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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. I can't take a deep breath. Maybe I should try the rehab thing after I attain NED.
  2. I am sorry you did not get better news, but as you say, your husband still feels good and that is something. I hope the next treatment brings good results. don m
  3. Hi: Your mom's head has to be immobilized before they apply the gamma knife and the head frame is designed to do that. The frame is screwed into the skull and hold the head rigid. I have never had the procedure, but have read that while it is uncomfortable, it is doable. Don M
  4. Hi and welcome. I hope your mom's treatment goes well and works well. don M
  5. Hi and welcome. I hope your dad's treatment makes him comfortable. Don M
  6. If you don't feel comfortable where you are, you should definitely go for a second opinion. Don M
  7. Hellos Cindy: welcome to lchelp. I am sorry your dad's cancer came back. Let us know the outcome of hte PET scan and what his new treatment will be. Don M
  8. Hi Michael. Congratulations on your two years. I hope you have many more. Don M
  9. I had a scan of my abdominal area, and what appeared to be a nodule in my lower left lung was found. It was thought that it could also be an image artifact. I came back a few months later to do a chest ct, just in case, and a large mass was found in my upper left lobe. It could not be seen in the earlier scan. The lower lobe structure turned out to be a benign nodule. The large mass was stage 1b cancer. Don M
  10. Hi: you have been cancer free for a year and half now, so I wonder why a malignancy would show up in your mediastinum instead of your lung if it is a new primary. Maybe you just have an infection and your lymph nodes are swollen. The PET scan will show if there is any uptake on the mediastinum. They usually do full body scans from the head to just above the knees. The mediastinoscopy will be done to prove or disprove cancer. The PET scan will show uptake at the mediastinum if it is an infection too. But I suppose it is a good idea to have it anyway, to check out the rest of your body for any hotspots. I think lymph modes can be enlarged for whatever reason and not be malignant or show up on a PET scan. I have had 2 lymph nodes that are about 1.5 cm., and they have not changed. They are not mentioned any more in my scan reports. I hope the mediastinoscopy proves no cancer. Don m
  11. D for done, right? I hope the treatment did work and you are done. Don M
  12. hi Karyn, welcome. The 11 mm nodule should show uptake if it is malignant. A second opinion is a good idea. I don't think small nodules would be symptomatic. You could visit Dr. West's site and run it all by him. http://www.onctalk.com/forum/ Don M
  13. Welcome to lchelp. It is good that the docs think it can be resected. Here is a link to Dr. West's site: http://www.onctalk.com/forum/ Don M
  14. Welcome. I hope your lung puffs back up soon and you can get on to tarceva. It may be just the drug for you. I have read that it is particularly helpful for young non smoking women. Don M
  15. Welcome Julie. If your mom is exercising and drinking lots of water, that is good. They gave me dexamethasone to help fight the nausea. I also used compazine. I would take it on the day of my infusion and a few days after. I did not wait to feel sick before I took it. I got through chemo without too much problem. I remember the biggest impact was fatigue. I made sure I walked every day before I napped. I hope your mom gets through the chemo ok and has excellent results. Don M
  16. And so it is...goodbye Frank. I will miss you. Pattie, please accept and extend my condolences to Connie and the rest of the family. Don M
  17. welcome home and I hope you have a speedy recovery.
  18. Thanks Pattie. I am glad that Frank is comfortable. Don M
  19. Hi Mary, I am sorry about your brother. i hope he can be made comfortable. Don M
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