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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. I enjoyed your post Bill. You are a good writer. I hope your chemo goes well. Don M
  2. Hi Aaron. Regarding 6 treatments only of any particular chemo, I think there is a diminishing return after 4 treatments, so that the benefit of any thing beyond 6 is not worth the toxicity of chemo. Ask your oncologist about this, but I think that is the reason. Don M
  3. Welcome: You can still listen to Cold Play, eh? The Sonics are good too, and I don't mean basketball. I quit smoking many years ago. I still enjoy listening to music, but have to content myself with sitting in my chair and bouncing around. I can't jump around on the floor so much any more. It is a result of having one lung I guess. I am not real thrilled that I have lc, but I am very glad that none of my loved ones have it. I think that would make it harder for me to deal with lc. So, who is in control, really? I don’t think I am, so I let it unfold and try to retain some focus in life by treating my lc and enjoying my life. I hope your treatment goes well. SCLC responds very well to chemo. I hope you have a full remission that lasts years and years. Don M
  4. Paulette: did Peter have radiation on his back? It should have helped with the pain. Did you try talking to the specialists at one of the 5 hospitals in the UK I mentioned in my earlier post? They have radiation equipment there that can focus the beam on the mets only and minimize damage to the spinal cord. Ask the doctors about it. I have opened the link and cut and pasted some of the content below. Elekta, a world leader in advanced radiation therapy, comprehensive cancer management and non-invasive treatment of brain disorders, today announced they have been awarded orders for six out of nine new linear accelerators, five of which are Elekta Synergy® Systems, proving the broad clinical acceptance of Elekta’s advanced intensity modulated therapy (IMRT), the most comprehensive image guided radiation therapy (IGRT) solutions, and demonstrating Elekta’s leadership in clinical use and commercial availability of advanced 3D X-ray Volume Imaging. Elekta Synergy® was the world’s first advanced digital linear accelerator for intensity modulated radiation therapy and image guided radiation therapy (IGRT) treatment allowing clinicians to image and treat patients in the same frame of reference, at the time of each treatment. The result is unmatched clinical confidence for IMRT, enabling more aggressive treatment of tumors while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue. These machines will be installed at Guy’s & St. Thomas’ Hospital, London, Poole General Hospital, Southampton General Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham and New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton who have also ordered a 2nd linac to replace older equipment already on site. In addition to choosing Elekta’s clinical solutions, 3 of the hospitals have also chosen to install new or additional information management systems from IMPAC Medical Systems, an Elekta company. IMPAC Oncology Information Management systems will connect treatment planning systems, imaging systems and the radiation therapy delivery equipment - regardless of manufacturer – in order to reduce costs, smooth the patient flow and provide seamless connectivity to the systems and devices that are integral to the full spectrum of cancer care. Sue Moore, Cancer Care Group Manager at Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust, said: "This equipment enhances our treatment portfolio significantly. It will allow us to offer state-of-the-art treatments for cancer patients and also maximise efficiency within the service.The implementation of the IMPAC system will integrate our medical oncology and clinical oncology service with the potential for a network wide electronic chemotherapy prescribing system. In practice,this will mean better access for patients, which will also impact on waiting times." "At Elekta, we are proud to be a partner to UK health care in the quest to improve quality and capacity in cancer care", says David Miles, Managing Director for Elekta’s Business Unit UK & Ireland, and continues; "It is particularly pleasing that all hospitals opted for Elekta Synergy®, our solution for advanced, three-dimensional image guided radiation therapy, a cost effective technology that is set to greatly enhance accuracy and precision in radiation therapy and thereby improve quality of care for British cancer patients". About Elekta Don M
  5. Don M Hi Aaron: I wish that no one had to deal with lung cancer, but especially so for the young ones such as yourself. I am coping with my disease just fine, but it would break my heart if my 27 year old son got lc. Anyway, it looks like you are on a good treatment path. "Yuck and sucks" pretty much describes everything about this disease. I have found that I can acknowledge the yucky and sucky aspects of it and still enjoy my life. Don M
  6. Welcome Debra: I hope you weather the treatment ok and have good results. I think most people are scared at first, but after treatment starts, and a routine is established, a lot of the heebie jeebies goes away. I remember that my main emotion was a sort of incredulous wonder that I got cancer. I had a hard time believing it and it took a while for it to sink in. Don M
  7. Don M


