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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Hi Gina, welcome. I had alimta for 4 rounds. I had fatigue and shortness of breath, but it was not too bad. I had it as followup chemo after my tumor was zapped. I think it may have helped because for the first time ever, I have had no new disease after a year has passed. Don M
  2. Don M

    next emotion

    Barbara: I am in the habit of consulting at Swedish Tumor Institute, which is a pretty good comprehensive cancer center. The last time around, they recommended alimta and I had it administered at my local clinic. Seattle is a 3 hour drive for me. You could probably do the same thing. Consult at a comprehensive cancer center for a treatment and have it administered at your local clinic. I have had my share of woulda couldas. I made what I thought was the best decision at the time and have no regrets. Just go on and get treatment. You may be able to zap it pretty good, perhaps attain NED again. I have been NED twice and hope to do it a third time and make it stick. Don M Don M
  3. Don M

    update on Mom

    I am glad to hear your mom is tolerating her treatment so well and I hope it demolishes the cancer. Don M
  4. HiSonia: I hope your dad's treatment gives him some relief and comfort. Hopefully he cangt back enough strength to go to stronger treatment. Don M
  5. cyberknife surgery; here is a link where you can ask some radiation oncologists about your dad's situation. http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/ Don M
  6. I am very sorry for your loss.
  7. Trish, the saga of Jeffrey and you is certainly an impressive one. I hope your normal everyday life continues on as the years roll by. Don M
  8. yeah.. i think I remember my hands ached at one point. don M
  9. I am glad to read of your husband's good results and I hope the cancer just goes away . Don M
  10. Don M

    Add Tremador

    Good Luck Mary. Don M
  11. Kelly: I am sorry to hear about the less than stellar results of your mom's scan. I hope the taxotere does the job and her pain can be managed. don M
  12. That is great Mitchel, and how nice that your mom has support at work. I did too, and remain close to my former workmates. I am retired now. Don M
  13. You and you mom have my prayers. Don M
  14. Don M


    It doesn't sound right to me. I had carboplatin and never had any pain. I am glad you mother is not having the pain now and it is good that she is telling the doc about it. If it had happened to me, I would have been on the 24 hour on call phone immdeditlely. There is no reason to tolerate pain. don m
  15. Hi Traci: I am sure there are more family members here than those that actually have lung cancer. Your mother's symptoms could be from the cancer or the treatment itself. I assume you mom had had some treatment by now and the CT scan is being done to show what progress has been made. I hope it shows good results. Don M
  16. I quit smoking in 1984. I had to try several times. As I recall, if you make it past 10 days, the worst is over. I had dreams and occasionally still do that I started smoking again and then I wake up and realize it is a dream. Keep it up...go forth and don't smoke. Don M
  17. I don't rally know for sure Heather, but my onc told me to stay away from antioxidant supplements. So then I asked him if I could eat my blueberries and blackberries and he said yes, that the data only applies to artificial antioxidants. don M
  18. Don M

    Need help

    I am really sorry Barbara that you may have to deal with the disease and treatment again. I remember how disheartened I was at my second cancer. It did get better though as I focused on my treatment. Anyway, you don't have proof that it is cancer yet. Let us know what the PET scan says. Don M
  19. Sounds good to me Lorrie. my colon has always shown uptake, as it is supposed to do. Don M
  20. Kelly: I am hoping that the alimta is working for you mom in spite of the pain. And, maybe your mom should see pain specialist if the onc can't come up with something that works to control the pain. Don M
  21. I hope you get good news today about it Mitchell. it is great that your mom walks and that she is going back to work. don M
  22. I am sorry to hear of your sister's progression Betty. you and your sister have my prayers. don m
  23. I remember being very irritated with my pulmonologist when he told me I very probably had cancer (my first cancer). Anyway, good luck with the treatment of your new cancer. Don M
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