diagnosed. If anyone is interested in trying the vaccine contact Dr Morris at the NIH in Bethesda Maryland. The biggest disqualifer is having more than 2 previous chemotherapy regimes. (The first combination after surgery/ radiation only counts as one) http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00075790 The NIH pays for the vaccines (every two weeks) and all associated blood work and tests (No insurance is billed or even recorded) They also pay for travel and hotel while in Bethesda (which is a very nice town by the way) Best candidates are individuals who have finished first round treatment and want to boost the immune system function to ensure they stay ahead of the disease. On A side note I am approaching 5 years of survival (originally diagonosed at stage 3A -- and then had a subsequent battle with a brain metasis 2 years ago. I will be sure to post another good news item on my 5 year survival anniversary on October 2nd, 2008. Joe B
  16. Could this be a Colon Primary cancer instead of a lung primary ? It may be that the colon tumor metasasised to the lung.
  17. ummm I think you mean "reoccurrence" not "remisssion" in the title of this topic I don't think you would want to stop a remission . ??
  18. Joe B


    BronchoAlveolar Carcinoma
  19. CBS Did an updste, apparently they started clinical trials at MD andersen and the machine works with the nano particles !!! It was successful with theThe Rabbits they treated !
  20. YES! This was a re-run from earlier this year. Very exciting theory and possible a huge breakthrough !! Joe B
  21. Joe B

    Scan results today

    Awesome Tracy !! :)
  22. prayers being said for Rich.
  23. Hang in there Carole. These vaccines are close and pressure is going to build to make them available. If this vaccine doesnt work for me, I may be going to Cuba myself !! The other option is to try to pursue Stimuvax (BLP25) on a compassionate use basis through the established protocols with the FDA. If you have asite near you participating in the phase III trials (check the Listings with the NCI) then they are already administering the vaccinations, and if you can get the oncologist there to plead your case it might work. Joe B
  24. I am investigating participating in a study with the HIH/ NCI in Bethesda, MD It is a phase II study with the "Hyper-Acute" lung cancer vaccine. It is for NSCLC ad You have to be off chemotherapy for 4 weeks, and cannot have any more than 2 previous regimes of chemo. Here is the link; http://bethesdatrials.cancer.gov/clinical-research/search_detail.aspx?ProtocolID=NCI-04-C-0049
  25. Joe B

    Paul Newman

    This should make you smile Finally the right kind of press.... http://www.zwire.com/site/index.cfm?newsid=19830578&BRD=2524&PAG=461&dept_id=494488&rfi=8 Joe B
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