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Joe B

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Everything posted by Joe B

  1. there is plenty of hope here. I too was a "never smoker" and in great shape when the cancer was discovered. It has been 3 1/2 years since my diagnosis (see my signature) , and while I did have a recurrence, I am doing great. There are others here that have been stable or NED for many many years (much longer than myself). The targeted therapies keep getting better and better especially for non-smokers. Check out Ernies story (enrol) he has no evidence of disease after being stage 4 and recently ran a 1/2 marathon. Stay positive, don't belive the statistics, there is plenty of hope.
  2. Someone asked for a biblical perspective, and while I am no theologian, I will give it a shot. The Bible is very clear on this subject. Jesus taught that He is the Way the Truth and the Life. He stated that no man comes to the Father except by Him. Salvation is by the grace of God; it is given through Faith alone. No amount of good works, ceremony, or sacraments can gain you entrance into heaven. Simply FAITH in the the fact that Jesus died for the sins of ALL men. But one must ask for forgiveness for one's sins (repentance) and believe on the LORD and His plan of salvation (Jesus Christ--God Himself--- entering the earth through the space/time continium, dieing on the cross and then conquering death for ALL by rising from the grave and ascending into heaven). This plan of salvation is prophesized throughout the bible clearly. Jesus fullfilled all that was prophisized about the messiah. According to the bible "absent from the body", present with the Lord". At which time we will all be judged. None can enter on his/ her own righteousness, but only through the righteousness of Christ who bore all of our sins. According to the bible He intercedes with the Father for us, and we take on His righteousness. Since God cannot allow sin in His presence we must be made righteous in order to enter heaven. The bible is also clear that the beauty of heaven cannot even be comprehended by the human mind, and that it truely is "paradise". One must choose to receive this free gift through an excercise of our free will however. Sadly, many have too much pride to admit they have sinned and to ask Christ into their lives.
  3. Joe B

    Ray A

    I sure do remember Ray ... he was loved here and will be missed. My deepest sympathies to the family
  4. Joe B

    Quilt of Holes

    great message. It is so true and yet so hard to do consistently.
  5. Joe B

    Book Vent

    When I read it about 15 years ago....I remember in the book he also asks the question; Maybe God isn't all powerful? It was at that point that he lost all credibility with me. Its in my circular file now (trash can) Joe B
  6. Joe B


    awesome news !
  7. Awesome news Heather !!! :)
  8. Joe B

    Dear Dave!!!

    Praying for Dave.....Joe
  9. Joe B


    hi linda, there are several "michiganders" here. i live in fenton. there is also Ry, Lisa O and Snowflake. I am not on simliar situation...but would be glad to try and help. Joe
  10. Saying prayers that everything looks good at the repeat Scan
  11. Congratulations Ernie. Awesome job
  12. I had aCT at Diagnosis and then over 3 years later had an MRI because of symptoms (slight headache, and vision problem) . It revealed a very large single mass (5 or 6CM) that I successfully had removed\. Still I feel like i should have had one oredered sooner ! Joe
  13. Joe B

    Waiting to exhale

    great, great news. Thank God
  14. Joe B


    great news ! prayers for continued success....
  15. http://www.booksofthebible.com/p4343.html
  16. Rochelle, My opinion would be for someone like you a good natural diet and regular exercse and regular amounts of good clean water would be the best way to go. Some people add a multi-vitamin with meals. I think God's organic natural foods is the best way to go, if you become a vegetarian you will need to be careful about getting proper amounts of protien in your diet, Hope this helps some.....Joe
  17. Dr West, I thought I read recently a post here about the news media reports saying that women never smokers being more likely than men never smokers to get lung cancer turned out to be untrue? Are the rates actually the same? There is something to this Estrogen thing . There was a big drop in reported breast cancer cases based on the drop in Estrogen replacement use.
  18. Happy New Year Cindy...so great to see you posting. You are an inspiration to all. God is Good.
  19. Hi Don, I am glad you made it through the holidays ...It must have been tough. Even so, you still managed to receive some blessings and see your children. God's blessings to you and yours in 2007. Joe
  20. Hi Frank. Whatever decisions you make they will be the right ones. Praying for a good quality of life for a long time for you. Golf in the springtime sounds great. Let's setup a tee time, I'll come out your way. Joe
  21. this is very, very, very good news.....
  22. Joe B

    A Daughter's Gift

    what a blessing Don....it warms my heart to see the great relationships you have within your family....Joe
  23. more good news on the research front thsnks Randy
  24. Joe B

    Gifts from Lucie

    what an awesome legacy you and Lucie have made together. Don, you have your thoughts in the right place, and I am glad to see that you are living on and continue to inspire all of us. Joe
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