    And God bless us all.
  8. I hope you get it fixed for good Rich. Don M
  9. Hi Bill...I am glad to see you are cancer free and hope you stay that way. Being retired is cool too. I have been retired for a year now and I like it. Don M
  10. Hi Gerald, welcome to this site. I am glad you are seeking a second opinion. It is always a good idea. Don M
  11. Welcome Jackie: I am sorry to hear about your mom. I am glad to hear you mom wants to fight it. I think that attitude makes it easier to cope with the disease. You and your mom have my prayers. Don M
  12. Welcome Stephanie: you an your dad have my prayers as you go through this stressful time. don M
  13. Hi Puglover. Welcome this site. I am sorry you have lost your dad and your mother got lung cancer. These days all stages of lc is treatable as long as one has the strength and the will to undergo treatment...within reasonable limits. If your mom wants to make a stand against the cancer, she may find a second opinion would take a different view. Most people go to see a local oncologist or even just a GP when they get a diagnosis and often times get an unfavorable prognosis. If your mom were to get a second opinion at a comprehensive cancer center, she may find a treatment course. In any case, you and your mom have my best wishes to somehow manage your burden. Don M
  14. Maryanne: If Joel's oncology dept has a doc on call, maybe you should call him. The fever does not sound good (let alone the pain). Don M
  15. Don M

    Mom is gone

    Nutbar. please accept my conmdolences Don M
  16. I hope it turns out to be nothing Dani. I am holding on to the chance that my latest cancer is dead and that there will be no more. I am glad you are holding on to the chance for a cure too. Don M
  17. Hi Julie and welcome to the board. I am 62 years old. I have 4 children, boy, girl, boy, girl. My youngest is 22 years old also. I now have 2 grandchildren born since my diagnosis. It has been 3 years since my diagnosis and I am still doing ok. I am not sure what stage my cancer is, but I have had 2 recurrences. I hope to see that the cancer is gone again at my next scan. We all put a lot of stock in the second virtue, hope. So, I hope your dad's treatment brings him to a full remission and he walks down the aisle with you and enjoys his grandpahood. Don M
  18. Hi Mary Colleen and welcome. I had a chemo similar to your husband’s. I had 4 rounds of carboplatin and gemzar. I would have both drugs one day, wait a week and then do the gemzar only, then wait 2 weeks and start the cycle again. I found the side effects to be tolerable. I did not lose any hair, I felt sort of unwell and fatigued beginning the 3rd day after the infusion and it would last a week. When I had a 2 week break between infusions, I felt good the second week. My numbers were always good. I would exercise in the first part of the day by walking a mile and then take a nap in the later part of the day. I could have kept working, but I took about 3 or 4 days of sick leave for every infusion. I took benadryl to help me sleep the first 2 days. I took milk thistle upon my oncologist’s approval. I think it may have helped protect my liver, but don’t know for sure. I have heard of people taking tarceva after a standard treatment as a maintenance therapy to keep the cancer from coming back. I hope your husband tolerates the chemo ok and that the cancer never comes back. Don M
  19. I am glad you feel better Cindi and are no longer fluttering. I hate moving, but for you it is a good thing, eh? You get to visit your kitty. Don M
  20. Don M

    RY 6000

    Thanks Mrs. Ry Don M
  21. Hi Raney: It is always good to get a second opinion. If nothing else, it will give you peace of mind that you are pursuing the best treatment path. Don M
  22. I guess scarring equals rottenness.... Radiologists are all a bunch of puddleglums. Don M
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