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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. I don't know about the shaking symptom. i hope they get it figured out and fixed easily. Happy birthday Chloe. My granddaughter's name is Chloe. don M
  2. Don M


    Happy birthday!
  3. Hi Wendy. It looks like Maurice is on good hands. Don M
  4. welcome. I hope your mom continues to do well with her chemo. don M
  5. Don M


    I am sure that many of us are learning more how to live in the “here and now”. It seems to be a common theme on this site. It is kind of a zen thing. I googled zen cancer just for the heck of it and came up with “Zen Cancer: An Interview with Phil Sudo” this link is interesting on its own merits. Then I read in the interview, that one of his favorite books was F*** You Cancer, by Rick Fields, a book of poems. I googled “F*** You Cancer” and came up with some links referring to Rick Fields. One of them is an interview of Mr. Fields that pretty much encapsulates my attitude towards my cancer. Some may find the title of his book of poems offensive, but if you can get past that, I bet it would be good. I am going to see if I can find the book. I am not a Buddhist, but I guess I still practice zen, at least in my attitude. http://www.fearlessbooks.com/fsZenPhil.html http://www.utne.com/issues/1999_86/features/101-1.html Don M
  6. Welcome Loretta. Your husband seems to have a good treatment plan and it is working. i hope he attains NED. don M
  7. welcome; thanks for your story and I am glad to see that you have apparently beat the beast. I try to practice equanimity too. I may equaniminously go down to lc, but maybe not. I was impressed by a zen author who said "just this much". You take whatever situation you are in and go from there. Or, everything that we need to be fully human is right here and now. Don M
  8. Don M

    In a limbo

    Weisa: I think there must be something the oncologist could do to ease your father's breathing. I think it should be paramount to make your father comfortable. Steroids have a downside though when used long term as you may know. I don't think there are any sob problems with tarceva or avastin, but others here will know more about that than me. I hope the avastin gives good results. Don M
  9. Wow ... I missed this altogether. I glad they know what is going on and that something can be done. Poor kid. I hope your sister beats back the cancer for good this time. Don M
  10. I may be stage 4 since my 3rd cancer in 2 years showed up in my remaining lung, but it was never biopsied. I was 61 when I got my third cancer in August 2005. Don M
  11. Don M

    5 years!

    Congratulations Gail. Don M
  12. Hi Tracy. I hope today was a better day for you. I slip into a funky mood from time to time too. But I always pull out of it, because having lc is bad enough. I can't spend all my time being in the dumps. I suppose having lc has helped me to be more compassionate. But, I think I have learned enough of life's lessons and want to get off the cancer train. ah if I only could....Well, there is still a chance I think. I hope you stick it out too. If we can all just make it 5 years or so hence, there will be a lot of breakthroughs to finally whip lc and whip it good. Don M
  13. I am glad you got to see your dad and I am glad he is comfortable now. I understand your being at peace...but it is sad to read. you all have my prayers. don M
  14. I never got one until after my third lung tumor. I had one a year ago. it was clear. I think I will ask about getting another one. After 3 cancers, they began to think it might be metastatic instead of a 3rd primary, so an mri was done. If I had metastases, I would want an mri at lest once a year. Don M
  15. Don M

    fed up

    Hmmm...if they are saying they don't know why there is uptake there, that indicates a problem. As I said earlier, I had uptake of around 4.7 in my intestinal area, but I think it must have been lower down. The radiologist and radiation oncologist said it was normal metabolic activity for my intestines. I would definitely run it by Dr. West. Go to his blog and ask him there and you will get an answer within 24 hours. Ask him about getting a contrast ct scan. I think that gives a high level of detail. Don M
  16. Now that is what I like to hear. I hope the good progress continues. don M
  17. Dawn: I am sorry your dad is having a hard time with the chemo, but I am sure they will correct the situation and he can continue chemo. They may have him off for a week or so until the infection is gone if he has one. Don m
  18. Don M

    moms gone

    I am sorry for your loss.
  19. Don M

    throat mets

    I have had no experience with throat nodules Wiesa, but I hope they can fix the problem. At least they seem to be on top of the situation in finding a problem. don M
  20. Welcome Cindy. I hope your dad's last 2 treatments made it all go away. don M
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