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Joe B

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  1. Joe B


    It is against the law to be discriminated against for reasons of gender, age, race or disability. I experienced this first hand after 12 positive years with an employer. See an attorney. It is against the law. I settled out of court for much much less than I could have if I had seen it all the way thru. They had much deeper pockets it started taking a financial and emotional toll....so I settled. i feel I did the right thing. I Still feel I was in the right. Its not an easy course, but my main motivation was to stand up for what was right and make it less likely that it could happen to someone else. Joe B
  2. Joe B

    Hey Ry!

    Happy Birthday Rochelle !! Joe
  3. I am very surprised they are taking such an agreesive surgical approach with nodules that small in many areas of the lung. Seems to me either watch and wait or tarceva would be the reasonable course of action. It sounds like BAC (very slow growing/ indolent. She should get a second opion by a BAC specialist. Had old is this friend of your Mom's?
  4. Joe B

    nodes shrinking

    This great news !! Congratulations Neil !! ' Joe B
  5. Joe B

    She's here

    congratulations!! She is certainly a gift from God. You are blessed !!
  6. very cool! http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/2/19/how-your-thoughts-can-cause-or-cure-cancer.aspx
  7. Joe B

    Scan results

    Fred, Congratulations. That is trulu great news. God is good. You have been givena great gift.....Enjoy! JB
  8. Joe B

    Scan results

    Awesome Jamie. Praise God
  9. Thanks Connie...Hebbie is a fighter, I am sure she will come through this--she DOES need our prayers now though. Thanks...Joe B
  10. Hi Vernon, I was originally diagnosed stage 3A. Had surgery, radiation & Chemo. I am 4 and 1/2 years out and doing very well despite some recurrences along the way. I Just worked out with weights this morning and ran 2 miles. I am hoping to run another 10k in May of this year. Joe B
  11. Wow. Congratulations. What a great inspiration to others. Joe B
  12. I am grateful today (and everyday ) for my wife Gina - She is my perfect twin soul. And my 3 awesome girls (Aly, Hannah & Randa). I am meeting a friend for lunch today, and I am feeling Good. I am a blessed man. Joe B
  13. You should get a second opinion. What area are you in? There are many long term survivors of stage 4 Lung Cancer here. I myself have survived coming up on 5 years, and even had a large brain metasasis about 15 months ago and am doing very well presently.
  14. Welcome Manifest I am 47 myself. I was 42 when diagnosed (stage 3A)....I am coming up on 5 years of survival. Even though I have had my up's and downs. My quality of life has been very good. I worked up until just 8 weeks ago, when i decided to take it down a notch and go on private disability insurance...in order to focus primarily on my health and my family. I have traveled alot and even have run 2 10k races. Try not to dispair there are plenty of great success stories here. A great book is Greg Anderson's "50 essential things to do if you have Cancer" He is a 25+ year survivor of stage 4 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.
  15. Joe B

    Good News!

    I am so glad to hear you are having positive results. Make sure you get copies of the radiology reports, in time you will be able to read them and infer how you are doing. It sounds very positive. Congrats !! Joe B
  16. Congratulations Becky !! I am so very happy for you. I am sure the next checkup will be awesome !! God Bless. Joe B
  17. Joe B

    3 more month!!!!!

    Great News Bucky !! Enjoy your 3 months of Parole !!
  18. Joe B

    Update on me

    Hi Peggy! Great to hear from you. Sorry to hear about the stroke, but it sounds like you are viewing it as a challenge and are meeting it head on.....Sounds about right Have a great day, and try to stop in here more often. Joe B
  19. I am grateful for today being my 47th birthday. Praying for many more.... I am also grateful for my wonderful Family (Gina, Aly, Hannah & Miranda) I love them dearly. Joe B
  20. Joe B

    Sky Angel Cowboy

    I have seen this, it's very good.
  21. Praying for a completely successful Surgery ! God Bless.....Joe
  22. I am grateful that our oldest daughter Alyson is coming home from college today until Jan 7th Praying for safe travel
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