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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Welcome Raney, I hate it when anyone gets lc, but I especially hate it when the young people get it. I hope your treatment brings you to NED. I have had 3 separate cancers now and am still hopeful that my latest treatment will be suceessful. You can have some of my hope. Don M
  2. Welcome Teri. I hope your husband's treatment is successful. Don m
  3. I understand too Debbie. Please accept my condolences. I am very attached to my cats too. Don M meow
  4. Terrye: I think cyberknife surgeons will kill off the tumor if they are satisfied that it is under control from prior treatment. They like the tumor to be rather small. I am not sure what the upper size limit is. They would probably recommend conventional surgery as a first choice, but will treat if the patient refuses surgery. Here is a link where you can ask questions about it. http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/default.aspx?c=4 Don M
  5. Wow, 4000 posts. But then, I guess you have been here a while now. The time goes by fast. Thanks for being there Maryanne. You are good at helping people. Don M
  6. Hi Dani. I hope the MS test comes back negative. I hope you continue to be cancer free. Having to deal with the possibility of another serious disease must be overwhelming. I hope next year is a better year for you. don m
  7. Andrea: congrats to your mom on her 3 year survivorship. My 3 year mark was on Halloween. Don M
  8. Hi Lily; I suppose with all the previous stuff you have gone through, starting another chemo again is kind of like a tipping point for you emotionally. Just ackowledge that and jump in the chemo chair is my advice. And do it with faith. A leap of faith into the chemo chair. Don M
  9. Welcome to the boards Barb. Don M
  10. Cyberknife surgery could be an alternative to RFA. The experts don't know which is best, but they both are good treatments for inoperable lung cancer that is not extensive. I think cyberknife is less intrusive. http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/default.aspx?c=4 http://www.accuray.com/ Don M
  11. Hi Jille: I think your mom has a promising chemo combo. It may take her all the way back to remission. I hope your mom tolerates the chemo well. Don M
  12. Hi Nancy. I am on my 3rd cancer too. But "lucky" for me I guess, I just get it a little bit. I hope the procedure goes well and it is just a scarring feature. Don M
  13. Don M


    Now that 's what I like to hear Ernie. Have a good trip and congratulations. Don m
  14. Don M

    "New Normal"

    I rarely vent here. In fact, I may never have done it. I have had this thought percolating through my mind now for weeks...months. I have thought about posting it in the venting manner, but have postponed the vent, putting it off, avoiding the negative state of mind it probably represents. Now, I am actually going to say what is on my mind, although it may not be the established, correct lung cancer survivor state of mind. Here goes: “The New Normal Sucks!” There… I have said it and got it off my chest. I think I am just going to have to live with the negative part of the “new normal” and enjoy the positive stuff that comes along. I think my attitude may improve if my next scan shows a dead tumor and no new disease. Don M
  15. Paulette; I hope Peter can get his pain under control. Treatment can be very difficult if the pain is not controlled. The doctors should be able to alleviate the bone pain with radiation. There are 5 hospitals on the UK that have the latest equipment for radiation treatment. The equipment can deliver radiation very precisely to a tumor only thus sparing healthy tissue from radiation. He should still be able to have more radiation using this equipment because it targets just the tumor and very little of the rest of the body. You will need to verify this with the doctors. I don’t know if it would be appropriate for Peter to use that equipment, but if he goes to one of those hospitals for a second opinion, the chances are that he would be in the hands of the best medical care in the UK. Here is a link to a news release by the manufacturer of the equipment. The news article contains links to the 5 hospitals that have the equipment. http://www.elekta.com/healthcare_intern ... r_plan.php You and Peter have my prayers. Don M
  16. I am on a 3 month schedule for PET/CT scan. I will likely keep that schedule for the next 2 years at least, regardless of whether I get any more cancer or not. Don M
  17. Don M


    Hi ya. Don M
  18. I am still here. This Halloween will be 3 years since my "mass" was discovered. That is the beginning as far as I am concerned. I don't really know for sure what stage my cancer is, and I don't really care as long as it goes away and stays gone. This mid December, I find out if my treatment was successful for my 3rd cancer. For me, a successful treatment will be a dead tumor and no new disease. Don M
  19. Cindi, I hope you pass the artery tests and your symptoms can easily be explained. I had high chloesterol at one time and after I took COQ10 it went to normal. Don M
  20. I agree that criticisms about false positives and unneeded testing is insignificant. "You could prevent 80 percent of deaths," said the study’s lead author, Dr. Claudia Henschke, a professor of radiology and cardiothoracic surgery at Weill Cornell Medical College. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/26/healt ... ref=health Don M
  21. Welcome Liz. It looks like you have hit the ground running in dealing with this disease. And it appears you have an agressive treatment. Good luck in your treatment. don M
  22. Sarah I am sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis. Unfortunately many others have been initially misdiagnosed and then found out about their cancer after being checked into ER. I think there has got to be a better screening process for LC. I am glad your mom is seeking a second opinion and I hope she gets enough strength back to go there. Yale Cancer Center is a good comprehensive cancer center. I think any cancer is treatable as long as the patient has the strength and the will to undergo treatment. You and your mom have my best wishes. Don M
  23. Hi Dawn. welcome to this site. I hope your mom's treatment can begin soon and then you all can settle into a routine. If you are going to be tracking your mom's medical stuff, you should ask her to sign a document giving you permission to have access to her medical records. Maybe she would rather do it herself. I track all my stuff and am kind of fussy about how it is done. You, your mom and the rest of your family have my prayers. Don M
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