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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Welcome Kerri: it sounds like you mom is settling in ok. I am glad her spirits have seemed to have picked up. don M
  2. Hi Max and welcome. Your husband has had aggressive treatment so far and hopefully there will be good results. don m
  3. Hi Gale and welcome to the boards. you and your mom have my prayers as you go throuhg this part of the journey. Don M
  4. welcome Karen. I hope your dad responds well to treatment. Don M
  5. Cool... I'll take it.
  6. Hi Gina. I remember you too. Your "permanent smiley" comment made an impression on me. I don't know anything about Kaiser, but from what others have said it sounds promising. don M
  7. Kelly, you and your mom have my prayers. don M
  8. I don't have any definite knowledge about the nose bleeding-sinus infection relationship with chemo, but it seems like a reasonable assumption that the bleeding would be cause by a sinus infection in associated with the chemo somehow. That is a good question for your MIL's oncologist. I hope it stops and the infection clears up. One doesn’t’ need such annoyances when doing chemo. Don M
  9. I always have structures show up in my liver that were characterized as lesions in the ct scan report. A PET scan always shows no uptake, so I don't worry about it. They have been noted since 2003. I also had an ultrasound that identified two echogenic cysts in my liver, but the PET scan never picked them up. That was in 2003 also. I have had numerous PET/CT scans since then and they are not remarked on. They may be hematomas, benign. I never had my liver biopsied just to make sure. I have heard of one person who had mets to the kdney from lc. Perhaps your husband should travel to a province that has a PET/CT scanner and investigate. I always thought that slicing and dicing my lung was good enough. If the PET scan shows no malignacy anywhere else, that is good enough for me and apparently the docs were satisfied too. Don M
  10. Hi Loma. I just want to welcome you. I have never heard of your husband's problems as it relates to lc and its treatment. He should talk to his oncologist. I hope he does well with treatment. If I want to leave the message block briefly and go back, I copy and paste my message to a word document and then past it back to the message block when i return. Using the word document also gives me a chance to use spell check because I am a lousy typist. You could also open up another instance of lchelp. don M
  11. Kasey: I hope you have speedy recovery. don M
  12. Lilly, I am sorry your are having a hard chemo. Make sure the oncologist knows about your nausea and get something that works. They should be able to come up with something. Don M
  13. Barb, I am sorry you have to deal with long term effects of treatment. I hope it is something that can easily be managed. Don M
  14. Hi and welcome. I hope the new year works out a lot beter for you all. don M
  15. Don M


    Hi Con: welcome to lchelp. I hope things settle down a bit for you all. Having home health care will help. don M
  16. Hi Bruce. If your friend has just the one tumor, and it is not huge, he can kill it with cyberknife surgery and protect the aorta at the same time. Here is a link: http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/default.aspx?c=4 Also, it is probably a new primary becaue it has been 3 years since the last cacner. His prognosis should be good. Tell him about cyberknife. Don M
  17. Wow Heather, you have it tough. I hope you can get hospice come in to help. Don M
  18. Welcome. I hope your father continues to respond well and that the liver mets can be controlled. Don M
  19. Hi Trish and welocme... Please accept my condolences for the loss of your brother. Don m
  20. Hi Tanner: I am very sorry that you all have to be burdened with this. I especially hate it when young people and young families have to deal with lc. I may be doing cyberknife next month for a lung tumor. I don't know for sure if my insurance will cover it or not. I guess I will find out soon enough. Good luck to you and your wife with her treatment. Don M
  21. Hey, that is great! it is just swell to get off chemo and to feel good and have good results. I hope the ct scan shows that your mom is in remission. Don M
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